
is now being atternpted by that body)-on a 40% pass In Mathematics or a third language. This makes matriculation a virtual Impossibility for boys who do not "d KhStte" »"""'"d'Wi- ™d"t arror,for two,sa„ Another change we intend introducing is to eive the better SO"/ nf rh.. matr^ulatlon forms the opportunity of takfng seversuljects for matr^btion These boys will then have. In addition to the cultural subjects two See stronelv bv thTsH*^'®""and Biology. This has the great merit of being advocated InnUiL /-h scien^ce associations in the country and is undoubtedly a forward- looking change in that direction and will, I hope, enable the brighter boys to obtain even greater success in the matriculation. ^ introduce physical education as from next year Snort in Thn ''PP®^"' Who are interested in the school The Board of Governors has done all It can through Its limited slender resourrn, thJp« the capital development of this young but vigorous school NeverwhicTwiluost £7s00 nnd"n ° roiild nw ■ / J-. S haf-cum-gymnos/um costing some £25,000 If we could get promises from 43 firms or individuals to give us £100 each a year for years and so cover Interest and redemption charges we cotilH hi fet'l^'"h '"i''"Tt ""ow.'while he if at srhooN not when he' l aves sc ool, and if we can obtain this help we would be able to finance thesn projects in the new year. I hope friends will come forward^as Indeed ?wo have Tducation: " deepest things in A builder builded a temple, He wrought It with grace and skill; Pillars and groins and arches All fashioned to work his will. Men said as they saw Its beauty, "It shall never know decay, Great Is they skill, O builder. Thy fame shall endure for aye." 276