KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE o It 1^' ' ar;c i"'4 July. I960 v.
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SPORTS TROPHY Athletics; " Sports StcUidards Total SwluiiniiK : First 20 10 30 AS Athletics 1st XV 2nd XV Colts Total 12 6 6 24 Second 10 5 15 6 3 3 12 Third 5 0 5 2 1 1 4 Cricl<Bt : Tennis : AS 1st VI 8 2nd VI 4 Total 12 Shootinp::. As Tennis 4 2 6 2 0 2 pup;.o:g' & Cricicet : TJoints are allocated at end of sei'ies, vh en final positions determined.
Kearsney College Ch ronicle Vol. 5, No. I July, I960 EDITORIAL WE should like to join forces with educationalists, newspaper editors, and "Anxious Parents", in a plea for greater attention to the reading, writing and speaking of the English language. In a country where there are parallel main languages, and a host of Bantu and other non-European tongues, it is almost inevitable that the overlapping of languages must lead to a break-down of the purity of each. This is well instanced in the corruption of Zulu into "Kitchen Kafir". For the moment,as an English school, we are thinking of English only. Beyond any doubt at all, there is a steady deterioration in the standard of written English. It is almost incomprehensible— and certainly most reprehensible—that even senior boys cannot spell and punctuate; and we believe that even at University level this weakness still obtains. Sometimes even school teachers are not guiltless! The drift away from reading decent literature (which need not be restricted to Scott, Dickens and Shakespeare, though what better models could there be?) to the reading of shoddy stuff, or, worse, the reading of comics (yes, even among seniors) must be held partly responsible. This, or the fact that nothing is read at all. There are homes—we have seen them!—where hardly a book can be found and where clearly there is no encouragement to read. Yet how can one write adequately oneself, if one has never read decent literature as a model? A child speaks only the language it hears, and writes(and correctly spells) only the words it has read. In the interests of a boy's future, it is imperative that he be encouraged—beginning with the home—to read widely and well. His first contact with his potential employer is probably through his letter of application. How vital for him it is that this should create a good impression. Go to it! Read, read and read.
Similarly the first spoken contact Is an important one. How very easy it is to be prejudiced through a first impression of slovenly speech, and how refreshing to meet one who speaks openly and clearly, with good lip and jaw movement,open vowels and explosive consonants. What a change from the tight-lipped, tight-throated mutterings in which every vowel sounds the same and the consonants are inaudible. Here again, a child speaks as it hears others speak, and the Speech Therapist is fighting a losing battle all the time. The only hope lies in all with whom a child comes into contact, but especially parents and teachers, alwaysmaking a point of speaking the English language as it should be spoken. Even if Kearsney be accused of developed an Oxford accent, it would be far better than gaining the reverse reputation. OPENING OF NEW BUILDINGS THIS opening and dedication ceremony was conducted on the morning of the last day of the second term, June 30th. Mr.C. A.Woods,for 18 years a member ofour Board of Govern ors, past Chairman of same, and father of three past Kearsney boys, officially performed this impressive ceremony. He spoke feelingly of all that Kearsney had meant to the community and to his own family over the past eighteen years, of the steady growth in size and influence, of the service and sacrifice of those who had helped it to grow. This morning, he said, the school completed its 21st year at Botha's Hill, and so came of age ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS At the Administration Buiiding 1. Prayer - The Chaplain Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp, M.A. 2. Introduction of C. A. WOODS Esq., and the request that he formally open the Building _ _ - The Chairman of the Governors Rev. S. B. Sudbury, D.D. 3. Handing over of the key by the Architect - -L. A. Peyton, Esq. 4. The Opening of the Building by C. A. Woods,Esq. 5. The Reading of the Commemoration Plaque - - The Headmaster S. G. Osier, Esq. 6. Invitation to move over to the Junior House Wing The Chairman of the Governors At the Junior House Wing 7. Handing over of the key by the Architect - - L. A. Peyton, Esq. 8. The Opening of the Building by C. A. Woods,Esq. 9. The Reading of the Commemoration Plaque - -The Housemaster R. C. Best, Esq. 10. Proposaolf Thanks - - - - - - P. H. Hind, Esq. 11. Benediction _ - - - Superintendent of the County Circuit Rev. J. W. Massey
The wording of the Plaques Is as follows: At the Administration Building "This Plaque commemorates the opening of this Administration Building on 30th June, I960, by C. A.Woods, Esq., whose counsel and interest In youth won him the esteem, affection and gratitude of ail who served with him in guiding the destinies of this College as members of its Board of Governors." At the Junior House Wing "This new Wing of Junior House was opened on 30th June, I960, by C. A. Woods, Esq., to whom the duty was entrusted by his feliow-members of the Board of Governors as a tribute to his interest in youth in general and to his particular and valuable services on behalf of the boys of this College." The Administration Building This Building is indeed a dream come true! For the past twenty years the. only School Office was a single room behind the Kitchen and with the growth of l^e School in that period conditions for a long time became almost impossible. The Headmaster,the Bursar,the Typist and the Telephone had to work together as best they could, and visiting parents and enquirers often joined in as weli! The new Building gives proper accommodation for these in separate rooms, so the work^of administering the School and interviewing the many callers can now be carried on in an appropriate environment of comfort and dignity. In addition there is a very large and well-furnished Staff Common Room,a kitchenette for the serving of teas,and a"work-room"for the use of non-resident Masters who have no studies in the Houses. These new facilities are greatly appreciated and have already added much to the comfort and happiness of all who teach at Kearsney. The New Junior House Wing This new wing has been designed so that it may eventually form a part of a separate Junior School, and the ground necessary for this development has already been acquired. The design is pleasing, particularly by reason of the novel building construclaminated beams that support the roof have made it possible for the ceiling to be at roof height,thus giving the dormitory an air of delightful spacious ness which has been further enhanced by the attractive colour scheme and the furnishing arrangements. The new wing replaces that part of the accommodatiaotn Junior House which was very much below the standard of the other Houses. It provides a dormitory for 24 boys and rooms for a resident assistant Master and a Matron. SCHOOL NOTES WE welcome the following men to the Staff this year: Messrs. J. M Harper, A.R.C.AO.R..C.M.. Teaching Dip.; R. D. Blamey, B.A., S'O.D.; R. A. j. Whlteford, B.Sc. All have settled down well and given liberally of their services to the School. We also welcome Sister Briggs as Matron of Junior House and trust that she will be happy here.
