
KEARSNEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE &*}, % July, 1965 ,'^MI'' 'I . ■■ »L4iSi :■■ t!j i«LKj;p«tK«aaKr3tias»5f ft.At «ja;,.?>st

Kearsney College Chronicle JULY,1965

Kearsney College Chronicle Vol.6 No. 1 Juij^ 1965 EDITORIAL We are a very young school, even by South African standards. Bycomparison with the schools ofEngland,we are onlyjust hatched. But, quite humbly, we wonder whether any other Public or Private boarding school has grown and matured quite as quickly as we have. In a mere 44 years we have grown from 11, housed in a private mansion, to 460, with (as all will agree) buildings and grounds hardly surpassed in the country. In the 25 years at Botha's Hill we have increased by 350, and the original bleak and bare setting can now scarcely be visualised. There is no boasting in this. We are quite convinced that this school was needed, and that throughout its development the hand of Providence has been at work. The early private venture was not allowed to disintegrate, although at one stage faith and sacrifice was needed to save the school from dying. But it was willed that we should survive, and that our faith should be justified. So we see our young life now divided into three parts. There was the period of foundation, under the right Headmaster; a humble unambitious period m which stress was unostentatiously laid on those things which matter: tome, character, humility, tremendous loyalty from those who loved their school. When these foundations were well and truly laid,there followed the second stage,again under the right Headmaster:one of bricks and mortar,a physical develop ment, one which saw us grow and grow, in numbers and influence, until we could regard ourselves as a school which was making a real impact upon the wider community. That second stage is now over, expansion has ceased and, once more under the right Headmaster, we enter upon the third phase, one of consolidation and settling down:a phase stretching out into the unforeseeable future,in which we seek to implant the earlier characteristics into the later frame work. In this we are manifestly succeeding. Throughout all this advancement we pay tribute to the courage ofthe Board, and the quality and loyalty ofthe Staff. The exciting days are behind us, but the future is one of great interest and promise, as we seek to fulfil the ultimate plan which we feel sure has been ordained for us of God.

SCHOOL NOTES School opened this year with 461 boys, including 35 day boys. We welcome the following to our Staff: Messrs. R. J. Crawford, I. Gibson, A. Thiselton, R. Hofmeyr, D. Bovey, J. de Beer, Mrs. Etheridge as Matron of Gillingham,Mrs. Biggar,as assitant House keeper, and to Mrs. Gibson in a part-time teaching capacity. We hope that all will be very happy in our midst. We were glad to have Mr. A.C. Moore with us while Mr.P. Metcalf was overseas, teach ing at Kingswood. Mr. Moore was married at Easter, and is now lecturing at a University in Australia. We also say farewell to Mrs. Hornby,who served as Matron in Gillingham for seven years. Unfortunately her health had recently been not too good, and with the large increase in the number of boys, she felt that the work was becoming too heavy for her. We wish to express our thanks for all she has done,and for the friend ship we have enjoyed. Her work in Gillingham was characterised by a most meticulous attention to detail, both in attending to the needs of the sick, and in organising the domestic life of the House. We wish her better health, and all happiness in the future. We congratulate the following: The Headmaster on being elected to the Council of Natal University. In this position he will be able to keep us well linked with University educational policies. We strongly support his con tention that our schools should fall into line with British policy: that the School Leaving Exam, be held at Standard IX, and that University candidates should thereafter specialise for two further years. D. M. Barnard and M. H. Fienberg, who broke all records at the end of 1964 by gaining seven A's each in the Matric.; and T.W.F.Smith,who gained five. Fienberg came top ofthe Province in the Matric. R. L. Paul, on being the first recipient of the Stanley Murphy Bursary of R200 per annum. Rev. Athol Jennings, our Chaplain, on captaining the Natal Cross-country Team, and establishing himself as still the best in the Province. TheCross-countryteam,which has won all its weeklyinter-school runs, including the Zululand annual event against twelve schools (80 boys)and the mob race against 40 selected runners at Kearsney. M.E. Martin on being chosen as reserve for Natal Senior Team. Martin, Kirkwood and Rice, on being selected for the Natal Schools' Cross-country team. A. R. Crewe, on winning the First Prize, in competition with

I u m *'■ ms V ar"« L-.£4 'H- ■5j^#W»-- W. The Late Philip Hind.

all the Matric. students of the Durban area,for an essay, organised by the Durban Milk Association, entitled 'The Importance of Milk in Family Feeding'. This essay is reproduced in this magazine. C. G. Lee, on being selected to swim for Natal Schools. It has been good to have Mr.Oram back on the premises,taking some music for Mr. Harper, and teaching French to selected scho lars. His associations with Kearsney now stretch back for 41 years. Mr. Harper is in England, studying for his F.R.C.O. There has been excitement over the installation of the Language Laboratory, at a cost of several thousand Rand. We are the first school in the country to introduce this new and reputedly very effective method of teaching. A report on its functioning will be presented in a later magazine. In the Cross-country all-comers race in Eshowe, Martin came 1st, Kirkwood 2nd and Rice 5th, giving Kearsney a comfortable victory. Several boys gave instrumental recitals at the Afrikaans Con cert in Pinetown, on May 14th. Instruments included; piano (Karlsen, Clegg, van Rooyen), clarinets (Clegg, Lee, Roberts), bassoon (Polovin), trumpets(Reece, Salm). The almost unprecedented drought played havoc with school grounds and gardens, for not only was there no rain, but there was also no water available for irrigation. For a period the boys had to wash in the swimming bath, and water for showers was severely rationed. We are hoping that our very tenuous water-supply may be rectified by our getting linked up with the Regional Water Supply. The 'flu epidemic towards the end ofthe 2nd term was the most widespread epidemic in the school's history. As many as 200 boys were in bed simultaneously, as well as many ofthe Staff. Sister and Matrons were very grateful for the help given by masters' wives, while the teaching staff had to cope as best they could. The fact that proper recovery from the 'flu was slow led to the cancellation of all rugger matches with D.H.S. and College, and the dropping, for the first time,ofthe Sixth Form Dance,at a point where prepara tions were at an advanced stage. It is to be sincerely hoped that there will be no repercussions, and that health will be fully restored over the holidays. We have been reminded that as we have,over the years,reported on new buildings, we have omitted to mention the new Sanatorium, which is the first building met, on approaching the school. It has been a great relief to Matrons of Houses to be able to send their invalids across, to be looked after under the capable hands of Sister Anderson.

