
KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE ^.y ''IF^Vr 4<M-\ %■ 'W ■; ^ ■:l I-- . / HV." Sfubtlce J^umbcr BOTHA'S HILL #• 1939 - 1964 July, 1964 y ; ■ ■.<,*. •'• ... ;■

thJt i m H ^•F ■^r-m mam Oedipus (From colour transparencies by S. Ridge) Jocosta

Kearsney College Chronicle Vol. 5 No. 9 July, 1964 SILVER JUBILEE This year marks the Silver Jubilee of our arrival at Botha's Hill, after 18 years at the 'old'school. The School's growth in a mere 25 years is quite phenomenal:from 96to 456.Buildings andamenitiesnowranksecond to none. We are privileged to print greetings from a number of well-wishers, and thank them for their interest in us. Your Editor has also delved pains takingly into the Magazines of the past 25 years and extracted what he considers some ofthe more important happenings. He also wrote to many of the 'pioneers' of1939for their early impressions,and has managed to piece together a number ofmemories which may prove ofinterest. We hope you will enjoy reading through it all. 435

SILVER JUBILEE We have received Silver Jubilee Greetings from thefol lowing friends: From His Honour the Administrator of Natal, Mr. Theo Gerdener: It is not possible to estimate the influence that the private schools have exercised on thepeople ofNatal,but it is obvious that the influence has beenprofoundand that theprivateschools haveplayedan important role in education in this Province. Although the history ofKearsney College is a comparatively brief one,theschoolhas madegreatprogressand it is today one ofthe largest and most popular private schools in Natal. This progress has been made possible by the wisdom of those members of the Methodist Church who, twenty-five years ago, moved the school to its present site — a magnificent one. The setting of the old Kearsney College, founded as it was in the home ofSir J.L.Hulett, tvajindeed romantic, but it was too remote to attract large number ofboys. Asa consequence its numbers in theeighteen years of its existence seldom exceeded seventy-five. Today the number exceeds four hundred andflftyl The first few years at Botha's Hillcoincided with the Second World War and, like the rest ofthe country, the school wasfaced with difficulties. These were, however, overcome and Kearsney College can look back on the past twenty-five years with great satisfaction. I wish to congratulate those who have helped to establish the fine reputation which the school has acquired during its years at Botha's Hill, and I sincerely hope that the Jubilee Year will be particularly successful onefor Kearsney. From the Deputy Director of Education for Natal, Mr. J. H. Stander: Private Schools {including Government-aided Schools) have played a very important part in the development of our existing system of education in Natal. Kearsney College is no exception to this rule,for its phenomenal growth testifies eloquently to the confidence Natal parents, and many others beyond our provincial borders, are reposing in the College. On behalfofthe Natal Education Department,1 wish to congratu late the School on the excellent work it has done and on the good influence it has exercised on the youngpeople ofNatal.Iwish to thank the Principalfor his ready co-operation at all times with this Depart ment. 436

The facilities offered by Kearsney College, and its scholastic achievements to date,should ensure the continued support ofthe Natal public. The Board ofGovernors can lookforward to afuture in which it will play an even greater role in the education of the youth of the Republic ofSouth Africa. On behalfofthe Natal Education Depart ment I extend to Kearsney College the very best wishes for such afuture. From the Rev. Stanley G. Pitts, President of the Methodist Con ference, 1963-64: MayIextend to Kearsney College my warmest congratulations on the occasion of her 25th Anniversary of the siting of the College at Botha's Hill. Not knowing the College'sformer site I am not in a position to compare the two, but it goes without saying that the move must have been made to the advantage of the College, and with an eye to its future development. Certainly it would be difficult to imagine a better situation than that which the College now enjoys, and I retain vivid memoriesfrom my last visit to Kearsney of the magnificent view from the ActingHeadmaster's house. The expansion of the College, and the esteem it enjoys among our people, is proofenough ofthe wisdom ofthe move, and ofthe quality of the service that has been rendered to Kearsney by Mr. Matterson and, in later years, Mr. Osier, and their staffs. These past forty-three years and, in particular, the quarter of a century at Botha's Hill, have created an admirable School, of which the Methodist Church isjustifiably proud. Our hope and prayer is that the next quarter-century will see Kearsney reaching its maximum development,and achieving a position ofunrivalled leadership among Church Schools,especially in the quality ofthe young men she sends out into the world. Floreat Kearsney! From Mr. R. H. Matterson, Headmaster of Kearsney from 1922 to 1946: It is not given to many to see their day-dreams materialise, but this deep and satisfying pleasure has come to those of us, both on the Board of Governors and on the Staff of the School, who in the days of difficulty and stress still dreamed ofa greatfuturefor Kearsney. Real success followed immediately on the decision to move to Botha's Hill and the efforts to avoid failure were converted to the 437

solving of the embarrassments ofsuccess, not the least ofthese being the matter ofstaffin the early days ofthe Second World War. Now wesee thefulfilment ofour highest hopes as regards buildings, grounds and other material things. On the spiritual and cultural side Istill see the deep and urgent need not to rest on our labours, but to fight to maintain the traditions we have already created and even to extend them. All our material gains are but dust and ashes unless side by side with them there are the sure signs that this School is sending out into the world a set ofyoung men dedicated to servicefor their God and their fellow-man. These two aims — the eonsolidation of our material position and an increase in the spiritual and cultural training ofyouth — must be the duty of all connected with Kearsneyfor the next period before we reach our Jubilee in 1971. From Mr. W.J. Williams, who was Chairman of our Board at the time of the change-over, and who steered the School through the first ten difficult years at Botha's HiU: In 1937 the NatalSynod ofthe Methodist Church seriously debated the desirability of closing both Kearsney College and its sister school Epworth High School. Was there afuturefor theprivate schools under the aegis of the Church? The answer of a special committee who investigated the question was emphatically in the affirmative, although it was realised that there were many difficulties to be surmounted. How right this decision was is surely demonstrated in the College Buildings whose Silver Jubilee is celebrated this year. Let it not be forgotten that within months of the opening on its present site the Second World War had been launched and shortage ofpersonnel, materials, and restrictivefinance together with the many other difficulties attendant on a country at war had to be met and surmounted. A dedicated and visionary committee met thechallenge and throughout the past 25 years equally dedicated men and women have retained the vision and today Kearsney College can truly be said to rank as one ofthe outstanding Public Schools in the Republic. No message of congratulation on this Anniversary would be com plete without a tribute to the two Headmasters and their Staff whose courage and sacrifice throughout the years has been such a contri butingfactor to the School's success. I am privileged to be able to send through this Silver Jubilee Edition of the College Magazine my sincere congratulations on this Anniversary and to express the hope that the next25 years willproduce the same loyalty and devotion in staffand councils who will carry on a great tradition. 438

