
STAGE PROSCENIUM The new proscenium to the stage, adding greatly to the attraction of the hall, was financed through the efforts of the wives of the Staff, to whom our deep thanks are due. Income was derived from: Morning Market £47 8 10 Jumble Sale 77 19 6 £125 8 4 Cost of the framework was £103. The balance of income is to be added to the proceeds of a further jumble sale, and with this it is hoped to buy a really good pair of curtains. Mrs. Osier, convener of the committee, wishes to thank all parents and friends who sent donations or left jumble, much of it anonymously. Their interest and help is greatly appreciated. CHAPEL NOTES Our new Chaplain, the Rev. Victor Bredenkamp, B.A., came to us at the beginning of the year. His welcome in these Notes can be all the more hearty and sincere as we have had time to get to know him and he to know us also. It is not easy to take up a post such as this when we are still in fairly close touch with its two immediate predecessors,and they men whom we still regard with affection and esteem, but each man brings his own approach to the work, and there is no doubt that Mr. Bredenkamp will make a contribution of distinction and value to both the spiritual and the general life of the School. His very great earnestness, coupled with his genuine understanding of human nature of all ages, will ensure not only fruitfulness in his work with us but also affection for him in our hearts and we hope he will have a long and happy stay with us. At the end of the First Term we were honoured to have a visit from the President of the Conference, the Rev. William lllsley. He gave us a stimulating address in Chapel, and included in it some vivid sidelights on his work at Moroko Mission. Afterwards the Staff had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. lllsley at morning tea in the Common Room. 216