LEADERS' MEETING Service to be conducted by senior boys on the last Sunday evening ofthe school year. African Minister: Agreed to try to arrange for a service to be conducted here while Conference, 1962, was being held in Durban. Reception of new members: Rev. Dr. J. B. Webb would be conducting this service on September 16th, 1962. Agreed that in future Chapel Committee Meetings be held in the evenings. Agreed to ask the School organist to teach the musical version of the Lord's Prayer,for Sunday services. The idea of a boys' Discussion Group to be held on Sundays was sympathetically dealt with. Agreed to discuss with Form VI in 1962. The Chairman thanked the boys' representatives, A. J. Daniel and O. L. GrifRths, for the help they had rendered at Chapel Committee Meeetings during tte past year. J F R PARKES ACADEMIC TROPHY (Last year in brackets) 1. Pembroke 50.0 (51.6) 2. Finningley 49.7 (50.2) 3. Gillingham 48.6 (49.6) Whole School 49.5 (50.5) FINNINGLEY HOUSE NOTES This has been a memorable year for Finningley—the "winds of change" having been well to the fore and, on occasions, well nigh assuming gale proportions. The July holidays witnessed a major rebuilding programme and when the "inmates" returned it was to be greeted by revised dormi tory arrangements, new study-cubicles for the Sixth-formers and glamorous bathrooms with vastly improved plumbing. Nor was this the only break with the accepted order of the House as we were unfortunate enough to have Mrs. Sambrook leave us after no less than eight years. Ever cheerful and never too preoccupied to spare a few moments for a friendly chat, she had endeared herself to staff and boys alike. In her place we wel comed Mrs. MacMillan who was faced with the unenviable task of taking over the reins immediately following the buildings opera tions. She has made light of the task and settled well into the routine 94