From Mr, H. W. Haley, present Chairman of the Board of Governors: The experience of having been associated with Kearsney College over the past 25 years has been stimulating and rewarding, and one for which Ishall ever be grateful. From the laying of the Foundation Stones of the new buildings at Botha's Hill to this day the Board of Governors has beenfaced throughout with the challenge to providefor Kearsney the right equipment to make the school great. It is no light task toface this challenge within afinancial structure commensurate with our meansandpotential. It hasrequiredskill,faith andinspiration, and the leadership given by the Chairmen of the Board over this period, Messrs. W.J. Williams, C. A. Woods, L. F. Forsyth, P. H. Hind and Dr. S. B. Sudbury has ensured steady progress without unnecessaryfinancial complications. A survey ofthe property and the playingfields, the extensions and alterations duefor completion within the next month or so, reveals facilities as good as, if not better than, those ofany other school in South Africa. These are the tools availablefor making Kearsney great. In achieving this, donorsfrom all walks oflife have assistedandmade it possiblefor this phenomenalprogress to take place, andIshould be failing in not acknowledging thefinancial gifts both large and small which have helped so magnificently in this progress. Under the leadership of the Headmasters, Mr. R. H. Matterson and Mr.S.G. Osier, the staffofthe School has discharged its respons ibility well, and has established a tradition of which we can all be proud. We rejoice that the ideal ofa well balanced training ofbody, mind and spirit is possible offulfilment. With 460 boys on the roll our influence is extending and there is the need to pause in the hurrying pace ofprogress to consider how best to sustain that influence, how to keep the Old Boys together at the increasing rate now taking place, and how we can maintain a premier position in teaching and teaching methods. All these matters are before usand will be met as squarely andfaithfully aspossible. Refreshceorurses organised at several university centres during school vacations are proving to be of inestimable value to our staff and Ipay tribute to the manner in which staff members have made full use ofthese courses. Unitedly School and Church, Board and Staff, Pupils and Old Boys, are bound up in this effort to provide the pattern which enables future generations to have the ability to live afull andjoyous life, and to that end the energies ofthe next decade must be directed. 439

From the Headmaster, Mr. S. G. Osier, who is serving on the National Education Advisory Council in Pretoria for this year: Iam glad to accede to the Editor's request to write a short message for the Silver Jubilee Edition ofthe Kearsney "Chronicle". It is not difficult to picture the early days at Botha's Hill. Chaka's warriors glistening with perspiration as they rested on our spur before moving on to some foray; British regiments camping for the night before proceeding on to take part in the Zulu wars; members of the Board, Mr. Matterson and Staff, viewing thefuture site ofKearsney. I wonder how many ofthese ever imagined that so great a College as ours wouldsome daystand there, with its spaciousgrounds,its beautiful Chapel and Hall and other buildings. It has been a rich and signal achievement, and Board, teachers, parents. Old Boys and boys can justly be proud of their joint efforts to create a school which within a comparatively short time has established itselfsecurely in the education ofthe Republic. Kearsney is a vigorous school and illustrates the importance ofthe pioneer spirit. It has boldness, adventure, initiative and that optimistic faith which characterizes great causes. May this Silver Jubilee which coincides with the completion ofthe bigfive-year development scheme be a memorable one, and may thefuture be even more splendid than the past. The new tunes may be different, but the most important notes they strike will always be those of the prophet Micah: "What doth the Lord require ofthee, but to dojustly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" From Mr. G. M. Gram, master at Kearsney from 1924 to I960: Congratulations to Kearsney on its twenty-five years at Botha's Hill. And congratulations to all members of its Staff and Old Boys who pioneered there from 1939 onwards. Neither do Iforget the members ofthe Board of Governors who with strongfaith and deter mined loyalty gave direction and encouragement, sometimes when others doubted,so that Kearsney has grown to be thefine School it is today. Their names — Staff, Old Boys, Governors — cannot be mentioned here, but when I look back over the years, they remain vividly and gratefully in my memory as I see the glorious heritage that their service and theirfellowship in study andgameshaveproduced These are they who seized opportunities and made invaluable use of them. Thefuture lies open before their successors, and Iam quite convinced that they will build worthily and firmly on the well-laid foundations ofthe past. A great and gloriousfuture awaits you, Kearsney, and I do not doubt that you will make the most ofit. 440

From Miss S. C. KachelhoflFer, Principal of Epworth High School: The principal,staffand girls ofEpworth High School are proud of their association with Kearsney College as the two schools have similar aims, ideals and loyalties. We have watched the growth of Kearsney over the years, not only in size and numbers, hut in academic and cultural prestige, and we welcome the opportunity of expressing our message ofgoodwill and admiration. Long may Kearsney continue to turn out hoys with vision and intellectual integrity. South Africans with moral courage and firm faith, and young men with potentiality ofleadership. From Willie Hulett (21-25), Foundation member of the School: So this is the Silver Jubilee year ofKearsney College at Botha's Hill. Twenty-five years ago, a start was made clearing away a few unkempt wattle trees on a hare windswept hillside. For the public of South Africa, especiallyfor the people ofour own province of Natal, a new school was coming into being. For all intents and purposes, this was to be the real Kearsney College, the re-birth of an institution which, through no fault of its own,and its geographical location, hadfought an eighteen year battle for survival against odds, on the Kearsney Estate. During the years 1929 to 1932, the North Coast was beset by the scourge of malaria but although this little oasis six milesfrom Stanger had never been affected, nobody could convince the public of its immunity. Other drawbacks to expansion were legion. In particular the buildings were old and needed constant maintenance and there was little or no moneyfor development. Indeed thefuture looked so black that many a stout heart quailed at the thought of carrying on, but astride this background offrustration and seeming failure stood the solidfigure ofa man with a purpose; that man was R.H. Matterson. Mattie hadforsaken a secure position at Kingswood in order to help a new school and it was no part ofhis make-up to throw in the towel, for he had visions of a great future for Kearsney College. How he fought and succeeded in convincing others, how he was given land and money,entrusted with laying thefoundation ofa new and better school and how he, his staff and successors in office transformed his vision into reality is now part of history but the present day Kearsney is a afitting monument to hisfaith and industry. It has grown out of all recognition during this quarter-century, and I wish it every blessing as it settles down to consolidate for the future, 441

