
K.M.Eddy(49-53)gave up his B.Sc. course at Natal University in order to enter the Methodist Ministry. He has now had two terms at the Theological College at Rhodes, studying Greek, exegesis, exposition and the usual courses demanded. He finds the experience most satisfying. B. S. Ellis (30-34) is trade representative for Mobbs Shoes in Durban. We understand that his gay and cavalier method of attack has made him an out standing salesman. R.G.Foss(39-47) brought us unexpected laurels by winning the Zululand Golf Championship! R. Ford (51-55) is with Hill and Murray, Johannesburg, pharmaceutical wholesalers. C,C. Groenewald (52-55) took a year at Natal University and is now in the costing department of Reckitt and Coieman, Durban. He will continue his degree course privately. J. Goodrlcke (50-54) has energetically taken over the Secretary's post of the Club in Durban, vacated by L. Slater (50-53) who has been transferred to Johannesburg. A.C.Gage(51-56) gives a detailed account of the programme at Air Force Gymnasium, P.O. Tek. We are not sure that it would suit us. Mostly drill and polish. Rise at 4.45, polish, shine, make beds;6 a.m. drill, 6.45 breakfast, 7.30 parade ground again,for inspection:9 to 10.30 rifle drill; 1 1 to noon, P.T.; noon to 1.45 lectures;3 p.m.extra P.T.or lectures;4 p.m.clean and polish; 5.30 supper. On Wednesday afternoon there is sport; church on Sunday. Otherwise they are free from noon, Saturday, till Sunday night and visitors may come to see them. It sounds like hard work. G. V. Green (50-55) is taking dentistry at Wits. A. Hoad (53-56) failed to get into the Air Force Gym,and so has gone to Wits. D. O. Hall (47-52) has gained a two-year scholarship of £1,000 a year to Los Angeles University, awarded by the S.A. Citrus Board. There he will study fruit culture, taking his M.Sc. and possibly Ph.D. Hall had already obtained his B.Sc. at Natal University with honours in Horticulture. Our congratulations C.Hopkins.(22-26) has been elected Vice-Chairman ofthe Durban Chamber of Commerce. His son, C. C. Hopkins (54-55) has, we find, the distinction of being the eldest child of the eldest child of the eldest child of the eldest child of Sir Liege Huiett. M. D. Isralls (41-44) is Manager of the Record Department, Bothners Ltd., Johannesburg, and finds the record game most interesting, expecially with the advent of long-playing records. Rev.P.M.Jones(47-49)completed his four years at the Baptist Theological College last year and is now doing pastoral work, with his wife, in Uitenhage. He hopes to be ordained in Durban in October. O.W.K. Jackson (49-52) has returned from a year in England, bringing with him his charming English wife. To supplement his income overseas he took 262