We congratulate the following:— Mr. and Mrs. K. Fish, on the birth of their fourth daughter, Elizabeth Kay,on June 20th. Marguerite Osier, on her marriage to Mr. Charles Postlethwayt —a big social occasion at the School—and we hope that both will be very happy in Rhodesia. Mr. R. Blamey and Miss Nel on their engagement. Mrs. Reece, on being inducted as Natal District President of the Methodist Women's Auxiliary. Mrs. Tedder,on being elected District Bible Women's Secretary in succession to Mrs. Reece. The School has swarmed with builders and been almostsubmerged in bricks, cement and stone, so that moving around at night-time has been a source of danger to the unwary. The Administration Block,for all its unromantic name, is a real godsend to those who use it. All these years the Head, Bursar and Secretary have shared a small room behind the kitchens, and the Staff have had no proper Common Room or Ablution Block. The spaciousness, comfort and convenience of this new building now makes one wonder how they endured such inconvenience for so long. Meanwhile the new Science Block—a magnificent second-storey edifice, standing on stilts—is beginning to take on a most Impressive and intriguing appearance. Teaching and learning to the din of concrete mixers and circular saws has not been easy, but must surely have developed the powers of concentration. We understand that the building should be completed by the end of the year. The new Junior House dormitory block, and the Administration Block were officially "opened" on the last day of term, June 30th, by Mr. C. A. Woods, past Chairman of the Kearsney Board of Governors. Both the Athletic Sports and Swimming Gala were as near perfect as could be imagined. The weather was excellent, com petition thrilling, victory going to Finningley in each case by the closest of margins, and organisation excellent. All concerned are to be heartily congratulated. We regret to record the passing of the last of the sons of Sir J. Liege Hulett, our Founder. Mr. Edward Hulett, the youngest of Sir Liege's sons, died on April 20th at the age of 89, just prior to what would have been his diamond wedding anniversary. Older members of the Staff will remember him and Mrs. Hulett as very gracious friends in Kearsney's earlier years. We offer our sympathies to the Nutting brothers whose mother died as a result of injuries received during a motor accident, and to B. van Rooyen, whose father died suddenly in Zululand.
This year's calendar of Herbert Evans & Co., Ltd. has a lovely painting ofthe Old Kearsney, worthy of being framed. On April 25th the Fifth Form Quiz Team, A. J. C. Daniel, A, P. Meyer, and P. R. Hamilton took part in a Cross Country Quiz over the S.A.B.C., vs. Grey College, Bloemfontein. With one question to go, the scores were a tie, but Kearsney's inability to state the number of balls in a game of snooker gave Grey College a winning point. The S.A.B.C. Afrikaans programme also relayed an interview with Messrs. K. Fish and P. le Feuvre, W.Travis, J. Simpson and B. Meyer, in connection with the Exploration Society's visit to the Malitsinyane Falls, Basutoland. An organ recital by Mr. J. Harper was also broadcast, recorded In the Chapel. In the course of the half year there have been a number of lec tures delivered at the school. The Sixth Form Dance was held on June 25th. The evening was lively, though noisy. THE STAFF THE Staff are responsible for the control of the following activities. This is, of course, in addition to the normal routine of teaching, while many hold responsible positions in the Church, civic and educational life of the Province. Headmaster: Mr. S. G. Osier. Housemasters: Finningley.—Mr.j. H.Hopkins; GillinghamV..—Mr. L. Clegg; Pembroke.—Mr. G. Nel; Junior.—Mr. R. C. Best. Academics and I.Q. Testing: Mr. J. F. Reece. Aero Club: Messrs. K. Fish, R. Whiteford. Afrikaanse Vereniging: Mr. G. E. Burger. Athletics: Messrs. J. H. Hopkins, R. Blamey. Cadets: Messrs. G. M. Oram,J. H. Hopkins, J. W. Storm, P. E. Metcalf, G. E. Burger. Careers Guidance: Mr. P. E. Metcalf. Chapel: Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp, Messrs. G. M. Oram, J. F. Reece, J. M. Harper. Chess Club: Mr. R. Whiteford. Cricket: Messrs. R.C. Best, T. Long, K. Fish, R. Blamey,J. M. Harper, R. Townshend, P. le Feuvre, G. Nel, G. E. Burger. Choir: Mr. J. M. Harper. "Chronicle": Mr. J. F. Reece. Current Affairs: Mr. G. M. Oram. Dramatic Society: Messrs. P. E. Metcalf, P. le Feuvre, G. E. Burger.
Entertainments: Messrs. G. M. Oram, P. E. Metcalf, J. M. Harper. Examinations and Registers: Mr. L. C.Tedder. Explorers Club: Messrs. K. Fish, P. le Feuvre. Guild: Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp, Messrs. K. Fish, T. Long. Haircuts: Mr. T. Long. Junior Debating Society: Mr. R. Whiteford. Library: Senior—Mr. L. C. Tedder; Junior.—Mr. J. H. Hopkins. Maintenance: General.—^Messrs. G. M. Oram, J. H. Hopkins, R. C. Best; Dining Hall.—^The Bursar, Messrs. J. H. Hopkins, G.Nel; Sports Fields.