From Mrs. M. Dales, mother of George Bazley, our first Head Prefect at Botha's Hill, who was killed on Active Service shortly after leaving Kearsney: It has been wonderful to watch the progress ofthe School over the past 25 years. It does not surprise me,for Ishall neverforget what Kearsney meant to my son George,from the time he entered in 1932 to the time he left tojoin up in 1940. He was very proud ofhis school. Ipray that Kearsney may gofrom strength to strength in the years to come. From Graham Balcomb, Head of Gillingham in 1939-40, and second in command to George Bazley: It is with a feeling of honour that I have been asked to send a message to mark the occasion ofthe Silver Jubilee ofKearsney's move to Botha's Hill. This honour would rightly have been in the hands of George Bazley, one of Kearsney's 'Greats'; in fact, there has been none greater. He made the supreme sacrifice early in World War H. His character, personality and leadership were an inspiration to us all in launching Kearsney on its new foundations. For 25 years the School has grown underthe inspiration of its Headmasters and devoted Staff, and we have watched with pride its forward march into a place that ranks second to none. It is with courage that Kearsney has worked over the past 25 years, and it is with confidence that itfaces thefuture. On behalfofall those who too:>i part in the'move',mysincere wishesgoforth to the Staffand Scholars infurthering the high performances and ideals ofour School.

KEARSNEY DIARY AUGUST, 1939 TO DECEMBER, 1963 These are some ofthe principal events ofthe school'sfirst twenty-five years at Botha's Hill. Opinions will vary as to what are the most important happenings of this quarter century. Staff arrivals relate only to those who have been herefor seven years. 1939 Staff: Mr. R,H. Matterson (1922), Headmaster; Mr. G. M.Gram (1924), Mr. J. F. Reece (1927), Mr. C. O. Medworth (1928), Mr. and Mrs. P. Milner (1933), Miss D. R. Eraser (1933), Mr. J. H. Hopkins (1939). Gillingham: Housemaster, Mr. G. M. Gram, assisted by Mr. C. G. Medworth; Matron,Sister Attlee; Finningley: Housemaster, Mr. J. F. Reece, assisted by Mr. J. H. Hopkins; Matron, Sister Hayman. Housekeeper, Miss C. Charlton. August 11th: Boys arrive for opening of term. School roll: 96 boarders. September 3rd: Outbreak of World War II. December 12th: First Prize-Giving, presided over by Mr. W.J. Williams, Chairman of the Board ofGovernors. Prizes presented by Rev. L. S. H. Wilkinson, President of Conference. School Chaplain: Rev. W.H. Irving, who had been Kearsney's first chaplain when the school was opened at Stanger. Head Prefect: G. C. Bazley. School Dux: D. J. Munro.(Both since deceased.) Cricket: December 9th: Kearsney 299 for 4 wkts. (Foss 108, run out, Bazley 156). Tech.20(Boyd 5 for 6)and 40(Boyd4for 13). 1940 School roll: 120 boarders. May 5th: Devastating storm. Garages and native quarters blown away, fifty trees uprooted, houses flooded by 10 inches of rain. May 8th: Tennis courts opened by Mr.W.J. Williams. June 1st: Evening of cartooning by Mr. Jock Leyden, of the Daily News. December 3rd: Concert presented by Bantu Choir. Debating Society revived. Cricket:the 1st XI dismissed its opponents in successive innings for 105, 27,67, 41,48 and 69. Boyd 77 wickets for 5.2, and played for Natal Schools. Rugby: 1st XY beat Gld Crocks 27 - 7. 443

1941 School roll: 140 boarders. Most of Staff were members of war-service — Coastal Defence Corps, St. John Ambulance, etc. Kearsney Old Boys heavily engaged up north. First Old Boys to be killed on active service: A.T. Mitchell, G.E. Weston. Junior House opened: First Housemaster,Mr.C.O.Medworth. Kearsney Band originated.Came 3rd out of6in firstcompetition. February 15th: School attended official openinogf the new Epworth. August 23rd: The school's first birth: Peter Reece! 1942 Fall of Tobruk. Many Old Boys captured. Slit trenches brought into use. Petrol rationing severely imposed. August 29th: School Fete. £370 collected for War work. Athletic Sports: Davidson, high jump 5 ft. 11^ ins. (still the record). Rugby and Cricket teams played other schools' Firsts for the first time. The Cricket XI defeated Maritzburg College, Glenwood, Marists, and succession. Davidson 543 runs and 74 wkts.' and played for Natal Schools. 1943 Swimming bath excavation begun, mainly by schoolboys. Union Loan Certificate Thrift Club started. First Sixth Form Dance. February 13th: Unforgettable pianoforte recital by Mr. Harold Scott. March 13th: Lecture by Rev.C.F. Montgomery,naval chaplain, brother ofthefamous Field Marshal Montgomery. Rugby XV won6 out of9; Cricket XI won 5 out of 10. 1944 Messrs. V.L. Clegg and G.NelJoined the Staff. Levelling of Cricket Oval, hitherto a wattle plantation. The Old School taken over by the Healing Homes' Association. August 26th: Staff Play: The Whole Town's Talking, by Anita Loos. November 16th: Swimming Bath opened by Mr. J.J. Crookes. December 3rd: First Carol Service Broadcast,from West Street Methodist Church, Durban. 444