NEWS OF PAST STAFF Mr. R.H.Matterson,nearing the end ofhis 79th year,continues to participate actively in Church and S.O.E. work, plays bowls regularly, and is often to be found in the Common Room. Mr. S. G.Osier continues his work with the Education Advisory Board in Pretoria. Mr. G. M. Oram,though retired four years ago, is back at the School helping with the organ, choir and French. Mr. V. L. Clegg, Vice-Principal of St. Stithians, acted as Princi pal therefor the first quarter ofthis year,at the same time continuing as Housemaster and teaching a full programme. He deserved his Easter break. Dr. L. D. S. Glass has been awarded his Ph.D. for a thesis on 'Sir Henry Loch and the Matabele War'. He is History Lecturer at Natal University. Mr. R. Rutherford-Smith continues to lecture in Psychology at Natal University, and takes an enthusiastic part in dramatic pro ductions. Mr.R.Quarmby is teaching music at the Training College,Cape Town,his pupils being all girls between 18 and 24 years of age. He is also completing the writing of a book on Astronomy, which has, incidentally, to be translated into Afrikaans. Mr. H.Thorpe is living at Botha's Hill and doing clerical work at the Valley Trust, run by Dr. H.H.Stott, Old Boy. He is married to Dr. Stott's daughter. Mr. D. Walker is travelling for Messrs. Cotton & Hardie (Pty.) Ltd., publishers' representatives. Cape Town,and recently spent a week at Kearsney, wishing he were back! Mr. J. Vincent is settled with his wife at the Hluhluwe Game Reserve, collecting data of various kinds for the Parks Board, and liking the life. Mr. C. O. Medworth (1928-46), Sports Editor of the Mercury, is travelling with the Rugby Springboks in Australia and New Zealand. CHAPEL NOTES Staff members have as in the past contributed much to the Chapel life. Services have been led by the Headmaster, J. F. Reece, K. G. Fish, D. Lewis-Williams and S. Ridge. C. Jeannot has orga nised the Epilogues which follow the outingson Free Sundays and has prepared short orders of service to be used by the prefects leading the worship.

A pleasing feature is this willingness on the part of the boys themselves to participate in the leading of worship. Voluntary evening prayers after prep, on Mondays and Wednesdays have been taken largely by the boys themselves and already inquiries have been made for another 'Boys Service' this year. Mrs. V.Tedder has done sterling work for many years in running a Sunday School for the children of staff members and local resi dents. Judy Reece has assisted her in recent years, but with her training behind her has moved into Durban to enter the business world. We thank her for the work she did in the Sunday School and congratulate her on reaching her majority. The vacancy on the staffhas been filled by one ofthe sixth-formers — Michael Beveridge. Another of the teachers, Catherine Cradock, has now qualified as a Physiotherapist and is at the beck and call of the Provincial Hospital Administration. We thank her too for her help. Another work and worship camp in Zululand has been organised for this July and as in past years a number of Kearsney boys will be attending. Visiting preachers have been the Revs. J. W. Massey, E. Palmer and J. Gibson from the Durban County Circuit, J. Wallace from Scottburgh, Victor Bredenkamp on a return visit to a pulpit he knows well, E. Watson from the Children's Special Service Mission and the Venerable P. Russell for the monthly Anglican Service. The Film Services continue to be popular. Use has been made of films from Religious Films of S.A. and the ever popular 'Fact and Faith' films. Following the tragic accident to Philip Hind a Memorial Service was held in the Chapel on Sunday morning the 14th of March. We mourn this great loss to family, college and country. In a quiet churchyard in the south ofEngland there is a moss-grown tombstone, so old that the inscription giving the name and age of the one who lies buried there has almost been worn away. But underneath may still be traced the simple inscription: Gone Home with a Friend. We believe this to be true of Philip Hind. An American 'Teen Team' touring the Republic visited the college on Sunday 6th June. After leading the Service in the Chapel the group presented their Teen Programme to an enthusiastic audience in the hall. The team comprising Ralph, Danny, Don, Keith, Kathy, Lora Lee has travelled through Europe and the Middle East. They are a talented musical group who came with a natural, fresh and lively approach. Their confidence and assurance were most evident. After lunching with the boys they made their way to Pietermaritzburg for further engagements. The organist and Chaplain note the new trends in evangelical presentation b^ut cannot promise to follow suit!

