
and slept In a gaol at Broken Hill;(d) Acted In Brian Brooke's"Teahouse of the August Moon"and had the pleasure of meeting Dame Sybil Thorndyke and her husband. M. Beckett (48-51) passed written and practical exams satisfactorily and is with South Coast Tractors, Port Shepstone, under the Directorship of R. J. Loader (41-42). Dr.E.Caney(40-47) Is doing a year's housemanship at Addington Hospital We congratulate him on passing his Medical Finals. R. N.Cordes(46-51), who was married at Christmas, has gone to Triangle Sugar Mill, Fort Victoria, S. Rhodesia, for practical engineering experience. S. Cohen (53-56) writes appreciatively of what Kearsney meant for him and for the benefit derived from the Kearsney Parliament. He Is now taking his degree at Wits, starting with Psychology, Sociology, Moral Philosophy and Afrikaans. V.Collingwood (46-48) has presented tothe school the A. H.Smith Sports Trophy for Inter-House Competition, as a tribute to what Mr. Smith did for him personally and to the College. We are very grateful. He Is now Assistant Branch Manager to Lloyds Ltd., Port Elizabeth. D.R.Cruickshank(49-50)found Banking unattractive, and Is now overseer for the Natal Estates Ltd., North Coast, Natal. A.K. Carter(48-51) is doing ballet In Johannesburg. At the end of the year he hopes to tour Israel and then proceed to America. D.Clark (21-27)taking a bigger and bigger part In the affairs of the Church, is now on the plan as a Local Preacher, and enjoying the opportunity to spread the Gospel message. E. G. Cole (40-44) Is representative for Keatlngs Medical Products in the Cape, contacting all doctors In the Cape Town area. There should be no flies on a man who travels in Keatlngs. D. H. Cromme (49-50) has taken his Medical Finals, with a First Class in Surgery. Congratulations! P. R. Charter(39-41), Manager of Boswell's Circus, still Invites Old Boys to come and see him when his circus comes to their area. R. Drummond (32-37) Is managing Shortlands Hotel, Verulam, which his family have owned for many years. His son Is due at Kearsney shortly. R.Dolton (47-52)took a leading part In Novello's "Dancing Years" recently In Durban. V.Davy(38-46), whose batting In the Old Boys' match was a treat to watch, helped put PInetown easily top of their league. He scored over 1,000 runs and took over 60 wickets. D.Dykes(46-50)is an Accountant with Rhodesia Selection Trust In Salisbury. He takes his cricket seriously and came top of the Mashonaland League batting averages last season, with some high scores. B. Dykes(48-52) Is tobacco farming about 80 miles from Salisbury. He has also had a successful season at cricket, mainly as a fast bowler, but he also scored one undefeated century. 261