—^Messrs. J. H. Hopkins, R. C, Best. Old Boys' Club, Secretary: Mr. P. E. Metcalf. Old Boys' Liaison: Mr. J. F. Reece. Parliament: Mr. J. F. Reece. Rugby: The Headmaster, Messrs. G. E. Burger, G. Nel, J. W.Storm, J. H. Hopkins, R. Blamey, R. Townshend, T. Long, B. du Toit, P. le Feuvre. Railway Bookings: Mr. P. Townshend. School Grounds Development: Mr. J. F. Reece. Shooting: Messrs. G. M. Oram,P. E. Metcalf, V. L. Clegg. Speech and Drama: Mr. J. F. Reece. StaffSecretary: Mr. L. C. Tedder. Stationery: Mr. G. Nel. Stud Shop: Mr. P. E. Metcalf. Swimming: Messrs. J. W.Storm, B. du Toit. Tennis: Messrs. K. Fish, R. Whiteford, J. M, Harper. Time Table: Mr. G. Nel. Tuck Shop: Mr. V. L. Clegg. Yacht Club: The Headmaster, Mr. J. W.Storm. Perhaps, after all, the Staff do earn their holidays. CHAPEL*NOTES WE welcome to the Durban County Circuit the Rev. J. W. Massey, who takes over the duties of Superintendent of the Circuit. We know that his interest in the College and its Chapel Services will be both sincere and helpful, and we hope that he and Mrs. Massey will enjoy their stay in the Circuit area. Their manse is at Pinetown. We also welcome to the Circuit the Revs. D. B. Hackland and F. M. Basel who will be evening preachers in our Chapel once a term. Another change in personnel at the beginning of the year con cerned the Choir and the Organ. Mr.J. F. Reece gave up the former after 20 years of enthusiastic service as Choir Master, and Mr. G. M. Oram relinquished the position of Organist. They both handed over to a newcomer, Mr. J. M. Harper,to whom we extend a cordial
welcome and wish every success. Mr. Harper has had a wide ex perience of School and Church music in England and we lookforward to his development ofthe musical activity and interest of the School In his position as its Director of Music. His wife has come out with him, and we hope they will both enjoy their new adventure in an overseas country and settle down here permanently. Meanwhile our Chaplain, the Rev. V. J. Bredenkamp,continues his effective and devoted work amongst us, and we are glad that he is now able to visit us on three days of the week instead of the previous two. He does not spare himself, and he is certainly one of us, and one with us in a most sincere, friendly and human way. He now takes two Sunday morning services a month and one evening service each term. Twelve boys were confirmed by the Bishop of Natal in St. Mary's School Chapel, Kloof, on the last Saturday of the second Term. We are grateful to Archdeacon F. R. L. Brooke for his weekly visits to take the preparation classes. We also very much appreciate his Chapel addresses on the fourth Sunday morning ofthe month. The Chapel was dedicated in September, 1951, and the interior is now to be repainted for the first time. The work is to be done in the July holidays, and approximately the same colour-scheme will be continued. G.M.O. ORGAN RECITALS 20t/i March, given by J. Harper, Esq.: Concerto In D(G. F. Handel); Meditation on Brother James'Air(H. Darke); Carillon(H. Murrlil). 22nd April, given by ]. Harper, Esq.(Soprano solo by Mrs. J. Harper): Prelude and Fugue in C minor (The Great)(J. S. Bach); By the Waters of Babylon (A. Dvorak); Air In D minor (J. Stanley); I will sing a New Song (A. Dvorak); Triumphal March (Lemmens). ' 26th June, given by G.M.Oram,Esq.: Toccata and Fugue In D minor (J. S. Bach)- Andantino(Lemare); Suite Gothlque(Boeilmann). VALETE THEfollowing boys left atthe end of I9S9,date ofarrival being given In brackets-— riQCA^" u n'""' G.S. Barker (1956), L H. Bauer (1956), P. A. T. Bishop (1956), J. F. Brieinshaw (1958) N R nqsZ W'P- '■ N.'chalmers^i956T. A Cha;;i;eri (1956), G. R. Crowe (1956), J. M. Crickmay (1956), S. P. Dowdle (1957) B L Eastman (1956), J. p. Frollch (1954), O.R. Faick (1956), J. D. Francis (1956), T. r! Green (1954) E. B Gieseler (1954), K. W. Gray (1955), J. Gebble (1956), P. S. Gibson (1956), R. S. Greer (1959), M. G. Harvey (1953), J. M. Hulley (1954) ("56), C.A. Home 1956) c Y. Hingst r c nqccT'rS" ("59), J- D L. Houghting (1959), P. D. Howson (1959), c" D ("56), D. A. Kotze (1957), D. W. M. Lees (1953. M ^ 5- Meyer (1953), A. H. Munger (1959), J. C. ulraney (1956), B. Martens (1956), J. D. Mowat (1959), I. W. H. Newmark
(I9S9), N. Perry (1958), P. J.Reece (1953), R. C. Rhodes (1956), F. D. Ryman (1956), A. G. Ramsay (1957), I. F. Silson (1956), J. F. Shire (1956), T. C. Stokoe (1956), P. J. Storm (1958), T. K. G. Terblanche (1954), C. W. Truscott (1956). M. F. Turrell (1959), P. G. van Rooyen (1956), C. E. A. von Keyserllngk (1957), D.R. Woods(1955),A.L. Walsh(1955),J. G.Wiseman (1955),T. M.Webb(1956) D. M. Wyllle (1957). SALVETE WE welcome the following new boys:— P. R. Altchlson J. E. Anderson M. G. Allen M. S. Awerbuch, E. S. Ashby, M. A.Barnard, J. F. Bell, R. D. Bickerton, P. Bland van den Berg,G. R. Batchelor, M. H. Beveridge, J. C. Crabtree, C. B. Carter, J. R. Cotterell, G. E. Cox, D. F. Clark,J. A.Coleman,G. E. H.Cornell, M. F. Currle, K. Davies,W.M.S. Doubell, G. R. Drummond, P. J. Engels, J. J. Flutter, M. J. Fienberg, J. P. Field, N. D. R. French, K. R. Gamble, J. M. Ginsberg, F. D. Hugo, M. J. Hancock, N. J. Hope, I. M. Hesketh, J. B. Kay, F. A. L. Kennedy,D.T. Kotze, A.P. Kluge, M.J. Knott, D. A. Lang, T. J. Lissauer, J. E. Little, G. M. Lindeque, T. S. Merrifield, B. Q. Manicom, A. R. Melman,A. R.T. Miller, I. G. Morgan,J. P. Muller, P. S. Maxwel, K. H. Mee,G. W. Milne, N. W.Monks, D. J. Morgan, A. S. Marr, L. R. NuttingI E. Nutting, D. P. Paul, W.A. Payne, G. L. Pottow, R.R. M. Price, R. S.Proctor, R. A. Rogers, P. C. Rolland, R. E. Rainey, R. E. R. Shaw-Gray, A.O. Stafford, B. S. Sanford, P. R. A.Turner, R. B.Turner, M.J. Volckman,D. R. Walker,S. M. Webb,R.R. Wright. APPOINTMENTS Prefects: Head Prefect: J. S. Lace)^. Pembroke: K. A. Morgan—School Prefect. R. G. Wilklns. R. G. Henley. W.J. Travis. Finningley: J. S. Lacey—School Prefect. T. D.Symlnton. A.C. Cantrell. L. G. van Heusden. Gillingham: G. D. Wiseman—School Prefect R. A. Dyer. J. G. Stockil. A. R. Ewing. Junior House: D. P. Smart—School Prefect. R. V. Lund. D. G. Dyer. Day: R. Osborn.
