
1911 Hulett's Refinery at Rossburgh opened. 1915 Death of Lady Hulett. 1918 Sir Liege retired from politics and business. 1921 Founded KEARSNEY COLLEGE, in his old home. 1928 Died, in June, at the age of 90. Was buried in the cemetery at Kearsney. Long may we honour his memory SCHOOL NOTES We welcome two new men to our Staff this year. Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp comes to us as school chaplain, in place of Rev. J. V. Cantrell, and spends two full mornings teaching Biblical Knowledge and one evening with Fellowship classes. He comes after a short ministry in Pietermaritzburg and is proving a most agreeable companion and thoughtful teacher. We trust that he and his family will have many happy years in this Circuit. Mr. K. Fish comes from Healdtown, where he has been engaged in African work for some years, and is teaching principally geo graphy. He soon settled down and has given useful help with sport, as well as coming on to the preaching plan. He and Mrs. Fish and two young daughters are living in the cottage adjacent to Milner House, which he has bought from Miss Johnson. We also welcome to the hill-top Rev. and Mrs. le Grove Smith and son Tony. Mr. le Grove Smith is a past President of Conference, is currently President of the Methodist Historical Association, and was for some years our school chaplain. We are glad to have him back in our midst, and to see him at our services. We congratulate our assistant Art Mistress, Miss Garland, on her marriage to Kearsney Old Boy, B. G. Hagemann. The latter is constructional engineer working on the Natal main road, and he and wife are now living at Botha's Hill. In the second term of the year Mr. and Mrs. Nel took a wellearned long leave, and Pembroke House was efficiently taken over for the period by Mr. Viljoen. We regrehtaving to say farewell to an old and well-tried friend, Mrs. Goldman. Mrs. Goldman has provided us with our daily bread, and other daintier items, for eleven years—the least envied job in the school. From crack o' dawn till well into the evening she has busied herself with the unenviable taskoffeeding hundreds of hungry, and often unappreciative, schoolboys. The strain has 213