
finally told on her health—clearly too great a task for one woman only. Mrs. Goldman slipped away unostentatiously at the end of June, requesting that there be no"farewells but the good wishes of all went with her,and we shall be eager to learn of her later move ments. In the meantime she has been granted full pay for six months' leave and we hope she will enjoy the well-earned rest. Mr. P. Metcalf had a long enforced absence from school in mid year, owing to severe sinus trouble. He underwent a serious operation which was followed by severe complications and much pain. We sincerely trust that by the beginning of August he will be fully recovered, and all the fitter for being rid of trouble which has affected him for some years. Mr. R. H. Matterson is taking a six-months' holiday in England, and, although he has now sold his house, hopes to settle in the Botha's Hill area on his return. We wish to congratulate: Mr. and Mrs. P. Metcalf on the arrival of Susan in January. Mr. and Mrs. L C.Tedder on becoming our first grandparents: their son Alistair is proud father of a daughter. D. Pike and R. Simpson on obtaining University Bursaries for the J.C., both coming within the first 20 in the country. This is the first time that two of our boys in one year have attained this distinction. D. Homer on coming second in the Hofmeyr Memorial Speech Contest in Durban, speaking on "Freedom and Law ". We offer our sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkinswhose home was ransacked during the Easter holidays. Vandals broke in, stole all clothing, jewellery and money they could find, lit fires on the furniture and smashed cupboards and drawers with axes. This was a shocking piece of deliberate destructiveness, and one of several burglaries of similar nature in this area. The playing fields have now been officially named. Firstly there is the Smith Oval, for cricket and athletics only. The top field nearer the tennis courts is now the Matterson Field, and the far one the Observatory Field; the nearer one below, on which the First Team matches are now played, is the Stott Field, and the smaller one beyond it is known as the Junior Field. We have to thank two generous donors for two large trophies for Inter-House Competitions. Mr. and Mrs. Parkes have presented the"Parkes Trophy for Academic Achievement", and an Old Boy, V. Collingwood, has presented the "A. H. Smith Sports Trophy". These trophies now stand in prominent positions in the Dining Hall against the names ofthe winning Houses. We are very grateful. 214