
pa?'? As an indication of the range of questions which are fired at the Cabinet, these following were asked at the last two meetings "Will the Minister for Justice please explain the loss of Cadet Uniforms from the Armoury." "What is the explanation for the fall in the Union Gold Reserves?" (Min. for Finance.) "Is the excessive expenditure on Sport at Kearsney, as opposed to other activities, justified?" (Mln. for Justice.) "Will the Prime Minister please account for the forcible ejection of Black Sash women?" "When will South Africa have its own Natnik?"(Prime Minister.) "Why has Durban no military aircraft?" (Mln. for Defence.) "Why does every member of the First XI have a bat each, pads each,and gloves each?" (Mln.for Justice. Reply: Because they come out so quickly that there is no chance to exchange.) At the conclusion of the final session, the Prime Minister, who wl be returning, and the Leader of the Opposition (Homer) who wil be leaving, voiced their most sincere approval of all that the Parliament had meant to them, in the tactics of debate, and In the widening of political experience. They voiced their appreciation to the Speakerfor his control and help. A member ofStaff, attending regularhlays, more than once stated: "This Society restores my sometimes jaded outlook on life!" JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY The Society has again been active this year. The average attenSunday evening meeting has been about forty members, and the standard of speaking has Improved greatly during the year Most of the meetings have taken the form of formal debates, while on some evenings we have enjoyed "hat debates" and quizzes On one occasion we listened to part of a recording of the sound track of the film "Julius Caesar". The following are some of the debates held during the year: The following are some of the debates held during the year: February 17: That the native of South Africa Is downtrodden." (Lost.) March 17: "That co-education Is better than separate schooling." (Won. by a large majority!) * * ' May 12: 'That Tom and Jerry are more Important than Strljdom and Macmillan. (Lost.) 288