
May 19; "That It is bad to have girl friends." (Lost.) Septembers: "That hanging should be abolished." (Lost.) September IS: "That It is better to be a tramp than to work." (Lost.) October 20: "That South Africans are a lazy people." (Lost.) November 3: "That the Roaring 'Twenties were better than the Dreary 'Fifties." (Lost.) The 8th November was something of a red-letter day, for It was then that we went up to Maritzburg for the long-awaited debate against Epworth. The subject was "That the laughter-makers of the world are more important than the law-makers." Epworth proposed the motion. Our opposition was centred in Messrs. Williams, Anderson and Turvey. The motion was lost by 66 votes to 39. The evening was much enjoyed by all, including the Head Prefect, who accompanied the expedition in order to look after the juniors on the school bus (of course)! Nearly fifty boys were taken along, this large number being due to the kindness of the Rev. Mackay of the Seamen's Mission, who lent us a van and chauffeur for the evening. It has been an enjoyable year for the society. We feel that much is done for one's self-confidence when one gets up and speaks in front of that most ciritical audience—an audience of friends and fellow third-formers. In conclusion, while we do not wish to single out individuals, we must record that the society was unanimous in agreeing that the most delightful speaker of the year was N. W. Andersen. AFRIKAANSE VERENIGING Soos in die verlede het die tweede helfte van die jaar'n merkbare afname beleef in die bedrywighede van die vereniging, veral gedurende die laaste kwartaal. Maar allerhandsetruikelblokke tensspyt, was daar 'n groep lede van die vereniging wat die vergaderings baie getrou bygewoon het, en aan hulle s§ ons baie dankie. Ons wil hoop uitspreek dat hierdie getroue bende aanstaande jaar die leiding op hulle sal neem om nog 'n skuksesvolle jaar vir die vereniging te verseker. Die vereniging se werksaamhede vir die jaar is vroeg in die vierde kwartaal afgesluit met 'n baie genotvolle vieisbraai wat, te oordeel na die hoeveelheid vieis wat oorgeskiet het, baie geslaag moes gewees het. G.E.B. 289