Rugby; The XV completed the best season in the school's history, defeating every leading Natal school, and losing only twice. Seven players invited to Natal School's trials, of whom N. Walker later played for South Africa, and N.Theunissen for Natal. Athletics: Mile record by I. I. Ives, 4.48V5 sees, (broken only in 1964). 1945 World War II ended, in Europe on May 7th, and in Japan on August 15th. Mr.G.E. Burger joined the Staff. Mr. Medworth left us at the end of the year, after 18 years at Kearsney, to become Sports Editor of the Natal Mercury. The Band won the Band Competition, led by R. Friday, even though the bass drummer and two leading buglers had to withdraw at the last moment through illness. August 24th: Field Marshal Smuts stopped at Kearsney to inspect the Cadets. Matric Class of 14 had eight 'firsts' and no failures. Athletics: N. Walker, discus 160 ft. 10 ins.(still the record). 1946 School roll: 190. At the end of the year Mr. Matterson retired after 24 years as Headmaster,virtually since the school's founding.Had seen numbers grow from 20 to 190. Mr.P. Milner retired after 14 years with the School. Mr.L. C.Tedder joined the Staff. Mr.and Mrs. Milner's home,now to be known as Milner House, converted into a small hostel for senior boys. Johannesburg and Zululand Branches of the Old Boys' Club formed. Cricket: The 1st XI dismissed Hilton College for 22. The Oval now in use. First Old Boys' Reunion at Botha's Hill — a historic occasion, after long years of War Service. 90 Old Boys stayed for the week end. October 12th: Visit byDurban City Orchestra,under Mr.Edward Dunn. December 8th: Choir's second Carol Broadcast, and Mr. Matterson's final address as Headmaster. 445

1947 . Mr.S. G. Osier appointed as Headmaster. Mr. J. W.Storm joined the Staff. School roll exceeded 200 for the first time. Visit of British Royal Family. The Kearsney Band provided the music on the way to King's House, with H. N. Groom as Drum Major. H.Ritz had to play the morning reveille outside King George Vlth s bedroom. M. T. Eastwood was personally congratulated by His Majesty on having become a King's Scout. The Cadet Band won the Competition with the highest total on record (189/200), and headed every section. M. T. Eastwood took over the Drum Major's post at five days' notice, after Drum Major Groom had taken ill. February 16th: Afrikaans Debating Society started. E. van Gorkom won the South African Surfing Championship. P. M.le Roux came 3rd in shot and discus at the South African Junior Championships. Cricket: A. R. King 40 wkts. at average of4.8. He later played for Natal at both cricket and rugger, and captained Natal at rugger. 1948 Polio epidemic stopped most forms of activity. June 5th: School Fete, to collect money for Old Boys' Pavilion. £3,430 collected, including a gift of £1,430 from Mr. L. T. Polkinghorne. June 24th: Visit of Mr. Frank Beresford, r.a., famous for his painting of King George V lying in state. July 31st: First official Founders Day. August 31st: Death of Mr. C. H. Stott, who had given us our land at Botha's Hill. Prize-Giving: Mr.J. H.Hofmeyr,who was due to give away the Prizes, died on Prize-Giving day. Five boyscame top in the country in one or other oftheir subjects in the J.C. examination. ShootinSgc:hool won the Imperial Challenge Shield, Natal Section. Cricket: B. Stewart averaged 52.5. 1949 Mr. Oram retired from Gillingham, after 10 years, to be suc ceeded by Mr. Clegg. Mr. and Mrs. Reece and family overseas for the year, and Finningley under the control of Mr. Nel. 446

January 15th: Native-Indian riots in Durban. Mr.R.C.Bestjoined the Staff. April 23rd: Several Old Boysjoined Mr. and Mrs. Reece for an Old Boys' Dinner at the Regent Palace Hotel, London. Mr. W. J. Williams retired after 12 years as Chairman of the Board. New Library built, and Sports Pavilion begun. November 6th: First Remembrance Sunday Church Parade. E. N. Kitchin won the Natal Schools' Golf Championship. Shooting: Imperial Challenge Shield — Kearsney second in Natal, third in South Africa, and ninth in the Commonwealth. Cricket: 1st XI dismissed for 12 by D.H.S.(H.Tayfield, soon to be world-renowned,took 7 wkts.for9runs). 1950 May 13th: Foundation Stone of Chapel laid by Mrs. R. T. Polkinghorne, and dedicated by Rev. J. W. Hunt. May 31st: War Memorial Pavilion officially opened and dedi cated by Rev. W.H.Irving, the School's first Chaplain (1921). Mr.R. Rutherford-Smith joined the Staff. September 7th: Mr.P. Milner died. September 24th: Our only casualty in the Korean war: A. C. Taylor killed. Old Boys' Endowment Fund started. School's first Afrikaans Camp,at Scottburgh, Michaelmas holi day. Swimming: The School first competed in the Inter-School LifeSaving Competition,our Juniors taking the first two places. Rugby: The 1st XV defeated Glenwood (twice), St. Henry's (twice), Michaelhouse, Voortrekker, Durban Tech.(twice), P.M.B. Tech. Cricket: Atkinson 58 wkts. at average 5.8. He later played for Natal. 1951 Mr.W.J. Lutley appointed Bursar,and Mrs.Lutley Art teacher. Mr.R.Quarmlyjoined the Staff. Athletic Sports held on the Oval for the first time. Organ Fund reached £5,133, including £3,600 from Mr. A. H. Smith (later increased to £4,600). June 23rd: Chapel Fete realised £3,100, including £2,000 from Mr.A.H.Smith. 447