The President of Conference, the Rev. Seth M. Mokitimi, paid an official visit to the school on Sunday 20th June.He was welcomed by the Chairman of the District the Rev. C. Wilkins who led us in the opening act of worship. Mr. Mokitimi took portion of Philippians 11, 12 as his text'Work out your own salvation'. The aim of religion is, he said, to help man to come into touch with the unseen. Man's great need is to be harmoniously related to the unseen. The religions of the East present the way to this har mony or salvation by means of man's works, but the Christian message is that the ability to live well is the gift of God.'Without me you can do nothing,' said Jesus. It is basically a matter of God and man working together, but man has refused to co-operate with God. The preacher then gave us three means whereby we may be truly God'sfellow-workers. Firstly we must recognise thefact ofGod working in us and around us. Secondly we must listen to what He has to say to us concerning our lives, and thirdly we must obey His commands. A.R.J. APPOINTMENTS SchoolPrefects: A. A.Hipkin(P)(Head),T.S. Bertram(P),W.A. Maguire(F), A. W. W.Paterson(G),C. G.Lee(J). House Prefects: Finningley: D.J. H. Muir, J. P. Field, N. W. Monks. Gillingham: I. L. Burt, C. M. Clegg, T. H. W. Dowse, M. R. Nichols. Pembroke: M.J. Knott, la M.Hurst,W.D.Sommerville, T. F. Rawlins. Junior: P. J. Bath, M. V. C. A. Cardiga, R. G. Kent, G. G. Roach, J. F. Viljoen. Cricket Captain: A. A. Hipkin. Swimming Captain: C. G.Lee. Athletics Captain: W.D. Sommerville. Rugby Captain: A. W. W.Paterson. Hockey Captain: T. F. Rawlins. Prime Minister: A. R. Crewe. Drum Major: W.D.Sommerville. Library: R.M.Atherstone,P. R.L. Allen, R.L. Paul,D.F. Reece. 6

Projectionists: G.W. Milne, D.G. Reece, P. R.L. Allen. Hall: H.C. Hugo,G.F. Rice. Bell: I. T. Gilbertson, N. B. Hagemann. Absentees: A.L. Batchelor, J. Salm. EXAMINATION RESULTS, DECEMBER 1964 SENIOR CERTIFICATE, MATRIC. EXEMPTION (Distinctions,80%,in parentheses) MeritPass: 'A'aggregate(80%):D.M.Barnard(English,Physical Science, Biology, Maths, Additional Maths, Latin, History); M. H. Fienberg (English, Afrikaans, Physical Science, Biology, Maths,Additional Maths,Latin); T. W.F.Smith(Afrikaans, Biology, Maths,History, Geography). 'B'aggregate(70%); P. H. Foster (Maths), B. Q. Manicom, A. R. Melman (Physical Science, Maths), J. A. Perkins N.F. Pollard. 'C aggregate: M.S. Awerbiich, J. C.B.Balfe,G. M.Colloty, J. M. Ginsberg, R. B. Hansen, C. M.C. Hemson, J. K. M. Hemson, O. H. Martin (Maths), R. A. Meyer (Geography)! J. P. Muller, D. B. Paul (Maths), J. A. Pitout, J. L. RivettCarnac, R. O. Salvesen, C. D. van der Westhuizen, M. J Kark,M.Polti. Pass: R. D. Bickerton, W. M. S. Doubell, G. B. Dyer, B. Hart, R. B. Heming, A. P. Kluge, B. N. Lawrence, J. E. Little! G. M. Mail, P. R. Moore, 1. G. Morgan, T. R. Neill-Dore, R. Piper, M. G. Rochfort, R. V. Salm, A. N. Schikkinger, R. G.Tapper, P. R. A.Turner,D.A. Westgate,C. M.Biggs R.R. Wright. ^' SENIOR CERTIFICATE Pass: P. K. Cunnington, A. Falkson, J. G. Frank, K.R. Gamble, R. W. Groom,D. A. Hall, S. S. Ryan, V. N. Stuart, N. J. Tomkin,D.R.R. Walker,S. M.Webb. JUNIOR CERTIFICATE (Advanced level): MeritPass P.R.L.Allen(Afrikaans,Arithmetic,Physical Science,Latin), Bursary: R.L. Kluge(Afrikaans, Physical Science,Biology),R.L.Paul (Arithmetic, Physical Science, Biology, Maths, Latin), D.F. Reece (Arithmetic, Physical Science, Maths, Latin). MeritPass: T. G. Allen (Arithmetic, Physical Science), T. L. Clarence D.B.Coleman,R.B.Dyer,1. T. Gilbertson, R.W.Johnston! D.R.Ixvin,J. D. Martindale(Biology),B.C.Smith,J. Salm, J.J. Tindall(Biology), R.T. Williams(Physical Science). Pass: R. G. Allen, 1. D. Andrew, D. J. Barnett, A. L. Batchelor, T. W. B. Bath, R. J. Benney, J. H. Bloch, M. W. Bratt, R. C. Brokensha, P. B. Burstein, D.C. Cole, G. C. Comins M.E. Cope, R. E. Darby,T. Davies, J. G. Edwardes,C.r! Evans,A.L.Fellows, J. N.H.Fleming(O level), E.P.Frank, A.S.Hadjipetrou,N.B.Hagemann,M.C.Hittler,H.C.Hugo, J. D. Jackson, G.P. Jollands, E. A. R. Karlsen, D. R. Kinloch, C.S. Labuschagne (Afrikaans), A. A. Lloys-Ellis, B. S.