Cricket Captain: G. D. D/er. Athletics Captain: J. C. Stockil. Swimming Captain: R. V. Lund. Rugby Captain: J. S. Lacey. EXAMINATION RESULTS Matriculation: First Class: A. N.Chalmers, R. C. Rhodes, C. E. A. von Keyserlingk. Second Class: J. M. Crickmay, S. P. Dowdle, B. L. Eastman, J. de C. Hinch, J. R. Hulett, C. S. Keen, D. A. Kotze, B. Martens, J. C. Muiraney, F. D. Ryman, J. F. Shire, T. C. Stokoe, J. G. Wiseman, D. R. Woods,D. M. Wyliie. Third Class: C. J. Collingwood, G. R. Crowe. School Leaving Certificate: Second Class: C. A. Home, G. J. Koopal, C. W.Truscott, A. L. Walsh, T. M. Webb. ThirCdlass: A. E. Bath, A. Chalmers, O. R. Faick, T. R. Green,J. M. Hulley, A. H. Hunger, I. W.Newmark, A. K. Preston. Junior Certificate: First Class: D. J. Adendorff, W. M. Beckett• D. O. Coetzee, B. L. Cole, R. G.Coleman•A.J. C. Daniel *, L. A. Distiller, 0. L. Griffiths, P. E. Hamilton, P. R. Hamilton* C. R. Harris, C. M. Howarth, L. M. Johnston* M. P. Kotze, D. N. E. Leitch, F. A. Lissauer *, A.P. Meyer *,J. W.Muir *, N. J. Plen, P. J. H. Short, M. H. Smith *, Q. K. Turner, A. H. Unstead *, P. A. Volckman *, A. F. Zurcher *. *Provincial Bursaries. A. P. Meyer obtained the School Bursary for having obtained the highest marks. Second Class: D. S. Adam, A. M. R. Bishop, J. F. Briginshaw, 1. L. A. Castleden, R. Farren, J. Gebbie, H. W. Gevers, C. M. Hallam, D. M. Hill, G. A. Holden, H. B. W. Hulett, C. R. Knightsbridge, A. J. Knox, P. R. Mackinlay, M. A. McFall, R. J. T. Shaw-Gray, J. F. Silson, R. J. Smith, M. T. Staniland, H. B. Wade. Third Class: M. S. Adams, C. E. M. Anderson, L. H. Bauer, W. H. Cuthbertson, D. L. B. Evans, P. S. Gibson, C. E. Hingst, D. J. Kirkwood, A. J. McFarlane, A. M. I. Morton,
L. B. H. Nightingale, P. H. Nipper, J. A. L Price, A. W. Procter, A. G. Ramsay. Taalbond Examinations: Hoer (Laer Graad): A. E. Bath, A. N. Chalmers, T. R. Green, I. W. Newmark, J. F. Shire, L. H. Turvey, C. E. A. von Keyserlingk, D. M. Wyllie. Laer(Hoer Graad): A. C. Cantrell, D. A. Green. (Laer Graad): D. J. Adendorff, N. J. Blackburn, R. A. Bouman, J. G. Brown, S. P. Dowdle, G. D. Dyer, M. J. C. France, E. B. Gieseler, O. L. Griffiths, C. E. Hingst, C. A. Home, D. A. Kotze, D. N. E. Leitch, F. A. Lissauer, A. P. Meyer, C. S. Meyer,J. W.Muir, R. C. Rhodes, M. H.Smith, G. P. Williams. Voor(Hoer Graad met Lof): R. S. Green. (Hoer Graad): R. V. Gerhardt, D. G. F. Hardie. (Laer Graad): N.R Bauer,G O.H. Beier,A.I. Calderwood, R A. Courie, G. W.Cox, R. M. Crewe, M. S. Cunningham, L. Fielding, R. J. Greene, E. C. Hansen, M. A. Jewitt, C.C. Larsen, A. Lowenstein, M. B. Lyons, J. F. Plummer, E. Rogaly, P. D. Smith, M. F. Turrell, B. G. Williams. ACADEMICS TROPHY June Trials 1st Pembroke 2nd Finningley 3rd Gillingham Average 50.7% 50.1% 49.3% 50.1% (Last year 50.1%) Form Leaders F. I J. P. Field lib K. R. Gamble ... Ha M.J. Flenberg ... Hie A. L. Somers-Vine lllb J. G.Craven Ilia A. Ivc G IVb M IVa DVc A. Vb G. M. Va A. Vic J. VIb T. Via A. J. Eriksson W.Brown .O. Brutsch J. Brothers . Morton ... . A. Holden T. Staniland J. Daniel Moffat ... . P. Bird C. Cantrell 77 57 83 53 59 81 48 57 81 48 48 48 57 46 43 73 G. M. H. Beveridge T. H. Dowse C. Hemson B. du Boil D. M. Poole D.A. Lang J. D.Tomlinson C. D. Hemson A. J. Calderwood J. Price H. B. Hulett ... L. A. Distiller ... R. A. Dyer D.Smart P. Watson 70 57 77 51 59 72 39 54 84 44 53 P. S. Maxwell I. G. Morgan J. P. Muller J. W.Sumner O.H. Martin P. K. Cunnington E. Rogaly ... R. K. Jackson B. G. Deane G. B. Williams M.Adams ... D.Adams ... 59 A. P. Meyer 43 B. Saunders 52 P. Rickaby 55 G. P. Williams 83 63 69 50 60 60 78 45 59 73 47 58 79 39 52 73 10
FINNINGLEY FANTASY ANOTHER half-year has come to a close and the flag of Finnlngley flies high. Within there is harmony and without success in friendly inter-House rivalry. At the beginning of the year we welcomed Mr. Roy Whiteford as Assistant Housemaster in Mr. Quarmby's place. Already he has made his quiet influence felt for good in the House and the dashing red M.G. is indeed a symbol of its owner's quick and friendly humour. He has within six months taken up a very lively place in the life of the school as Chairman of the Junior Debating Society and President of the Chess and Philatelic Clubs. Also at the beginning ofthe year we welcomed Mrs. Brown who was to act as matron for one term during the absence of Mrs. Sambrook who was enjoying a weil-deserved long leave. Mrs. Brown swept all before her and for her motherly interest and attention, which it was never too much trouble to give, we are deeply grateful. Mrs. Sambrook returned to the task with her usual kind vigour at the beginning of the second term. During the course of the second term we were privileged to have Mr. Trevor Letcher on the Finnlngley staff. He had come to spend a student-teacher's term with us and we are only sorry that he will not be returning. At the end of this term, Mr. Hopkins left to visit Great Britain and Canada on a long leave which he has been lookingforward tofor a very long time. We wish him the very best in his travels and hope that he has a restful and interesting long leave. We hope to benefit by all his new ideas when he returns in October! In his absence Mr. Whiteford and Mr. le Feuvre, ably assisted by Mrs. Sambrook and Mrs. Hopkins, will, to use Mr. Hopkins' own phrase, "continue the shambles of Finnlngley." The above-mentioned "shambles" has been very ably ad ministered during the last six months by John Lacey, who has also been Head Prefect of the College and captain of school rugby, and his body of prefects; Anthony Cantrell, Robert Osborn, David Syminton and Lionel van Heusden. They, plus a lively but responsible Sixth Form, have set a tone in the House this year which is admirable. The Sixth Form deserve mention: they are more numerous than usual; their space is somewhat confined; yet they have helped to lead the way cheerfully and have set an example in creating a co operative atmosphere in the House. The House was a little surprised at the end of the first term to find that it had won both the Swimming and the Athletic Sports. This was a fine achievement and all who helped towards it or participated in either of these events—and that includes that majority ofthe House who were cheering spectators—are to be congratulated. The danger is that we will now rest on our laurels and become self-