September 2nd: Chapel opened and dedicated by Rev S le Grove Smith,President ofConference. Swimming; E. J. Needham held 15 open records — all but two In December he helped to break the South African Open Medley record, and later won the South African 220 yards butterfly chamnionship. ^ 1952 Mr. L. C. Tedder succeeded Mr. Reece as Housemaster of Fmningley, after 12^ years. Approach to school put under tarmac, thanks to Mr. A H Smith. ■ ' February 15th: Presentation of Colours at Service in Chapel in memory ofHisLate Majesty,King George VI."God save the Queen" sung for the first time. May 18th: Mr. Alfred Khumalo (of Cry the Beloved Country) and Bantu Choir presented a service ofsong in the Chapel. Bust of John Wesley presented to the Chapel by Mr. W. N Cornelius. D.O.Hall became the first schoolboy ever to address the Durban City Parliament. Mr. R. H. Matterson elected Grand President ofthe Sons of England — the country's highest post in this organisation. Athletics: The School Relay Team won the Inter-Schools' Relay N.More ran 2nd in the Open Half Mile(2 mins.3 sees.). Cricket: First post-war century: D.H.Lowe 134 vj. Maritzburg College. 1953 February 22nd: Chapel Organ, made in Germany, and costing £6,400,dedicated by Rev. J. W.Hunt,President ofConference. P. H. Hind became the first Kearsney Old Boy to be appointed Chairman of the Board of Governors. . N.H.Walker(Old Boy)our first rugger Springbok. Annual School Plays resumed, with three short ones (The Wandering Scholar, The Monkey's Paw, and The Warming Pan). Athletics: N.R. More won Natal under 19 440 yds.(50.7), and came 3rd in 880 yds. 448

1954 Death of Mr. A. H. Smith, whose benefactions to the School totalled £30,000 in cash, besides much else in kind. Mr. P. E. Metcalfjoined the Staff. Dramatic Society staged Macbeth. Kearsney Parliament inaugurated,to replace the former Literary and Debating Society. r xi: ■ i t, i Sports'Honours' badge first introduced as part of ofhcial school colours. Retrospective list of winners drawn up: rugger(44), cricket (7), athletics (3), swimming (2), tennis (1). Cricket: J. M.Bradshaw 64 wkts. at average of9.4. 1955 School roll: 240 boys. Polio again restricted athletic activities. Central Classroom wing brought into use. School Honours Boards erected (retrospectively) for Head Prefects and Dux. The Tempest staged by the Dramatic Society. Mr.Colley left Kearsney after 15 years as'handyman'. Yacht Club initiated. September 3rd: Foundation Stone of Pembroke House laid, by Administrator of Natal, Hon. D.G.Shepstone. Old Boys' Club gave £1,000 to the Development Fund,for use in Pembroke. Athletics: P.J. Ryan clocked 9.7 sees,(unofficially)for 100 yards in Durban. He broke the 23-year-old Kearsney record by registering 10.1 on Sports Day, and won the Natal Under 19 lOO yds. in 10 sees. He also won the Natal Long Jump with 20 ft. 11 ins.(and jumped 21 ft. 8 ins. at Kearsney). 1956 School roll: 300 boys. Mrs. A. Hough joined the Staff. Bush below classrooms cleared away, to be replaced by lawns. March 28th:Pembroke House(cost £54,000)officially opened by Rev. S. B. Sudbury, President of Conference. First Housemaster, ^"^Parkes^Scholastic Trophy presented, and won by Gillingham(53 per cent). . , j A. H. Smith Sports Trophy presented by V. Colhngwood (Old Boy),and won by Finningley. First full-length Afrikaans play presented (Die Wildsboudjie). July 20th: Mrs. Dora Matterson died. 449

P^rlisnient defeated Durban City Parliament in a straight debate before judges. to defeated Epworth in first Inter-School Quiz,43J points Rugger: First match against Kingswood College, won 6- 3. Athletics: School team came second in the Durban and District Athletics Championships, by one point — after our Relay Team,in the lead, had dropped the baton! M. Silburn won Natal 440 yds in 52.8 sees, and the 880 yds. in 2 min. 1.9 sees. Cricket: M. Hulett, 688 runs (average 46), selected for Natal Schools. Swimming:P.Bowman selected as memberofSouth African LifeSaving Team to tour Australia. 1957 May 29th: One hundred years since our Founder, Sir J. Liege Hulett,landed in Durban. Mr.K.G. Fish joined the Staff. Wild Life Society inaugurated. Playing fields officially named: Smith Oval, Matterson, Stott Observatory fields. ' First overseas Christmas party organised, under Mr. Clegg. August 8th: Death of Rev. W. H. Irving, the school's first Chaplain, both at the'old' and at the'new' Kearsney. Wesley Guild started, under Rev. V. Bredenkamp. Head of swagger cane (Royal Berkshire Regiment), relating to the Regiment's bivouacking here in the Zulu War(1879) picked up below the classrooms. Shooting: Imperial Challenge Shield — I. A. Bjorkman scored 100/100 and was chosen to represent Natal. 1958 Dramatic Society presented Murder in the Cathedral in the School Chapel. Mr. A. R.Townshend joined the Staff. Old Boys: Rev. C. E. Wilkinson,, elected President of Methodist Conference,and made us his first port of call. Death of Mr. W.Payne,the School architect. Settlers Day: School representative planted a tree in Maritzburg Ceremony, in our case commemorating the Royal Scots, the New Germany Rifles, and the S.A. Horse. Shooting: I. A. Bjorkman won the Natal Schools' Shooting Competition, gaining 400/400 — 50 bulls in a row, a record! The School team won the Grand Challenge Shield. 450

