
Mr. Quarmby and Mr. Reece were called upon to act as adiudicators at a Women s Institute Musical Festival In Durban on Sep 15 n spite of the obvious dangers of having to judge and criticise 220 lady singers and instrumentalists, both adjudicators braved the ordeal and greatly enjoyed the day, being most Impressed by the high quality of performance. The Fifth Form Quiz team(Simpson,Reece, Pike, Giles) made Its annual visit to Epworth on October I I, and won the Quiz by 30 points to 20j. Once again we wish to thank the Headmistress and all concerned,for the very enjoyable evening spent there. The Wild Life Society, which has met only once this term, has published Its first Issue of The Journal of the Wild Life Society Its contents include: Snakes are not your Enemies,(P.J. Reece); Some Frogs and Toads of Botha's Hill,(A.Y. Lawrence): and Bird Ringing, t All are Interesting and technical articles, copies of which may be obtained from the school. Mr. V. L. Clegg and eight boys were members of a party of schoolboys to make a Christmas visit to England and the Continent, f he programme of events Is quite breathtaking, but we prefer to await their return and receive from them an article for our next issue of this Magazine. Mr R. Quarmby also flew to England for the Chlrstmas holidays to continue a course In advanced philosophy In which he Is keenly interested. * We congratulate Rev. and Mrs. V. Bredenkamp on the arrival of a son just before Christmas. CHAPEL NOTES ( large number of boys presented themselves tor nethodist and Anglican Confirmation during the third term On Sunday morning, September 8th, at an Impressive Service for the Recognition of New Members, more than 40 knelt at the Communion Rail and received the laying-on of hands from the President of Conference, the Rev. Williams lllsley, the Superintendent of the County Circuit, the Rev. Frank Orchard and our Chaplain, the Rev. Victor Bredenkamp. During this Act of Consecration, the Congreption, m the attitude of prayer, sang quietly and reverently the hymn: Breathe on me. Breath of God",and the Holy Spirit Indeed came close to each one of us. The large number of parents and friends who attended filled the spare pews, and their presence added greatly to the solemnity and the joy of the occasion. 280