
boys from both schools on an overseas trip during the Christmas holidays. Their itinerary promises a full and exciting time, and our thoughts and good wishes go with them. This year we say goodbye and Godspeed to Pike N., Edwards, Lowe, Wepener, Polkinghorne, Williams R. F., Grafton, Drysdale, Thresher, Thompson D. V., Stiebel, Hulett, and Lefson. We are proud that they have been members of Gillingham House and we wish them all success and happiness wherever they may go. We look forward to welcoming the new boys who will take their places. KEARNSEY PARLIAMENT Programme August 9: "That non-Europeans should be allowed to worship in the same Church as Europeans," proposed by the Hon. Member for Donnybrook (Dowdle), and opposed by the Minister for Native Affairs (Castieden). Motion won. Government defeat. August 23; "Thatthe Monetary System in South Africa should bedecimalised." Proposed by the Hon. Member for Bergvllle (Barns). Motion won. Government victory. September 20: "That South Africa cannot be called a Democratic Country until Communism and similar ideals be allowed." Proposed by the Hon. Member for Tongaat (Talmage-Rostron) and opposed by the Hon. Prime Minister (Mudie). Motion won, by one vote. Government defeat. September 6: "That there should be more scope for Sunday entertainment." Proposed by the Hon. member for Ventersberg (von Keyserlingk), and opposed by the Hon. Member for Machadadorp (Munger). Cross-bencher debate. Result not recorded. October 18: "That there should be separate states for Europeans and nonEuropeans in South Africa." Proposed by the Hon. Minister for Defence and Labour (Cogen), and opposed by the Hon. Member for Mahamba (Mayne). Motion lost. Government defeat. November i: "That State Lotteries should be allowed in the Union." Proposed by the Hon. Member for Donnybrook (Dowdle), and opposed by the Hon. Minister for Health and Social Services (Meyer). Motion won. Government defeat. November 15: "That import control in South Africa should be lifted." Proposed by the Hon. Member for Sophiatown (Syminton), and opposed by the Hon. Minister for Justice (Crewe). Motion lost. Govern ment victory. It has been another excellent session, full of lively and fluent speaking, especially when political issues were at stake. The Durban City Parliament Cup for the best speech of the year was shared jointly by J. Syminton and J. Crewe,for their speeches in the final debate. With nearly all the participants being Fifth Formers, we look forward to another excellent year next year. 287