Induction of School Prefects Ritual inaugurated. J. C. Cantrell and G.P. Williams gained six distinctions(80 per cent) each in the J.C. 1959 Mr. J. H. Hopkins succeeded Mr. L. C. Tedder as Finningley Housemaster, after 7 years' service. Mr. R. Rutherford-Smith and Mr. R. Quarmby left. Death of Mr. W. N. Cornelius, for 20 years a member of the Board of Governors. May: Unprecedented floods on the South Coast, in which K. Lewis(Old Boy)lost his life while trying to save a stranded native. Death of Sister Edwards, for many years the School's first Matron,from its foundation. Prize-Giving: Prizes distributed by Sir de Villiers Graafi", Leader ofthe United Party. Kearsney officially affiliated with the Royal Scots Regiment, Milton Bridge, Scotland. Speech and Drama Festival entered for the first time, with eleven Firsts out of thirteen entries. Sunday service taken by boys for the first time at Botha's Hill (A. E. Bath, D. A. Kotze, A. N. Chalmers, C. Keen). Easter: The first of the Exploration Society excursions, this to Basutoland, organised by Mr. Fish. Swimming:Kearsney obtained 155 Life-Saving Awards out ofthe full total of 277 for Natal. Cricket: J. R. Hulett 801 runs (record), C. S. Meyer 84 wkts. (record)and 588 runs. 1960 At the end of the year Mr. G. M.Gram retired, after 37 year® of service (1924-60). Mr. Clegg retired after 12 years as Housemaster of Gillingham, to be succeeded in 1961 by Mr. G. E. Burger. Dramatic Society presented King Richard II. April 20th: Death of the last of Sir Liege Hulett's family, Mr. E. F. W.Hulett, aged 89. June 30th: Opening of Administration Block, and new Junior House wing. Speech and Drama: Every candidate achieved a first class for every item(32 items). School music put wholly into the hands of Mr. J. M. Harper, who joined the Staff this year. Choir: Presentation of Britten's Let's Make an Opera. Inauguration of Entrance Examination for new boys. Swimming: Senior and Junior Teams won the Natal Schools' 451

Live Saving Championship,R.Lund scoring 190out of 190,a record, and the senior team 735 out of760, also a record. Cricket: W.A. Procter,444 runs and 74 wkts. 1961 May 31st; First Republic Day. February 14th: Decimal currency introduced. Dramatic Society presented Murder in the Cathedral. February 8th: Kearsney Chronicle mentioned in Punch! September 28th: Opening of the Oppenheimer Science Block, by Mr. Harry Oppenheimer, and Speech Day brought forward to the third term for the first time. Swimming: Milner Smyth Shield for Life Saving won by Kearsney for the seventh successive year. Cricket: H.B. Hulett 1,012 runs(including 3centuries,a record); A. W.Procter 574 runs and 59 wkts. 1962 School roll: 373 boarders. Mr.V.L.Clegg left at Easter, after 18 years here,to take up post as Vice-Principal of St. Stithians, Johannesburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tedder won the final of the Radio Family Quiz. Kearsney selected as the School of the Month, in the South African Taller. June 24th: Dedication of the Stained Glass Windows, made by Abbots, of Lancaster, installed by G. C. Shave, Ltd., and dedicated by Rev. J. W. Hunt. The central window given by the Cornelius family in memory of Mr. W.N. Cornelius. August 23rd: Opening of Margaret Mary Henderson Hall, with Choir presentation (with help of St. Mary's girls) of Trial by Jury. The Headmaster appointed to the Executive Committee of the National Advisory Education Council. Mr. R. C. Best retired after ten years as Housemaster of Junior House, to be succeeded by Mr. J. W. Storm. Sixth form wings to Finningley and Gillingham completed, Gillingham dining hall opened, and self-service system begun. December 8th: Death of Mr. J.J. Crookes, philanthropist, and donor of Finningley House. Junior Certificate examination: D. Barnard six distinctions, and M.Fienberg and T. Smith five each. Old Boys' Club: Mr. R. H. Matterson elected as the first Hon orary Life Vice-President. Cricket: H. B. Hulett 1,056 runs(record). 452

1963 School roll: 420 boarders. Headmaster serving on Advisory Council, Pretoria. Mr. J. H. Hopkins retired in June after four and a half years as Housemaster of Finningley, to be succeeded by Mr. K. G. Fish. Rev. A. R. Jennings appointed as the school's first resident Chaplain. , . . - Mr. G. Nel awarded a Science Scholarship to the University of North Dakota. Mr. P. E. Metcalf succeeded Mr. Nel as Housemaster of Pem broke. At close of year Mr.L. C.Tedder retired after 18 years' service. Dramatic Society presented Morning Departure. October 14th: Death of Mr. W. L. Henderson, donor of the Henderson Hall. Inter-School Debates initiated. Kearsney Team (D. Brothers, J. Berry, S. Lindsay) defeated in the Finals, by Russell Girls High. D. Berry addressed Durban City Parliament. A.Eriksson third in Republic in Science Examination,so gaining free trip to London for Science Conference. Finningley Dining Hall completed; extensions to Junior House completed. Matric: D.J. Brothers gained five distinctions(Afrikaans, Latin, Biology, Physical Science, Maths), a school record. Old Boys' Club: G.P. Williams awarded a Rhodes Scholarshdi. J. F.R. EARLY RECOLLECTIONS The Editor invited a number ofOld Boys to submit their recollections. From some replies thefollowing items have been gleaned. The tremendous storm we had on Sunday in May,1940 remains very vividly in my memory. It broke quite unexpectedly during Saturday night and we woke on Sunday morning to the most terrify ing gale and blinding rain. The school in those days was quite unprotected by trees to the south, though there were wattle plan tations where the Oval now lies. The wind was indescribable. The native barracks disappeared down the valley and were not found again; the garages were blown away and part lodged on the tank tower; and a large water-tank was found battered and broken down the valley, in the river below the station! Trees everywhere were uprooted and ten inches of rain fell during the day. There was no electricity for days, and so no water — with water all around us! 453

