
December lOth.—School Prize-giving. The prize winners are mentioned elsewhere in this magazine. We should like to place on record our grateful thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Nightingale for so generously sending us from their Zululand farm all the clay that we use—even contriving to get it through somehow in time of flood! S. LUTLEY THE WESLEY GUILD At the beginning of the fourth term this year we decided to form a Guild, to take the place of the Fellowship Meeting. It has proved a successful experiment,with an average ofabout35 members attending. The following officers were elected: General Secretary: D. A. Kotze. Literary: Vice-president, Mr. Reece; secretary, M. Mayne. Social: Vice-president, Mr. P. Metcalf; secretary, C. Keen. Christian Service: Vice-president, Mr. Fish; secretary, J. Stockil. Devotional: Vice-president, Mr.T. Metcalf; secretary, N.Dewis. At our opening devotional meeting, the Chaplain, Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp,gave us an interesting talk on impressions(gained from observation and discussions) ofthe conditions of Christian Churches in Britain and on the Continent during 1953-55 when he was in England completing his studies. At our literary meeting Mr. Reece gave an excellent talk on the life and times of Socrates. His choice of subject was a compliment to the audience, but at the end of the evening it was the audience's turn to compliment the speaker. It was most worthwhile listening to a talk, the substance of which we understand was prepared when Mr. Reece was himself still a schoolboy. For our Christian Service evening, under the direction of Mr. Fish, we made cardboard letters, etc., for the native school. We enjoyed helping others and understand that they have appreciated our help. At our social we thoroughly enjoyed a hilarious evening playing games, after which an epilogue in the form of family prayers ended our fun on the note of true fellowship. We feel that the guild is going to meet a need that has been felt for some time. It is hoped that the senior boys will lend increasing support, and that the Wesley Guild will soon play an important part In our school life. V.J.B. 293