Low,R. I. McLaren(O Level), B. D. Mervis, J. D. Milbank, R. S. Morgan, P. T. S. Myles, R. A. Nilsen, P. J. Pallet, J. Pampallis, J. D. Pearson, R. 1. Persson, D. M. Polak, G. Polychronopoulos, G. F. Rice, B. H. Robertson, 1. G. Robertson, M.J. Sanger,B. G.Sawyer(O level), M.J. Selbo, G.P.Sell(O level),P.N.Smlllie,D.N.Smith,J.A.T.S,Thiel, D.C.Tomlinson(Biology),E.C.van den Berg,B.R.van der Westhuizen, A. P. Walker, B. E. B. Walsh, R. T. H. Welch J. H. Woodhouse. KEARSNEY PARLIAMENT OFFICIALS Speaker Reece,J. F. Clerk Myles,P.T.S. Prime Minister Crewe,A.R. Leader of Opposition Silbermann,J.D Publicity Officer Field, J. P. GOVERNMENT Foreign Affairs, Propaganda, Info Finance,Commerce, Mines Justice Defence and Interior Lands,Agri., Food and Water Railways,Posts and Telegraphs Bantu Administration .. Education, Arts and Science.. Health,Social Welfare .. Tourism,Immigration .. OPPOSITION Deputy Leader Clegg,C. M. . Allen,P.R.L.. Monks,N.W. Roach,G. G.. Reece,D.F. . Maguire, W.A. Bath,P. J. Levin,D. Atherstone,R.M Muir, D.J. H. B . Cardiga, M. urt, 1. L Dowse,T.H.W. Hughes,J. R. .. Lee,C.G. Martindale, J. Nichols, M.R. Paterson, A.W.W Sommerville,D. Williams,R. .. and 60 CROSS BENCHERS Roodepoort Mhlambanyati Creighton Skaapstad Field's Hill Cape Town Allenridge Maatjiesfontein Ramsgate Rorkes Drift Manaba Beach Badplats Laingsburg Alverstone Carolina Mount Frere Babanango Doonside Hermosa Beach Littleton Maidstone Notting. Road Paarl Summerstown Waterfalboven After the relative lethargy of last year, which left tis wondering whether we should ever really get going again,interest in Parliament has kindled like a smouldering grass fire suddenly caught in the breeze. Numbers(over 90) are the highest ever, and there has been genuine enthusiasm, with no absenteeism. At one session over thirty members added their quota of speeches, and, while there has as yet been no outstanding speaker, it is particularly gratifying to see so many, especially cross-benchers, anxious to express their views. For this reason it has been particularly disappointing that

meetings in the second term were reduced to two, through other activities invading our preciously guarded Friday nights. With a maximum possible of four meetings a term, we can ill afford to have any taken away from us. Crewe has been a mature Prime Minister,and speaks good sense; Silbermann,Leader of the Opposition, makes friends and influences people by dry and sometimes biting humour; others, hitherto silent, are beginning to open up,and there is no doubt that this Parliamen tary experience will stand them in good stead in years to come. Question time has fallen short of that of some previous years: a pity, because this is always interesting, and tests the competency of tire Cabinet. Myles offered to act as Clerk, with no previous experience, and was making a good job of the work until he left at half-year, his place being voluntarily taken by T. Allen. It is good to see members willing to take on posts which involve more than a little hard work. SCHOOL PLAYS The presentation of Two Mediaeval Miracle Plays was an experiment. It is not likely to be repeated, but within the limitations of the plays themselves, they combined to give us an interesting experience. Our modern sophisticated audiences have grown away from this type of play. In mediaeval English communities, June was a time of merry-making and festivity. The people thronged the streets; the shops displayed their best wares; the taverns were crowded. The Trade Guilds, which had been rehearsing for months, carted their small stages on to the streets and entertained the people with miracle plays: dramatisations of Biblical stories. These Plays were essentially part of the festivity, and so contained quite an element of comedy mixedup with the more serious reminder of God's dealings with man. The simple peasants would no doubt associate themselves closely with the characters in the Plays, and discuss them long afterwards. Today we demand more subtlety, a good plot, a who-dunnit or who-singit: we are bred on crime, eternal triangles and gay music. Nevertheless it was interesting to see,for a couple of hours, the kind of play they once liked. The moral of the first play would appear to be the character-transformation of quarrelsome com plaining shepherds in the presence of the baby Jesus. Grumbling about weather, wife and overlords, the shepherds have a sheep stolen from them by a notorious thief. The latter takes the sheep home, where he and his wife manage for a while to persuade the

shepherds that this is their new-born baby. The truth comes out, and, rather naively, we are almost at once transferred to a crib scene where the shepherds worship the baby Jesus. Nothing very subtle. The moral of the second play is a little more dubious: if you are found out, tell the most plausible lie. Pilate, in the presence of the priests and soldiers, orders the tomb of Jesus to be guarded. As, however, the soldiers sleep, Jesus rises and leaves an empty tomb. They devise a story for Pilate, who in turn orders them, with promise of reward, to insist that ten thousand men had over powered them and stolen the body. Thus the play ends. The mechanics of the plays were good: scenery plain but suffi cient; costumes simple in the shepherds' play, garishly Roman and priestly in the other; lighting was cleverly contrived and controlled (and there can be few halls with so good a lighting system); players spoke clearly and moved competently; atmosphere was created by the trumpets and the singing (recorded) of local songsters. Messrs. D. Lewis-Williams and S. Ridge had given much time to the productions, and had many willing helpers who saw to it that there were no weak links. The nett result was a pleasant, if not exciting, evening. J. F. R. SHEPHERDS' PLAY Coll,the Senior Shepherd Michael Hittler Gib,the Second Shepherd Johathan Salm Daw,the Young Shepherd Dale Tomlinson Mak,the Sheep Stealer Peter Hugo Gill, Mak's Wife Fenella Rohbins An Angel Timothy Allen The Blessed Virgin Mary Joan Spiers Clarinet music provided by Colin Clegg and Richard Roberts. Producer: Mr.S. Ridge. ChoralMusicfor both plays wascomposed by Mr.J.Harperand it was performed under the direction of Mr. G. M. Oram. The singers include Mesdames G. Burger,J. Reece and D. Milbank; Messrs. J. Reece,C.E.Jeannot,K.Fish and P. Metcalf; also David Richards, Ian Endendyk, Kevin Clark, Timothy and Tom Foord. THE RESURRECTION Pilate George Roach Caiaphas Michael Hittler Annas Timothy Allen Centurion Jonathan Salm First Soldier Norman Hagemann Second Soldier Eric Karlsen Third Soldier Henry Hugo Angel Noel Leitch Mary Magdalene Fenella Robhins Mary Joan Spiers 10