I When the Japanese entered the War and it was known that air craft carriers might be operating off Durban, it was decided that we should have slit trenches for protection in case of aerial attack. We got busy with picks and hoes and spades, and afternoon after after noon we were to be seen digging ourselves out of sight, like moles. The trenches were where Pembroke and the Henderson Hall now stand, and I remember that Finningley had the harder task because their soil was so rocky. When the trenches were finally six feet deep we began to have air-raid practices. Every boy had his special position and we were marshalled into groups of about ten, with a leader to each group, who took a roll-call. At a given signal — the blowing of a whistle — we streaked from wherever we happened to be, and got with all speed into our places. Sometimes the whistle blew during lesson time, a welcome diversion. Sometimes during meals, not so popular. Once or twice at dead of night. No light of course was permitted; we had to pull flannels on, drag a blanket, and make our way by instinct. We became so adept that we were often ready for roll-call, even at midnight, within a couple of minutes of the whistle blowing. When the black-out was imposed on us this caused a great deal of inconvenience, but this was War Time and we had to learn to 'take' it, which we did cheerfully, when we contrasted our security with the fate of people in Europe.The classroom windows on the Durban side were all painted black, and we were allowed very dim lights for 'prep'. The dormitories and showers had one blue light each, just enough to see by. We had to eat before dark, and in winter that meant a reorganisation of the time-table. Motorists were allowed only a small slit on their headlights, about half inch by four inches, not enough to see by. People today often grumble atinconveniences, and I sometimes think it takes the conditions of War Time to get the best out of folk. I can't remember anyone ever complaining about our difficulties. My main impressions of early days at Botha's Hill are of rain, rain, more rain, and ceaseless wind,which blew down draughty corridors to the endless banging of doors. Having come across from the beautifully 'cosy' existence of the 'old' Kearsney,with its luxuriant trees and bushes,its fruit orchards,and its lovely setting,I found this all terribly wild and tempestuous and cold, and not at all attractive. 454

How the dormitories leaked! In heavy rain the water poured down the walls, covered the dormitory floors, and poured along the corridors to flow in cataracts down the stairs. Mopping up with blankets was quite a feature of those early days, before the leaks were corrected. Mud in summer and dust in winter. That's my memory. No paths and little grass. On the rugger field it was only possible tojudge the point of play by the large duststorm. The wind never stopped blow ing, and it was very bleak. We small boys had to go for a walk every Sunday afternoon down the valley and round and up again. In those days the valley was unoccupied,and covered with bush or long grass in which we some times found buck. I'm not sure that the masters who had to accompany us always enjoyed the tough pull up the hillside. Whistling telephone wires, as the wind blew through them, and the ceaseless drip drip drip of water falling down the drainpipes. These memories remain. I shall never forget standing down at the classrooms on the first nigh* and looking up at the brightly-lit houses and dining hall (this was before the black-out) and thinking "This is a five-star hotel com pared with the humble premises we havejust left." The grounds were completely bare, and the buildings stood out like lighthouses. I have a picture of tired khaki-clad masters returning from all-night duties in Durban as we moved across for breakfast, and I often wondered how they kept awake and kept their tempers with us when they must have been rocking with fatigue. 455

Pickles Milner's antics used to delight us. When a boy could not remember the weight of a gallon of water, he made him carry a bucket full of it round the sports field. A boy who whistled in the classroom had to climb a tree at 5 a.m. for a week and whistle like a bird. Milner had a wonderful vocabulary and seldom repeated himself. We liked to annoy him just to hear what he would say. A lovable man and a wonderful friend. I remember during a violin performance by Aubrey Rainier in the Dining Hall a bird perching on the lampshade high up above one of the tables. The boys below were much more interested in what the bird was likely to do than in what the violinist was doing! Those of us who had music in our souls can hardly forget the visits by Mr. Harold Scott. We had been warned that before the War he had left a trail of shattered pianos behind him in a tour of Burma and the East. So we should have been prepared. Local residents thought the violent earth tremors in the district were due to a move ment ofthe earth's crust, but we knew better:it was Mr.Scott again. His frail physique belied a powerful pair of wrists and piston-like fingers. His technique was in fact rather remarkable, and we envied his ability usually to hit the right note, or several of them simul taneously, and the tout ensemble was rather like an anti-aircraft barrage. One string at least couldn't stand the strain, and expired permanently. Mr. Scott played Grieg and Chopin almost exclus ively, but some of us thought we noticed Liszt's Second Rhapsody. In the earlier part of this item discerning critics observed that the pianist once or twice so forgot himself as to remove his foot from the loud pedal, and once, going quite berserk, put it on the soft one. The piano, incidentally, never recovered, and went to Heaven with its Burmese brothers. What a lasting effect one's first impressions leave! I arrived in the evening, and knew at once that I should like the place: the warm glow of the electric lights, and the spacious dormitories welcomed me in most friendly fashion. And next morning as we lazed in aristocratic fashion under the warm showers, we thought back on the days ofthe old School and its ice-cold waters,and were thankful 456

for small mercies. However,as we dashed from building to building in the mud,we often found it was not easy to apply brakes, and one individual discovered that a flag pole was harder than his front teeth. Before long we found that sundry members of the negroid race were busy collecting stones of all shapes and sizes, and laying crazy paving — so crazy that it was suicide to use the paths at night, and ladies could not use them at all. Drainage,too,was super. Pools stood around for up to a week after the last shower, and were a boon to juniors and their sailing boats. As for the rugger fields: we had the choice of swimming off in mud, or absorbing several cubic yards ofit through mouth,eyes, ears and nose,not to mention the quantity carried away daily in our boots. Pioneering was quite exciting. It was with a twinge of regret that we said goodbye to the old home of Sir Liege Hulett, that stately mansion that had been our College for 18 years. We were a small family of 80 boys and a staff of seven, with Mr. Matterson as Principal, and the personal touch flourished. Now we were to move to Botha's Hill,far removed from the country estate atmosphere that we had loved so much. As compensation, however, we were going to something entirely new, and this helped to make the prospect exciting. In August 1939 we arrived at Botha's Hill. There for us were new modern buildings consisting of Gillingham, Finningley, the Hall, and the classrooms. There was a lot to explore and enjoy. The luxury was greatly appreciated after what we had been accus tomed to — hot water showers and baths, and beds that were not sagging! The grounds were unimproved, wattles everywhere, and builders' rubble still in evidence. The playing field was a sloping harrowed piece of ground, and a game of rugger was as rough and dusty as the western desert. But it was fun, and nobody minded. The only thing that had not changed was the spirit of the College, and the Staff. I wonder how many realise what Kearsney owes today to that nucleus of dedicated men and women who piloted the College to rank second to none. Today, 25 years later, the picture has greatly changed. The buildings afford every possible facility,and the numbers havejumpedfrom 80to 450.Thisexpansion has been built upon the faith and courage of the early days. 457

