
while, the next project Is the area below the classrooms, which Is being cleared and turfed, so that It may be used by the school for recreational purposes. Another great Improvement has been the tarring of the road above the Chapel, leading across to the playing fields. This has become an extremely dusty stretch during the winter. Mrs. A. M. Brechln left us at the end of the Michaelmas Term, after nine years' service as Matron of Gillingham. There was a very pleasing end-of-term function held, attended by staff and wives, at which very generous and sincere tribute was made her on behalf of staff and boys. Mrs. Brechln feelingly replied. One and all wished her a very happy retirement In Durban (352 Berea Road), one she has well deserved. We welcome Mrs. Hornby, who has come as Matron to Gilling ham, and Mrs. Ireland, who has succeeded Mrs. Goldman as House keeper. Both, we hope, will have a long and profitable stay in our midst. We congratulate Mr. Tom Metcalf on his engagement to the daughter of Rev. K. W.Seeby, of Nongoma, Zululand. She will be teaching at the Hill Crest Government School during the coming year, so that we hope to see her often! We offer sympathy to those most nearly related to the late Mrs. R. Polklnghorne, who passed away recently In her sleep. She was a dear lady, a great friend to the school, and her name is per petuated here on the Foundation Stone of the school Chapel, to which she gave generously. Older Kearsney boys will be sorry to hear of the death of Miss Dora Balcomb, who was postmistress at Kearsney throughout Its life on the north coast. We shall remember her, frail in body, but active In mind, and a most charming personality. Asian 'flu came and saw and conquered. Over 200 boys altogethseurccumbed, the maximum number at one time being 120. As can be imagined, the routine was more than upset for a while. After Michaelmas the chicken pox got amongst us also, and quite a large number of boys handed it on from one to another. Fortunately the epidemic had cleared Itself by the beginning of the public examinations. We congratulate: Marguerite Osier, daughter of the Headmaster, on gaining her B.A. degree (Cape). J. Hind, son of the Chairman of the Board, himself an Old Boy, on being in the last twelve In a nation-wide radio piano-playing competition. 279