
SOCIAL SERVICES CLUB The second year ofClub activities opened with far more members and increased interest from the boys. TheTeaching Group hasshown notable success underthe leader ship of Mr. K. Fish. These boys have selflessly given up their time to teach the College's African servants to read and write. Led by the Chairman,D.Thompson, boys have regularly worked on the Valley Trust Scheme, erecting fences and preventing erosion. Others have grown vegetables to feed the Africans. The sporting group have taught youngsters to play cricket and rugby at under-privileged schools. Groups have also undertaken the collection of used stamps, magazines, rugby boots and toys for resale to benefit the needy. An appeal is extended to ali who can In any way assist in the collection of these articles. Three or four boys under the leadership of R. Simpson have travelled every fortnight to Hill Crest Old Age Home to show films. The Headmaster and Thompson are to be thanked for their work in leading the group. P.M.T.R. PHILATELIC SOCIETY There is a pleasing number of members of this society and we hope the membership will always remain the same. During the third term Mr. Castleden came and gave us an interesting lecture on "Portugal and her Colonies". This meeting closed with a short quiz. Other meetings have been held in which boys exchanged stamps and sold approvals. I hope that, as a start has been made, next year, further fields in stamp collecting will be opened. At the moment we are partakers of an exchange system with another society in America. M.J.R.C. 294