EDITORIAL For some years distant critics, seeking only to condemn, and uninterested in what is praiseworthy, have pointed a hostile finger at South Africa, ever muttering the theme-song 'Sharpeville'. Ignoring all that is good and lovely; ignoring the basic kindliness and kindness in people; ignoring the growth of industry which betokens confidence, and brings work and security to all; ignoring the thrill ofthe wide open spaces; ignoring the climate and the sun drenched countryside; ignoring this and much else, they perpetually harp on Sharpeville (which can be explained though not excused), and with it they condemn mifiions of people who had no part in it and were just as shocked as our holier-than-thou critics. It is so easy to generalise from the particular. But why this sudden Editorial incursion into politics, you ask. It is simply for the sake Of analogy. We feel that it is time that something was firmly saidto the (fortunately) small group of Old Boys who are openly expressing a lack ofconfidence in their old school. The reason? Because we lose too many rugger and cricket matches!I (Perhaps they have notread ofthe outstanding successes in swimming and life-saving, unequalled in the Province, or of the honours gained by our long-distance runners more recently.) This point of view is so puerile that we cannot bring ourselves to argue about it. Let us please observe a sense of proportion. Games are for fun and relaxation. They are not the be-all and end-all of school life Who cares, in later years, what we did? Whatofscholastic achieve ment, at school and then at university? Are these results studied? They are important. They often mean the difference between success and failure in life. What of the cultural activities, well reported in the Magazine?To hold one's own in public debate,to speak and not murder the Queen's English, to show an intelligentinterestin Music, Art, Drama — are these things of no value? Most of all, what of the spiritual life — emphasis on Christian citizenship, on character and behaviour, courtesy, manliness and mannerliness — do none of these things matter? Apparently not. Kearsney today, we dare to suggest, has everything. The advan tage of being a young school is that all its amenities and facilities are modern.We have been wonderfully blessed with our benefactors, and now possess everything a school can desire — together with a hand-picked and highly-quaUfied Staff to help to make the best use of it. But no 1 We must listen to this sort of conversation: "Is your son going to Kearsney?" "Over my dead body." "Oh,why?" "Look at their match results." !!! J. F.R. 458

m r m fw r i r r c r ^1 m / 1 « Rome — January 16, 1964. Seen above at Fiumicino Airport, before leaving for Athens on a TWA superjet, is the Kearsney College School group from Durban, South Africa. The South African students are on a cultural tour of the main Western and Southern European cities. They will see the most important art masterpieces in Rome, Paris, Athens. The tour leader, Prof. J. W. Storm, said th at the students were very pleased to have had the oppor tunity of learning so much about these countries which are so far away from their own homeland. (Photo and caption by AERONEWS)

laaafflB! V.-:. m * ^ tk^ ^ HE »» i •ri> ■.. *4^ ivft. •; ' - ^Jr J - '' ■ -. i 7,r' r. .- _ -r.AWL^fTw' ■a-'' t <. ?^v ► •'•nrm^-' *■ „ . -M-^ - -' (•Mb .*;» ^?sb. 5.V Sk -ss m ,^m* i *. ym ir« w Ism AERIAL VIEW OF COLLEGE (Photo by Geray's Studio)

SCHOOL NOTES The headmaster is on leave for this year, devoting his energies to his work with the National Educational Advisory Council in Pretoria. We congratulate him on the work he is doing there and on the honour of his appointment. In the absence ofthe Headmaster the School has been under the control of Mr. J. H. Hopkins, Vice-Principal and Acting-Head master. We pay tribute to the calmness and down-to-earth firmness with Which he has carried out this very considerable responsibility. The School is running as smoothly as ever it did. We welcome the following new men to the Staff: Messrs. J. Vincent(returned), R.Whiteford (returned), J. V,Grewe(Old Boy), P. J. Reece (Old Boy), S. Ridge, M. Prozesky, and M. Smout. In addition we have enjoyed the help and fellowship of two student teachers, Messrs. D. Bromley and R. Hofmeyr, the former helping with the Sciences and the latter with the Languages. The School Roll reflects 456 boys(424 boarders)and 30 teaching staff. To the following we extend our sympathies over bereavements: Mr. P. Metcalf, on the loss of his mother, who was long assoc iated with Epworth. Mrs. P. Metcalf, on the loss of her father. Mr. S. Ridge, on the loss of his father. Mr.P. Montague, on the loss of his father. B. Nutting, whose parents were killed in an air crash. M.G. McAllister, on the loss of his father. D.A. Westgate, on the loss of his father. Mr.Matterson,on the death of his grandson,Timothy de Souza. 459

We offer congratulations to: Mr.and Mrs. Townshend,on the birth of Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Blarney, on the birth of Helen Patricia. Mr. J. Vincent, on his engagement to Miss Marilyn Roper, of Cape Town. Mr. J. Hall, on his forthcoming (July) marriage to Miss Pat McKowen of Johannesburg. We have from time to time received enquiries about the families of the Kearsney Staff, and so here have pleasure in quoting details, with ages, approximately, in July; Best: Hubert(12). Blamey: Clyde (3), Ian (2), Helen (i). Burger: Laura(8^), Christien (6), Schalk(3i),Pieter(1^). Currin: Lesley(1^). Fish: Lynell(12), Marjorie (10), Jean(6), Betty(4). Hopkins:Shaun (14), Liege(12), Robin(8). Hough:Elizabeth(14). Jennings: Mark(3), Kevin (1^). McCallum: Five adult daughters, and Angus(6^). Metcalf: Jane (9), Susan (7-J), John(2^). Nel: Johann (10^), Etienne(7^). Prozesky: Julienne(7), Peter(6), Michelle(4), Jo-Anne(2). Reece: Peter(22^), Judy(20), David(14^). Storm: Albert(12), Renee(8^). Townshend: Michael(^). The total represents an even balance: 20-20! We appear to be nearing the end of our buildings' programme, with the very valuable and necessary double-storeying ofthe class rooms. It is the darkness before the dawn. Studying to the din of building activites is indeed an aid to concentration, though often hard on the masters' voices. 460