
ART AND CRAFTS DEPARTMENT A happy and successful year, highlights of which were:— September 23rd and 24th.-—Exhibition at our studio, Milner House, which though not too adequate for our growing needs is used only by us and gives us complete freedom. Miss Wyatt Stayt, art organizer. Natal schools, chose 23 pictures for submission to her Natal Itner-Schools Competition at Payne Bros.' Pabros Theatre. Mrs. Vere-Davies chose pottery pieces for the Inter-Schools Handi crafts Competition in November. October 9th.—Opening Day, Payne's Exhibition. Packed with children and teachers. B. Roberts, prize for design of birds, F. Massam, J. Gebbie and P. Scott highly commended (85%). Later, the school bus took Art boys to view this exhibition of 300 pictures chosen from an entry of 3,030 pictures from 120 schools. The hospitality ofthe snack bar was extended to us by Mr.John R. Price, managing director ...and this was another highlight! November 9th.—Opening of Payne's Inter-Schools Handicraft Competition. Mrs. Hagemann took M. Harvey (Modelling, 3rd Prize), Dale (Pottery Prize), Johnstone (Highly Commended). Barker (2 prizes) was on the sick list, unfortunately. Kearsney College came 2nd in the Inter-Schools shield. A crowded bus of pottery and modelling students went down later. December.—Tremendous activity preparing for Speech Day exhibition in School Library. On December 9th Mr. Oram's scholas tic atmosphere of school prizes invaded by pictures, models and bandboxes and numbers of keen helpers. Exhibition arranged to last picture and piece of pottery: groupwork friezes of sea and mountain and sky fixed as a background for dozens of sailing craft modelled in clay, painted and varnished, and sailing upon "seas" of ultramarine blue poster paper—three charming nativity scenes and model of a circus, "big top", performing animals and all .. . background circus frieze painted by Coggin and Taylor two years ago. Pottery on long tables covered with blue and white, 100 and more Christmas cards, in lino and scraper board. On the stairs "Means of Transport—Various", beginning with an outsize snail Ravelling at 3 m.p.h. (!) and ending in jet aircraft and sputniks. Greatest highlight for Mrs. Hagemann and myself: The keenand competitive interest shown by our students and their willingness to join in all activities, urged on by enthusiasts like Massam, Roberts, B. R. Williams, Cantrell, Mayne, Hooper, Gebbie, Townsend and others. Over 100 students attend Art—all the Junior School and for Extra Art a cross-section drawn from all Forms. 292