satisfied. A successful half-year In every way can so easily lead to complacency, when in fact we have done little yet to warrant such an attitude. We still have the inter-House rugby, tennis, shooting and cricket in front of us. More important is the necessity for members of the House to concentrate on the Academic side of life. The Academics Trophy is one we have coveted for some time, and it is high time that Finningley showed the world that she is well-balanced: a House of brain as well as brawn. Let us have effort in the class-room as well as on the sports field. But most of all is it that members of Finningley should also remember that they are members of the larger body, Kearsney. We would wish to see Finningley House foremost, not only in sport and academics, but in the support it gives to the school as a whole on the sports field, in our behaviour outside the school,and in any sphere In which Finningleyites find they can bring credit to the name of Kearsney. Finally, we extend to Barry van Rooyen our deepest sympathy on the sudden death of his father. P. Le F. PEMBROKE HOUSE WITH Mr. Nel overseas with the Kearsney touring party and Mr. Long unable to return in time for the opening of school the duties of housemastership fell on Mr. du Toit for the first week of the new year. He was assisted by Mr. Storm and our thanks go out to them for so ably stepping into the breach. These first six months have once again found a happy atmosphere In Pembroke. The prefects, led by K. Morgan, have been efficient and duties have been pleasantly carried out. We thank Sister Anderson for looking after our health with such pleasant efficiency. The first good news we celebrated this year was the announce ment that Kearsney boys had been awarded 13 of the 33 Junior Certificate bursaries in Natal. Of these 1 1 are in Pembroke and we extend to them our congratulations. In the Swimming Gala and Athletic Sports we gave Finningley a good run for their money and congratulate them on pipping us at the post on both occasions. In the athletics we were 50 points down at 2.30 p.m. and pulled up to such an extent that the final result was decided only by the relays. The under 16 mile race was ex tremely exciting with four Pembroke boys leading at one stage. A grand climax was reached as Daykin and Sommerville dead-heated. Pembroke won the Standards Competition in both the athletics and swimming. 12
G. D. Dyer of Pembroke, who is one of the prefects In Junior House, Is captain of cricket for this year. V. R. C. Lund captains the swimming team and K. J. Wooller leads the tennis team. Con gratulations, and best wishes for a successful season. A special word of congratulation to V. Lund on his performances while swim ming for Natal Schools. Also to C. S. Meyer, who left us last year on being selected to play in the Natal Schools cricket team. Pembroke boys also played some leading roles In the school production of Richard II. We all thoroughly enjoyed the play and congratulate Mr. le Feuvre on his fine production. Acting within the house has been confined to a rather poor new boys' concert. Mr. F. Daniel has been with us for the latter part of the second term while doing some student teaching at the school. The Pem broke staff agreed unanimously that he would benefit from doing some studies In the house! We hope that he enjoyed his stay at Kearsney. ' T.L RICHARD II THE Dramatic Society presented Shakespeare's Richard II on three evenings in the first week ofJune,and the performances were enjoyed and appreciated by an audience that filled the Hall on each occasion The play is a set-work study for this year's Matriculation, but even so, the decision to bring It to the stage was a bold one, for neither in form nor In content does It provide an easy approach to the Interest of those who come to see It. Great speeches predominate over action, and this means that diction, emphasis and timing are su premely Important, while the story Is a piece of wrangling from English medieval history with which few In a South African audience, whether adult or juvenile, are likely to be familiar. There Is no comedy, and although there Is abundance of beautiful poetry, there are also many Instances where the language Is over-affected and artificial to a degree. In spite of these handicaps, the players gave a good account of themselve^s and seemed to have no difficulty In holding the attention of the audience from beginning to end. The period of preparation had been a short one, but nevertheless had made heavy demands on the time of boys who had to keep going with their normal work and games, so the general standard of the performances is a tribute to the vvllllngness with which they made the sacrifices asked of them. A very meritorious feature was that no prompting was required for the principal actors, although some had long parts to learn, and only in two instances was assistance given In the minor 13
roles, and these were probably not noticed beyond the first few rows ofthe "stalls". Mr. P. le Feuvre's Richard was a commendable piece of work, particularly in the first half of the play where he gave a vivid portrayal of the sensitive and sentimental but weak, wilful and irresponsible monarch. His description of Bolingbroke's departure from England, and his visit to the dying Gaunt were especially effective and revealing. But in the later scenes the interpretation seemed to fall away somewhat, and the Deposition Scene was a great disappointment. Here was no Richard exhausted mentally and bodily, broken with sorrow, drinking his griefs, and awed to find himself "a traitor with the rest" as he un decked the "pompous body of a king" and washed away with his own tears the holyoil of a monarch's consecration. Rather it was a petulant and arrogant Richard who could still speak snapplly and with spirit to those who were ruining him. The tragedy of this scene should wring our hearts with pity and fill our eyes,too, with tears, but the utter humiliation and despair, the dreadful awe of it, was not evoked and the drama of it was largely unfulfilled. R. Birkby played the part of Henry Bolingbroke with commendable spirit though without variation of tone and countenance and gesture. It is a pity that there was no indication by demeanour and voice of any other mood than that of aggressive self-assertiveness, for Boiingbroke could be courteous, just and forgiving, and he could even be affable. There is no need to carry the anger of the first scene right through the whole play even to the time when success has crowned his revolt and he is sitting on the throne he has usurped. One longed for a softening of the newly-royal features and a lessening of the harshness of his tongue in the later scenes. The part of the Earl of Northumberland, so largely the evil genius of the action of the play, was well taken by D. Jackson whose hardness of manner and Intentioned brusqueness of speech admirably fitted the role of the unfeeling bully. Something of the effect was lost however, because so youthful a head was hardly in keeping with such