Salome Pauline Masch Priests Martin Griffiths and David Payne Soldiers Trevor Naylor,Paul Bissett,Ian Marrian Gavin Rice,Roy Williams, David Levin Trumpets: Robin Taylor and David Reece Drums: Jonathan Silbermann Prompters: Joseph Stamp and Rohan Wade. Producer: Mr.D.Lewis-Williams. Set Construction and Painting: Messrs. P. Reece and J. de Beer. Lighting: Mr. R. Whiteford, assisted by G. Milne, P. Allen, D. Reece and D. Harrison. Make-up: Mr.and Mrs. R. Rutherford-Smith. Stage Manager: Mr.P. Reece. Stage Director: Mr.P. Metcalf. VIOLIN RECITAL An enjoyable Violin and Piano recital was given in the Henderson Memorial Hall on 7th April by Mr. P. J. Carter and Miss Sally Ann Mays. Mr. Carter, the son of a former principal cellist of the Durban Municipal Orchestra, is a member of a well-known group in Eng land who specialise in Chamber Music and as such he is an artist of considerable repute. His visit to us was part of a recital tour during a'holiday'in his home country. The programme consisted of sonatas by Handel, Mozart, Beet hoven and Debussy, and these were followed by pieces by nearcontemporary composers. Mr. Carter's crisp and eloquent playing won the sinceraettention of his audience and the applause after each item was certainly more than a merely polite expression of appreciation and enjoyment. The audience reaction indicated that there is definitely a 'market' in the School for 'good', nay, even classical music when it is superbly played by a first-rate artist. The piano accompaniments of Miss Sally Mays added much to the enjoyment ofthe Recital, pervaded as they were by imaginative feeling for the music under discussion and made distinctive by beautifully controlled expression in volume and tone-colour. The solo pieces which she contributed to the programme showed her to possess a virtuoso's technique as well as an artist's insight, and they showed also that the old Hall Grand under the right pair of hands is still a very expressive musical instrument. The Recital was given under the auspices ofthe Natal Performing Arts Council. G.M.O. 11

ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The activities of the Archaeological Society have included a number ofinteresting meetings and excursions. Mr. D. N. Lee, a well-known authority on Bushman paintings, addressed the society on that subject, illustrating his talk with out standing colour slides. This meeting opened up new fields ofinterest to many members. Earlier in the year Mr. Lee's son spoke to the society on some of the expeditions on which he had accompanied his father. His talk featured excellent slides of some most unusual paintings. Mr. J. F. Reece spoke on Stonehenge, giving the members an idea of the immense age of this ancient temple. He also outlined the fascinating problems involved in the construction of so large a monument by such primitive people. Other meetings included a talk by J. H. Woodhouse on the meticulouesxcavation of an important cave at Plettenberg Bay, and slides of the society's activities. The most ambitious expedition was undertaken during the Easter vacation when a party of four boys and two masters visited the Giant's Castle Reserve in search of Bushman paintings. The party saw not only the excellent paintings which are quite near the camp, but also ventured further afield to some more remote shelters where the paintings were ample compensation for the exertion. Other parties have visited the Umgeni Valley. On one of these expeditions we were accompanied by Mr. R. Maine who guided us to some interesting sites which he had discovered. A cave down stream from Shongweni Dam was explored and evidence of Stone Age occupation was found. The Society has unfortunately had to vacate the room in 'Siberia' which members were turning into an excellent museum and centre of activities. At present, thanks to the kindness of Mr. Metcalf, the collection is housed temporarily in the post-matric room, but a permanent home is desirable. D.L. W. LIBRARY New books have regularly been added, to promote the usefulness of the Library. We are especially indebted to Mrs. Brett, of Kloof, and Dr. and Mrs. Blake, of Durban North, for generous gifts of large numbers of books. 12

