
CAROL SERVICE To begin with, a fine evening! Even Sputnik was visible. Then, a full church. The setting was right, and the result much better than we had dared to hope. Certainly the choir had put in some pretty hard and quite enthusiastic practice over these carols, perhaps trying to atone for earlier apathy! They had their reward. In pro viding a most satisfying musical hour for an appreciative congrega tion. Nothing ambitious was attempted, but better to aim low and succeed, than aim high and fall. Rev. V.J. Bredenkamp conducted the service well,and presented a telling message. Mr.Oram provided Christmas music on the organ, and the lection readers spoke clearly and confidently. Thank you, everybody. In addition to congregational singing, the following Carols were rendered: Chorus: Gloria in Excelsis(Mozart). See. amid the winter's snow. A Day, a Day of Glory. Dear Little Infant, born this Day. Unto us is born a Son. Good King Wenceslas. Wherefore tiis greatjoy and Singing? The Coventry Carol. I sow three Kings a-riding. J.F.R. SCHOOL MUSIC AND MUSICIANS The Music Society has continued Its weekly meetings throughout the year, hearing a wide range of recorded music as well as "live" performances of piano music, sometimes devoted exiuslvely to one composer. Our library of long-playing records Is growing quickly, and now Includes a good proportion of the standard works. Some of these were the generous gift of a Durban music firm. Turning from "canned" music to real performances. It Is pleasing to report a growing number of promising pianists whose work has reached an advanced stage. Only Coggin Is leaving us ofthis number, and we hope he will be able to continue his studies. Reece, Pike, Roberts, Hind, Keen and Hagemann are all very much nearer the goal after this year's work and there are a number of juniors with talent and application who are following the way. Continuing the good work of Anthony Hoad last year, John Hind this yearalso reached the finals of a nation-wide piano competition sponsorebdy commercial radio. R.Q. 291