
The instruction of the Candidates for Recognition came to a climax the previous day when they attended an all-day Preparation Course at the Youth Camp under the guidance of the Chaplain. On Sunday afternoon,August 25th,over 30 boys were confirmed by the Bishop of Natal at St. Agnes' Church, Kloof. This too, was a most impressive service and a great joy to all who attended. We are very grateful to Archdeacon Brooke for his weekly visits over a long period for the preparation of the candidates, visits that were often made under great difficulties because of his numerous duties elsewhere. The Chaplain has recently raised the question of the right use of the Chapel, and it is fitting to make a comment or two on it here. Its right use is determined by its dedication, its being set apart for the worship and praise of Almighty God, and for personal prayer and meditation. It is specially and uniquely the House of God; it is a Holy Place, and as such it should not be entered without a sense of awe and reverence, and an intention of finding there com munion with the Holy Spirit. Were the Chapel used in this way and in this way alone, it would surely strengthen our corporate individual life immensely. Unfortunately, as we ail know, we have come to take it for granted that the Chapel has to be used for secular purposes as well as for sacred ones. Because of the shortage of buildings elsewhere, several pianos are kept in the Chapel and its vestries, and the coming and going of pupils for their piano practice makes it impossible for the sense and feeling of hallowedness to be always present as it should be. The result is that boys who would like to use the Chapel for private devotions do not feel encouraged to do so.The only solution to the problem is to build a separate Music School, and representations to this effect have been made to the Governors. It is to be hoped that they will realise the urgent need for freeing the Chapel for its dedicated purpose, and that alone. Of course, finance is the stumbling block. A sum of about £5,000 is needed. One wonders whether a properly presented appeal, one stressing the spiritual values involved, would not evoke a response that would enable the situation to be put right during the coming year. The weekly Fellowship Class that met during First Prep, has recently been changed into a Bible Study Group meeting at 4.15 p.m. This has resulted in a reduced number attending, but the Chap lain feels the smaller group gains in sincerity and real purpose and he is weil pleased with the response that has followed this change. This leaven will grow, and its influence upon the School as a whole will increase as time goes on. At the Sunday morning Service on August 18th, the Tony Rose Memorial was dedicated. It Is a handsome chest in which to keep 281