We are deeply concerned at the small use that is being made of the Library. While it is far from being as well stocked as we should like it, there are nevertheless a great many interesting and in many cases expensive books, offering reference in all branches oflearning. Most of these appear to be hardly ever touched. We are hoping that there may be some re-arrangement of the control and management of the Library, and that provision can be made, as is customary at schools, for an official grant, which will enable the Librarian to keep the place stocked with up-to-date reading material. This should be the focal point of the school's study life, but at the moment is falling far short ofthat ideal. It is hoped too, that Staff will guide their classes into more personal research, and so help the Library to fulfil its proper function. J. F. R. KEARSNEY MOTOR CLUB Pressure of numerous and conflicting activities during the past two terms has prevented any major projects being undertaken — instead there has been a period of consolidation. The restoration of the elderly Wolseley has been completed and it is now in a condition approaching the original. With the exception of the shock-absorbers and the re-upholstering of the front seats, all the work was carried out by the Club. The car now possesses, in no small degree, a certain old fashioned charm and in this age of mass production and'planned obsolescence' has been a useful lesson in evoking in the boys some ofthe pride and satisfaction which can be engendered by meticulous workmanship and attention to detail. A trip to the Roy Hesketh circuit was arranged early on in the year, the workshop has been renovated and shelving is being in stalled, the Ford Motor Co. has kindly sent us automotive equip ment for educational purposes and the Club was the guest of the General Motors Corporation at their 'Autorama' exhibit. Under Mr. Mossom's guidance the old school tractor has been restored to full usefulness and a film show was held, the proceeds of which are earmarked for acquiring further equipment and auto motive literature. R.W. WINNING ESSAY (The following essay by A. R. Crewe gained First Prize — R60— in the Competition run by the Milk Board for schools of Natal.) 13

Every day of our lives we are bombarded with newspaper and radio propaganda,which insistently drums into us our infinite capacity for physical and nervous breakdown. We are gradually and subtly persuaded that we must rely on the patent medicines, drugs and other remedies they advertise; we soon find, under their instruction, that we are all on the brink of collapse under "the strain of modern living", and all we can do to postpone the evil hour of our demise is to entrust ourselves to their hands. We see tonics, nerve restoratives, tablets "to complete your diet", pep pills and health preserves by the hundred leering at us from posters and newspapers, signboards and shop windows;from little b^oxes, tubes, bottles, tins and packets they pour forth in a never-ending stream. Making use of man's natural gulli bility and longing for 'the amazing', they make a mockery of his intelligence time and time again, as he spends money lavishly on 'easy methods' for pre serving his family's health, methods which seldom have any effect; while he almost deliberately avoids the obvious solution to his problems — a cheap, natural food whose nutritive value extends to the whole family — namely, milk. UNAPPRECIATIVE Too often today we find that people are unappreciative of the value of milk, not only to members of the lower class, but to themselves personally, and to their children. If less money were spent on minerals and less time in com plaining about the price of milk, many parents would find a great amount of worry over sickly children coming to an end. Just as, when malnutrition is being combated amongst the underprivileged, the food immediately chosen as that which has the highest nutritive value is milk, so the food which nature ordained to be the key to life for every new-born human should be continued asa regular part ofthat growing human'sdiet.Throughoutthe variousimportant stages of growth, milk is invaluable as it were,as a guiding hand,to ensure that the changes take place smoothly and at the correct time. MILK PRODUCTS Even apartfrom milk,however,there are the other well-known milk products which have made themselves indispensable in every household, butter and cheese, and yet others such as cream and ice-cream, the popularity of which is significant. Even if one dislikes milk, it is highly unlikely that some of these other products will not attract one's fancy. It is a rare food indeed, that can have such a diversity of forms, each separately so important, and with some appeal to everyone's taste. Of the ten so-called 'key nutrients', seven can be obtained from milk pro ducts, with milk itself contributing large percentages of the riboflavin, protein and calcium taken in by the body. Vitamin A, necessary for keeping the skin smooth and soft, protecting the mucous membranes from infection and preventing night blindness, is to be found in milk, butter and cream. Vitamin B1 is very importantto ustoday.Ourjaded housewife and run-down businessman might find life a little less trying if they put down their pills and built up their store of'Bl'to fight irritability, keep the nervous system healthy, the energy it lacks. Here again, milk is present as a supplier of this vitamin. Cheese,ice-cream and,as previously mentioned, milk,account for the major source of the body's riboflavin, which performs the vital tasks of helping the cells to use the oxygen inhaled and keep the vision in order. It has,furthermore, a particular value to teenagers, by preventing the skin, particularly that of the face,from becoming greasy or scaly, the corners of the lips from cracking and the tongue from becoming rough. Butter provides vitamin D,which is essential for growing children, ensuring the growth of strong, healthy bones and preventing diseases such as rickets. It is of use in the absorption of calcium from the digestive system. 14

