EDITORIAL NOTICES Old Boy activity in the past half year appears to have been quiescent. One intent of the Register — to promote increased unity and enthusiasm—appears not to have succeeded. The following Old Boys pass their 50th milestone this year: H. N. Ashwell, F. R. Baudert, H. B. de Wet, J. N. Hulett, C. O. Kirk, A. W. Macfarlane, W.Putterill, B. R. Tedder. The following Old Boys now have sons at Kearsney: The late T. W. Beckett, J. S. Bertram, D. Clark, J. R. G. Drummond, B. S. Ellis, Rev. P. H. Hittler, H. J. W. Howarth, J. N. Hulett, A. W. Macfarlane, D. R. Nightingale, B. L. Nilsen, R. A. Piper, L.G.Pottow, R.H.Theunissen. Old Boys who change their addresses are asked to inform their local secretaries as well as the Magazine Editor. We have noted the following Natal University successes: P. J. Baynash, B. Econ., J. R. Bull, B.Sc. hons. (Dist. Chem.), F. L. Farquharson, B.Sc. hons (Zoo), O. R. Southwood, B. Sc. (Agric.), H.K.Timm,B.A. The Editor will be glad to learn of any further successes. News of Old Boys should be given to the Editor in writing, as verbal news cannot be carried in the head over a period of six months! Life Membership ofthe Club is £5 5s. Od.and entitles members to Magazines and all the benefits. Payment may be made to the Treasurer or the Magazine Editor. 174