man-of-the-world sentiments. It is a pity he was not given a headdress to wear, and that he was not made-up to look more hard bitten and worldly. Many of the other actors would also have looked their parts more if their heads had been covered. B. Meyer made a valiant attempt at the role ofJohn of Gaunt,"time-honoured Lancaster", but was in undoubted difficulties in the scene in which he Is dying at Ely House, because he was made to stand the whole time between two sup porters instead of being pillowed up on a simple couch or in a cushioned chair. It is almost Impossible (I imagine) to be a "prophet new inspired" when dying on your feet, but it could more readily be done when reclining. We had to piece out with our thoughts most of the poetry of his great eulogy of England, and in our thoughts, too, did we have to find the strength and the dignity of his reproach of the flippant Richard. Much more coaching was needed for these great speeches from the lips of Gaunt. The muddle-headed but well-intentioned Duke of York was well done on the whole by G. Stead who got through his part with considerable credit in spite of taking up some awkward stage positions now and then. L. Proksch as Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, spoke with appropriate energy in the early scenes of his quarrel with Bolingbroke, and N. Andersen made an effective Bishop of Carlisle until he suddenly awoke to too much life when he shouted his denun ciation of Bolingbroke's ascending the regal throne and thereby seemed to abdicate all his ecclesiastical authority and hidden reserve of spiritual power. Of all the actors,the one with the most natural stage presence was I. Mackay, in the minor part of York's son,the Duke of Aumerle. Even when not speaking, he made himself a part of what was going on around him and so contributed effectively to the action or the argument by his intelligent support of it. Ha deserves encouragement. Another who did well in a similar way was L. Turvey 14
In the still more minor role of Lord Ross. R. Dyer as Lord Marshal of Eneland also played his small part most helpfully. The lighting effects and the off-stage music and trumpet calls were excellent, and the producer was wise to make do with a mini mum of scenery and furniture. But the scene of Richard's arrival on the Welsh coast needed at least a grassy bank or arock or two for the king to sit on as the text demands when the dejected monarch says ''let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the death of kings", and Carlisle shortly after reminds him that "wise men ne'er sit and wail their woes". There were other instances too where ^e words spoken suggested action that was not given effect to. On the other hand I wondered why the fallen ministers. Bushy and Green,were brought in naked to the waist like savages on a tropical island! It seemed rather incongruous. Making them kneel in front of the condemning Bolingbroke caused them to disappear from the view of all but the first rows ofthe audience, and it was unnecessary, as they did not expect mercy and neither did they ask for it. This play needs rich costuming. The costumes were no more thanadequate, but the best was done with the available resources The naked swords, held in the hand and inevitably used as walkingsticks occasionally' began to Irritate after a time, and it is a pity that Richard did not adorn himself with more imitation jewellery In the earlier scenes. Here too the king might well have surrounded himself with more courtiers by "doubling-up" some of the smallpart actors, for a less solitary Richard would have added to the impressiveness of the opening Court scene and of the scene of the lists at Coventry. I am aware that most ofthe criticisms I have made arise from the short period given to the preparation of the play. But that raises the important question: is it worth while "doing" a Shakespeare play unless adequate time can be given to its rehearsal? No play can come alive and Shakespeare least of all, unless details of speech, gesture, portrayal of emotion, and much else, are thoroughly attended to. And this means timet,ime, and yet more time. It means individual attention to every actor, or at least to the principal group, coaching him inexorably In inflection, in timing, in facial expression, in every step and gesture. The actor must not only understand but he must also feel the meaning of his words if he is to make his part live and appear convincing to the audience If this cannot be achieved for the entire play, then at least certain hi^ghiights must be gone for determinedly and the very best made of them. None of our recent Shakespeare productions has come up to a more than moderate standard,and I believe it is because this attention to details has been lacking and most of the actors have largely been left to go it on their own. I wonder if the cause of this is, to some extent, the fact that the producers of these plays have taken 15
a main part themselves? I very sincerely suggest that this is a point to which the Dramatic Soiciety should give very careful consideration when future productions are being planned. G. M.ORAM DRAMATIS PERSONAE King Richard II P. Le Feuvre John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, King's Uncle B. Meyer Edmund ofLangley, Duke of York, King's Uncle G. Stead Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford, Count's Son R. BIrkby The Duke of Aumerle, York's Son I. Mackay Thomas Mowbray,Duke of Norfolk L. Proksch Earl ofSalisbury J. Simpson Lord Berkeley P. Morrison Bushy "I R. Bishop Bagot > Personal Attendants on the King C. Harris Green J F. Hagemann The Earl of Northumberland D. Jackson Henry Percy Hotspur, Northumberland's Son N. Blackburn Lord Ross L. Turvey Lord Willoughby T. Hoskings The Bishop of Carlisle N. Andersen The Abbot of Westminster F. Rickaby The Lord Marshal of England R. Dyer Sir Stephen Scroop A. Cantrell Sir Pierce of Exton P. Bird The Welsh Captain G. Williams The Queen J. Dickens The Duchess of York R. Crewe The Queen's Lady-in-Waiting J. Cotterell The Groom of the King's Stable P. Rickaby The Prison Keeper G. Brown A servant A. Broom Soldiers C. Christie, K. Davies, F. Courie, H. Guest Producer: P. LE FEUVRE Stoge and Lighting Mr. P. E. Metcalf Sound Effects Mr. J. M. Harper Wardrobe Mesdames Sambrook and Hopkins Make-up Mrs. Metcalf Business Manager Mr. L. C. Tedder Prompter Mr. R. Whiteford Stage Hands M. Stanlland, D. Dale, M. McFall, C. Knightsbridge Costumes provided by the Natal Schools Theatre Organisation. KEARSNEY PARLIAMENT Officials SPEAKER Reece, J. F Roodepoort CLERK Lissauer, F Ladysmith PRIME MINISTER ... Cantrell, A. C. ... Cato Manor LEADER OF OPPOSITION Williams, G. P. ... Waterval Boven PUBLICITY OFFICER Plen, N. J Pinetown 16