Calcium itselfis present in milk,cheese and ice-cream,and apartfrom build ing up the teeth and bones, it ensures the smooth functioning of the muscles and enables them to recover from stiffness, and the body from fatigue. Milk contains proteins also which are vitally important in all our lives, as they make provision for the manufacture and repair of all the tissues of the body. They also form those substances in the blood known as 'anti-bodies', which protect us from falling easy victims of disease. They supply, as do the fats, energy for the more strenuous forms of exercise. MALIGNED NUTRIENT 'Fat',the word that sends many a feminine heart into agonies ofembarrass ment, is a much maligned nutrient. It forms what are known as the 'essential fatty acids' and provides the energy which might well prevent the formation of the adipose tissue they so fear, if used to some effect — there need thus be no reason to fear butter and cheese, which are 'notorious' containers of fat. So it is that we see that the only key nutrients not supplied by milk arc vitamin C,iron and the carbo-hydrates. It has become obvious that milk has an enormous field of beneficial influence in the general diet, but it is even more valuable in helping the individual over the more difficult phases of his life. ESSENTIAL QUOTA At birth, of course, there is the essential milk quota for every baby,and no better substitute has been found.Its supply of calcium and protein to the grow ing infant is vital in its development. The rapid growth of infancy continues through childhood, where it is imperative that this growth must be normal, and strength built up in proportion to size. The claims of the adolescent are great, owing to the very rapid growth being undergone, and the change to maturity. This demands more calcium than at any other time and particularly amongst teenage boys,the need ofenergy from fats, proteins and carbo-hydrates is high. For all these functions, milk is once again able to supply the most pressing needs of the growing human body and develop the best physical structure its genes will allow. Among adults, the need of milk is not quite as pressing, although it is important in keeping their nervous systems working efficiently. Those who are older, and consequently less active, are more in need of'protective foods'such as milk — even here its use is evident. CHILDBIRTH The one stage of adulthood, among females, when milk is of the utmost importanee, is, of eourse, childbirth. Milk products of any kind are ideally suited to pregnancy and lactation. In pregnancy particularly, the health of the mother, and the care exercised over her diet, has a definite influence upon the development of the unborn child, and dairy products once again play a large part in providing for healthy teeth and bones, as well as the correct formation of the foetus. A food with sueh great general value as a health-giving, pleasant-tasting beverage, with such an ability to meet the express need of every developing human,whieh is available cheaply,and has such a wide variety offorms,cannot be ignored by any person or denied by any parents to their children — to waste the opportunity of profiting by its use in family feeding would be sheer folly. EARLY MEMORIES Mr. J. Gates-Wilkinson, an elderly teacher temporarily taking the Maths, taking the part of P.C. Flatfoot in a Staff Play. He had only one line to speak, 15

and always forgot it. After the Play he celebrated a little unwisely, and fell, all arms and legs, into a white-ant hole, and had to be extricated by the Staff. In the School Play on the last night at the old Kearsney,1939, Mr.Hopkins' moustache falling off,"so that one end hung firm while the other end flapped back and forth over his mouth as he spoke. One lady had hysterics. Sister Attlee, acting in a Staff Play, making a crinoline for herself from the hoops of a mosquito net. Every time she sat down,the front of the hoop, with clothes attached, sprang up and hit her on the nose. The masters putting Epsom salts into a sandwich cake to find out which boy was stealing their evening left-overs. The culprit: the Head prefect, now a pillar of the Church. Edgar Wilkinson, as full-back, bravely tackling a tearaway Paddy Hopkins, getting his teeth entangled in his bootlaces, and having his two front teeth torn out. The nick-name Ngovola (cane-rat) did not suit so well after that. Myself, driving the cricket XI to Durban in the school bus,only to find, to my surprise,one of tlie back wheels flying up a side road at Verulam. Myself also, a complete rooinek, being given a plateful of some indigenous fruit(I think some form of cherry) by one of the boys, who watched me enjoy half of them, and then said: "I should warn you, sir, that some of them have worms in." I opened the other half, and found a worm in each. A teacher hurling a cricket ball through the glass of the Staffroom window, being rashly dared so to do. The masters lifting the minister's Austin 10through the school entrance and depositing it at the foot of the main staircase. The regularity with which lessons were interrupted by the unmistakable twitter of birds, indicating that a snake was present, generally a green mamba. Lessons were suspended,shot gun produced, and offender despatched. The tame duiker. Beauty, which adopted us and lived with us for five years, entering the classrooms, dormitories, dining hall and chapel. Ultimately killed by dogs while we were at a bioscope show. December 16th, 1932, when the temperature rose to 116 in the shade. On the following day Huberta the Hippo made her surprise appearance near Stanger and began her five-year wanderings down to her death at King Williams Town. Senior boy caught in the pantry one night, and putting on a sleep-walking act which took him innocently all the way back to his bed. The late Bill Payne, in one of the earliest Old Crocks matches, picking up scrum-half, ball and all, and running with him under his arms for 25 yards down the touchline. 16

Eric Groom scoring 100 in 25 minutes against St. Henry's, a score which included eleven sixes and several lost balls. His total battmg time was under Playing rugger in thick black mud at Empangeni, so slippery that no-one could stand up, and in a matter of minutes no-one knew who anybody was. For our winning try Mr. Medworth slid about fifteen yards on his seat. J. F. REECE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY EXPEDITION TO GIANT'S CASTLE During the Easter holidays four boys and two masters, Mr. Lewis-Williams and Mr. Hewson, went on an expedition to Giants' Castle as there are many interesting Bushmen paintings in the area. Every member of the party had a camera and much of the time was spent photographing the many paintings, although a search was made for stone implements in all of the caves visited. We found many thumbnail and sidescrapers of the Later Stone Age and two grind stones. During the four days seven shelters were visited, most of which were some distance away from the camp.On the first full day Willcox and Steele's Shelters were visited. Both of these are in the same valley and approximately three miles from the camp. In Steeles' Shelter a careful study was made of the Eland which are painted in polychrome. A whole herd is being chased by men on horseback and it is believed that some earlier dwellers of the cave painted the Eland and thereafter the horsemen were added to form a single painting of an Eland hunt. It is a well-known painting in the Archaeological world. Willcox Shelter is also of great interest and a careful study of it was made. There is a figure, painted in white, sitting on its haunches. People are not sure what it represents, but it is believed to be a kind of witchdoctor or god. The longest hike was in search of Bamboo Shelter. With very few instruc tions, it was difficult to find it. Even though we found that we were within easy reach of it, the search was in vain. It was not entirely unsuccessful however, because of the beautiful scenery visible from the plateau above the valley. The scenery over the whole trip wasimpressive and along with the paintings a colourful display of photographs was obtained. Other shelters visited were, Snake, Main, Wildebees, Hartebees and Castle Rock.The expedition was a success and everyone enjoyed it greatly. J. WILLS SWIMMING Swimming committee for 1965: C. Lee (Captain), K. Naylor and J. Nightingale. With the valuable help of Mr. D. Bovey and a keen committee, we got off to a good start early in the term. There was no hold-up because of the weather, with the result that training got under way immediately and heats presented no problems. 17

