
ofHonesty and Truth. Prowess and success in sport are ofimportance only if accompanied, at all times, by true sportsmanship. Sport in School, as in Life, is of secondary importance only. One important achievement in the School this year should not go unsung. This is the first publication of the Kearsney Wild Life Society. All three contributors to it are Finningley boys—Hermanson, Lawrence and Reece. They owe much to the encouragement given them by Messrs. P. Metcalf, Clegg and Rutherford-Smith. The high standard ofthis issue is most gratifying. Articles ofinterest are written in clear, scientific English which is a credit to the authors. When we read such English we are hopeful that a good standard of the written word is still the concern of the discerning. Our con gratulations to the Wild Life Society, may it flourish! This year we suffered two epidemics, firstly the so-called Asian 'flu, which few escaped, and secondly a virulent form of chicken pox. Only two boys were left at the end ofthe year who have never had the chicken pox. The hard work put in by Sister Sambrook, and her never-failing kindness to us all, we appreciate deeply. Mr. Quarmby has once more flown to England this year end. These trips of his are becoming suspiciously frequent. He and Mr. Glass give invaluable support to the Housemaster each year. Finningley is indeed fortunate to have the services of men of such calibre. The following leave Finningley this year. We wish them "God Speed". We trust that their time with us will leave a lasting influence for good upon them. Some have been with us long, others leave us from the "middle school". To all we wish true success in life. 1957 Prefects: Hagemann, R. N.; Downie, C. M.; Shave, J.; Spargo, D. G.; Immelman, P. H.(Junior House). Other Vlth Formers: Hooper, Mayne, Robbins. Middle School: Bennett, Blackburn, Bouman, Burne, Burness, Clark, Coventry, Lawrence, le Lievre, Newlands, Walker. To all who have written Matriculation or Junior Certificate, we wish success. Coggin, Cohen, Fisher, Hermanson, 285