GOVERNMENT: Justice External Affairs, Propaganda, inf. ... Defence and interior Railways, Transport, Posts and Telegraphs Bantu Administration Finance, Commerce, Mines Education, Arts, Science, Public Wks. Health and Social Welfare Lands, Agriculture, Food and Water OPPOSITION: Deputy Leader Meyer, B. D. L. ... Margate and 54 CROSS BENCHERS Andersen, N. H. ... Turvey, L. H. Greer, D. A. Kirkwood, D.J. ... Bird, P Jackson, D. T. Blackburn, N. J. ... Gerhardt, R. V. ... Mackay, I. S Daniel, A. J. C. Morgan, K. A. Nightingale, L. B. H. Simpson, J, D. Stead, J. D Stockil, J. C. Watson, E. A. P. ... Wooller, K. J. S. ... Alverstone Touws River Gumtree KwambonambI Bird Island Johannesburg Blackridge Germiston Magaliesburg Durban Maraisburg Nkandhia Sophiatown Stellenbosch Standerton Winterton Witziespruit February 26th March llth .. March 25th April 29th May 13th June 10th PROGRAMME Opposition Motion of No Confidence in the Government No vote taken. Government Motion: "That the Minister for Propaganda be instructed to take steps to prevent the misrepresentation of South African affairs overseas." Proposed by the Minister for Propaganda(N. H. Andersen) and opposed by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (I. S. Mackay). Motion won. Government Motion: "That South Africa should become a Republic'. Proposed by the Hon. Minister for Education, Arts and Science (D. T. Jackson) and opposed by the Hon. Member for Maraisburg(K. A. Margan). Motion Lost. Motion proposed by Hon. Minister without Portfolio (G. P. Williams), "That South Africa should become a Republic" and opposed by Estcourt High School. Motion lost. ' Opposition Motion, "That laws which apply on week days should apply similarly on Sundays". Proposed by Hon. MemWitziespruit(K. Wooller)and opposed by Hon.Prime Minister(A. C.Cantreii). Motion won. Motion, "That the policy of Bantustan is economically impracticable and ethically unsound**. Proposed by Epworth High School and opposed by the Hon. Minister for Defence and Interior(L. H.Turvey). Result, a tie. 17
AS we had hoped,this has proved quite a fair session. The majority of last year's best speakers have returned and the battle of wits between Cabinet and Opposition has proceeded unabated, with the Cross-benchers, as usual, sitting in rather awed silence. Particular fluency from the leaders results in greater bashfulness among the lesser lights, but we hope the situation will improve. The political scene in South Africa has been somewhat lurid during the earlier part of the year, and the intelligent and rational interest taken in her affairs has been revealed by the thoughtful and well-documented nature of the speeches made. Question-time has found a host of very pertinent and somewhat embarrassing posers hurled at the Cabinet, who have nevertheless acquitted themselves well. As has been stressed before, question-time is one ofthe most valuable features of our Parliamentary system. As Prime Minister, A. C. Cantrell has dealt very adequately with all problems arising. On one occasion,owing to the absence of most of his Cabinet at a Play Rehearsal, he had to answer nearly twenty questions himself. The Leader of the Opposition, G. P. Williams, has never spared the Government and has a keen political mind. Variously supported by such as Turvey, Mackay, Stead, Jackson, Anderson and Bird, these protagonists have fought hard. It was a great pleasure to have Estcourt School visit us again, and we commend their enthusiasm in making so long a trip—a round distance of nearly 250 miles for an evening's debate. The evening was enjoyable and we congratulate our opponents on winning their anti-Republican motion, though we would observe that the CrossBenchers almost always vote anti-Government on principle! Epworth,too, paid their first visit to our Parliament,and we hope they enjoyed watching the system at work. One need hardly say that a visit from our sister school is always an Occasion, for more reasons than the official ones. Once again, they persuaded the Cross-benchers to vote against our hard-pressed, but very resolute. Cabinet. Among questions posed at Question Time were the following:— To what country does an Indian, whose ancestry Is South African, belong. If the Government does not regard him as a South African? Why are helicopters allowed for game-hunting? Do you consider the swastika a work of art? Why are Maori rugby players not permitted to play here with the All Blacks? Why Is the Queen's head to be removed from our coins? When Is the Afrlkaanse Woordeboek, begun 30 years ago,to be completed? Why were the Royal Natal Carbineers forbidden to take part In the Ladysmith celebrations? Will the Republic (If any) be Inside the Commonwealth? Why has £72,000 been spent on new cars for the Cabinet? Will there be a new Durban railway station ever? What Is to be done about sea pollution off the coast of Natal? How many people have been detained under the Emergency Regulations? 18
m k ■ i ft w '4 41 mm •life 1m m^AM"..'M.-jf^ Malutsinyane Falls. Photo; J. D. Simpson
Why are the main Union Celebrations to be held in a small dorp like Bloemfonteln? What Is to be done to ease the Pass Laws? Can South Africa defend herself in wartime? What steps are the Government going to take In the matter of kwashlorkor? For how long Is the Press to be censored? For how long Is the Government going to allow South African affairs to be misrepresented overseas? If the Government take over the control of all Education, what are their Intentions towards the Private Schools of Natal? Why was a swimming bath built In Sophlatown when the Government cannot afford the water to fill It? Whatsteps are being taken to make doves fly upwards Instead of downwards? These questions—only a fraction of the full quantity—show a sensible and critical Interest In current problems, and it is proper to report that the Prime Minister or the appropriate Cabinet Minister replied to them all fairly adequately! SPEECH AND DRAMA FESTIVAL THE participants had put in a good deal of time and thought into the preparation and memorisation of their items, but hardly anticipated the extremely glowing report put in by the adjudicator, who has judged widely and so should have acquired a standard of measure ment by now. In short, every candidate obtained a First Class for every item (In many cases First plus, plus plus, and plusplus plus!), and the general report indicated that this was the best group she had met. She reported: "Speakers spoke slowly and with control—the essence of good speaking. The field of choice was wide and very interesting to listen to, showing a keen appreciation of good litera ture. Public speaking, both prepared and impromptu, was fluent and intelligent; this being no doubt in part due to experience with the Kearsney Parliament. "To be a competent and fluent speaker, especially impromptu, is a wonderful social asset. To deliver a well-prepared public speech or lecture makes one persona grata anywhere. "Blank verse and Scripture readings were well chosen and the Scripture passages In particular were feelingly presented. There Is no finer literature than that of the Bible." Items presented were as follows:— N. Andersen: Impromptu Speech, Blank Verse, Scripture Reading, Sight Reading, Broadcast Voice. P. Bird: Lecture (Flight over Russia), Impromptu Speech, Broadcast Voice. A. Cantrell: Lecture (Joan of Arc), Impromptu Speech, Scripture Reading. 19
