
H. K.Timm (5I-S6) istaking his B.A. at Natal Univesrsity, with a view to becoming a teacher. We think he will make a good one. R. G.Timm (53-56) has joined the Durban Male Voice Party and his own church choir and speaks appreciatively of the training received in the Kearsney choir. He is now doing Photo-lithography in Durban. A.V.Trentham (39-45) is sales manager for the Union for M.and J. Pharma ceutical supplies. V M H®"53) is banking in Johannesburg, and living at the .TJj • O''' ®°ys- By his tennis he has helped the T to come second in their League. P. D.Warmback(48-49) is travelling for Stuart Jones and David Anderson throughout Northern Natal. Wauchope (46-50) has been sent by Messrs. Hubert Davies, Ltd to study electrical work in England. At present he is at Wolverhampton, but expects to move around a good deal during the next three years. His permanent address is: c/o 7 Torfieid Road, Eastbourne. T.Y.Worthington (45-57), golf handicap now 4, is with Harry White Ltd., dairy equipment manufacturers, Pietermaritzburg. J. F. Woods(49-52) is with a wattle company at Melmoth. D.A.Wade(54-56)is working at the Aluminium Co.of an apprentice fitter and turner at Maritzburg. He hopes ultimately to take his Associated En gineering Degree. R. M.Williamson (46-50) has had some months' holiday in U.K. Natal University: H. K. Timm writes: P. Russell (51-56) is doing Medicine: J. R. Tedder (53-56) and D. P. Black (52-56) are taking Science: P. Rodda (49-54) is doing his final year B.A., majoring in English and Politics: P. Hewitt(51-54) is taking Agricuiture. R. Moffitt (50-54) is working in the S.A.B.C. in Pietermaritzburg and playing Rugby for Collegians First Team. I am taking my B.A. course, at present studying English, History, Geography and Zoology. (If Old Boys will keep the Editor posted with their activities, he will be pleased to record them in the Magaeine.—Ed.) ENGLAND ADDRESSES benefit of Old Boys travelling to England, we give here the addresses of Old Boys resident there. This does not include those who are maklne a holiday visit. ° R.W. H. Bevin (40-45):"Dentstone", Shireburn Road, Freshfield, Lanes. M.J. L. Woodhead (late Hindson)(49-52): MIcklefield Hall, RIckmansworth Surrey. (50-53): B.I.S.N. Co. Ltd.,c/o Gray Dawes and Co. Ltd., 122 Leadenhall Street, E.C.3. S. Harwood (53-54): Port Jackson Div., Nautical College, Pangbourne, Berks. N.W.Palmer (49-51): Friars House, New Broad Street, E.C.2. H.H.Rowe(46-51), F. C.R.Rowe(48-54), A.D.Rowe(50-54):"Pempwell Stokeclimsland, Cailington, Cornwall. 265