
Enrolling at the Berkeley campus of the world's largest University of Callfornia, I graduated in September, 1956, with a B.Sc. In Business Administration. Among other things the University boasts 7 Nobel Prize winners, the construc tion of the first cyclotron,the nation's third largest library, and a stadium seatine over 80,000. ® Rugby is an essential sport here. I did not have much difficiunlty finding a place in the team, but the coach decided that I should play scrum-half. The system is, however, puite Americanised. The coach decides where you play, appoints the captain and selects the players. Other innovations are substitution of players at any stage of the game, thereby killing the essential of stamina; time-outs"for the coach to discuss strategy in the middle of a game. When we travel,we take 22substitutes! Three years ago we beat a touring Oxford team. Last year we were undisputed U.S. champs. Upon graduating I bought another car and drove to Chicago. I was awaiting immigration papers to Canada, since I had had a few job offers in Toronto. In stead of that I was drafted into the Army, and have been stationed in Missouri, Colorado, Texas, and am now permanently assigned to California. My occupations have been varied. Have been dishwasher,gardener,account ant for radio station, entertainer at an exclusive Ski resort, and am at present a salesman. This is America. EDITORIAL NOTICES The Editor wishes to thank schools in South Africa and Great Britain for the receipt of their School Magazines. The Kearsney Chronicle is printed in July and January and at present costs 3s. 3d. per copy. Old Boys' Life Subscription: £5 5s. Od. Annual Subscription: lOs. 6d. Will Old Boys please keep the Editor advised about change of addresses. 267