D. Jackson: Blank Verse, Scripture Reading. Broadcast Voice, Sight Reading, Narrative Poem. I. Mackay: Lecture (Yachting), Scripture Reading, Unaided Work, Sight Reading, Broadcast Voice. C. Stead: Lecture (Albert Schweitzer), Sight Reading, Scripture Reading, Unaided Work, Broadcast Voice. L.Turvey: Lecture (Bantustans), impromptu Speech, Sight Reading, Broadcast Voice. G.Williams: Lecture (individuality). Unaided Work. Everything, except Sight Reading and Broadcast Voice, was memorised. Broadcast Voice was tested in Radio House, Durban,and resulted in: 1st Class: i. Mackay, D. Jackson; 2nd Class: G. Stead, N. Andersen, P. Bird. J.F.R. JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY AN encouraging amount of Interest has been displayed In the Society by numerous members of the third form and some most promising speakers have come to light. A variety of motions has been debated, among them,"That the Life of a Schoolmaster Is a Very Easy One"(Lost 20-23!) and "That Non-Europeans as well as Europeans should be permitted to repre sent South Africa at International Sports Events and In Test Matches If they are good enough"(won 46-12). In addition, the Society was privileged to attend a meeting of the Kearsney Parliament to listen to the debate vs. Estcourt High School and many useful tips on forceful and fluent public speaking were gleaned. R.W. CHOIR THE Chapel Choir this year numbers about 60 voices with tenors outnumbering the basses—surely a unique occurrence. Some anthems have already been performed: (I) Vox Ultima Crucls by William H. Harris. (II) Easter Anthem—"Come ye Faithful" by Dr. Thatcher. (III) Crimond—"The Lord's My Shepherd". The last named anthem was sung by the choir who had the pleasure of leading the singing at the wedding of Miss Patricia Palmer of Kloofto Mr. N. OehJey. Future events Include further anthems, the school concert, probably to be held In early September, and later, of course, the Carol Service. 20
The choir has worked well and show considerable promise for the occasions to come,and I am pleased to say that my first two terms with them have been most pleasant. J.M.H. RECITAL WE were treated to a very pleasant musical recital on February 27th by Mr. and Mrs. John Harper, newly arrived from Englandhe has succeeded Mr. Quarmby and Mrs. Harper has sung profes sionally overseas. We were delighted to have such talented friends In our midst. PROGRAMME I. PIANO... 2. SONG , ... Liadov ,. Grovlez Templeton (i) Musical Box (11) Le Petit Ane Blanc (ill) Bach Goes to Town ... (1) If I Loved You (CAROUSEL) (II) I Was Never Kissed Before (BLESS THE BRIDE) (III) Deep In my Heart (THE STUDENT PRINCE) 3. PIANO COMPOSITIONS John Ireland 4. SONGS from FIGARO and MADAME BUTTERFLY. 5. PIANO (I) Study In G Flat F. Chopin (11) Waltz In E Minor F. Chopin (Hi) Prelude In C Sharp Minor F. Chopin 6. SONGS (I) The Little Damozel Ivor Novello (II) The Chestnut Tree R. Schumann (III) The Song of the Smugglers Lass ... M. Phillips Clarinet Items by Mr. Harper had to be cancelled owing to the Illness of Mr. Oram,accompanist. VIOLIN RECITAL ON March 19th Mr. Woodcock, Australian world-traveller, gave a very Interesting lecture-recital, revealing himself as a high-grade performer. He was accompanied on the piano by Mr. Philip Britten, Director of Music for Natal, and Items ranged from Bach and Beet hoven to Bela Bartok. Mr. Woodcock explained and demonstrated the scope and effects of the violin, and the evening was entertaining and Instructive. 21
MUSIC SOCIETY THE music society has met regularly since the beginning ofthe year, listening chiefly to orchestral works on records, interspersed with piano examples regarding the form and texture of the pieces about to be heard. A visit was made to the Royal Ballet to see "Swan Lake" at the end of March, and later it is hoped to attend some of the concerts given by the Durban Municipal Orchestra. J.M.H. EXPLORATION SOCIETY TO cater for the spirit of adventure, the School found Itself last year with a new society, the Exploration Society. One branch of that society has devoted its holiday energies to the study of the Province's wild life, and three expeditions have already walked their way through the thornveld that lies near the confluence of the White and the Black Mfolozi Rivers, the area in which is situated the Umfolozi Game Reserve and the surrounding Crown Lands. The Natal Parks Board allows three day safaris through this country, and Kearsney has taken full opportunity of this advantage. Accompanied by a ranger and a Zulu guide, a single file of boys wends its way across rivers,over hills and through thick bush country, the home of the Bejane, or dangerous Black Rhinoceros. A start is made in the early hours of the morning, and with cameras at the ready, the boys plunge off into the bush to see what there is to see: White Rhino, Black Rhino, Warthogs, Baboons, Bushbuck, the graceful kudu, the elegant duiker or rare Nyala, Wildebeeste, Crocodile, the spoor and kill of a lion—for there are a handful of ofthem still in Zululand^—and innumerable birds and insects. Views of the country open out from the hill-tops, while in the distance the Manghlagazi hills form the horizon, hills along which Chaka's armies used to move on their way north and hills which shaded the capital of the great Matetwa chief, Dingiswayo. At midday the party stops by the river to make tea and just relax in the shade,for such is the rule of the veld during the heat of the day. And as it passes, so the single file forms again and moves on, eyes searching, ears attentive, limbs ever ready to take full flight should occasion warrant it. And as evening draws near a camp-site is found by the river: tents are erected, or perhaps it is a sheltered cave. A fire is made, supper is eaten and the evening is spent listening to the ranger who talks of the animals he loves or recites some stirring saga in the history of the people of the place, the Zulu nation. 22