TRIANGULAR GALA The Hilton-Michaelhouse-Kearsney Gala was held at Michaelhouse on Wednesday 3rd March, 1965. This competition is still run on a no-points system, allowing everyone, to quote the Rector of Michaelhouse, to use his own method of scoring. Although there is no final result, the sport was enjoyed by all present and we spent a very pleasant afternoon and evening as guests of Michaelhouse — thank you very much. Six records were broken. Kearsney won 15 events, Hilton 8 and Michaelhouse 1, but the competition was much keener than this analysis seems to indicate and the swimming was ofa high standard. DURBAN AND DISTRICT INTER-SCHOOLS GALA The Kearsney Team did very well in the Durban and District Inter-schools Gala which was held in Durban on Thursday, March 4th. This Senior Boys Competition was won by Glenwood with 171 points, with Kearsney second with 155, followed by Westville, Northlands and Mansfield. Special mention should be made of M. Bartlett who won all three under 13 individual events, the Backstroke, Breaststroke and Crawl, and the 4x50 Freestyle. Team (combined under 13 and under 15) for the new record they established. Lindegger was awarded the Derby Cup(200 yds. Breaststroke Open)and both Lee and Paterson won very good races. INTERHOUSE GALA Saturday,6th March It was exceptionally hot on Gala Day and a huge crowd of parents and other spectators turned out. Fortunately swimmers are not affected by the heat and the swimming was of a very high standard,which is proved by the fact that nine records were broken. It is also encouraging that three out of the five House Relay Races were won in record time. Gillingham had it all their own way and won easily with a total of 208 points. Pembroke was second with 104 and Finningley put in an all-out attempt in the Team Races to fi nish very close to Pembroke with 102. The Standards Competition was also won by Gillingham. These points are no longer added to the score on Gala Day(for information of Old Boys). Our sincere thanks to Mrs. J. S. Bertram for so graciously pre senting our prizes and to Mr. Bertram for addressing us afterwards. RESULTS 2LengthsFreestyle{Under13):1.M.Bartlett(G); 2.D.T.Jollands(F); 3. A. A. Gold (P);. Time 41.5 sees.(Record). 18

H f.- m il-' jllM Si m ■iuj# iI # t 3 ■ » 3 ■ 4t 1 1 m 1 T-f Trrir-r w Annas {T. Allen), Caiaphas (A/. Hittler) andPilate (G. Roach), Photo by J. Hewson

- ■ ■ ■ £• Angel(N.Leitch), with Mary Magdalene(Fenella Robbins), Mary{Joan Spiers)and Salome(Pauline Masch). Photo by J. Hewson

2 Lengths Freestyle(Under 14): 1. C. Lawrence (F); 2. D. Prince (P); 3. T. Groom(F). Time 42.5 sees. 100 yds. Freestyle(Under 15): 1. M.MacLean(G); 2. D.Paterson(G); 3. A. Steveni(P);. Time 62.2 sees. 100 yds.Freestyle(Under 16): 1. G.Jollands(F); 2.G.Baikie(G)and G.Bester (P). Time 59.9 sees. 100yds.Freestyle(Open): l.C.Lee(G); 2. J. Nightingale(P); 3.N.Reeves(F). Time 57.2 sees. Diving(Under 13): 1. N.Bartlett(G); 2. A.Gold(P); 3. C. Milbank (P). Diving(Under 14): 1. T.Forbes(G); 2.R.Hind(P); 3. D.Prince(P). Diving(Under 15): 1. P. Bassett(G); 2. A. Ashe(F); 3. W. Rosenberg(G). 2Lengths Breaststroke(Under 13): 1. M.Bartlett(G); 2. A.Brookbanks(P); 3. K.Ashe(F). Time 56.9 sees.(Record). 2Lengths Breaststroke(Under 14): 1. T. Groom (F); 2. P.Polovin(P); 3. C. Lawrence(F). Time 54.3 sees. 100 yds. Breaststroke(Under 15): 1. M.MacLean(G); 2.D.Peddie(P); 3.D. Scheepers(G). Time 77.2 sees. (Record). 100 yds. Breaststroke(Under 16): 1. B.Kingwill(F); 2.D.Levin(P); B. Meth (G)and R. Hemphill(G). Time 79.6 sees. 100 yds. Breaststroke (Open): 1. R. Lindegger(G); 2. K. Naylor(F); 3. D. Richards(F). Time 72.8 sees. 5x1 Non-finalists Relay Race(Under 13): 1. P; 2. G; 3. F. Time 96.2 sees. Old Boys'1 Length Freestyle: 1. P.Bryan; 2. M.Bryan; 3. Shire. Time 2 hrs, 18 mins.(World record—Edl). 4 X 1 Medley Team Race(Open): 1. G; 2.P; 3. F. Time 77.7 sees. Diving(Under 16): I.R.Evans; 2. J. Rolt; 3. D.Tomlinson. Diving(Open): 1. N. Reeves(F); 2. G. Sink(P); 3. A. Hadjipetrou(F). 1Length Backstroke(Under 13): 1. M.Bartlett(G); 2.Tuick (G); 3.D.Jollands (F). Time 23.1 sees. (Record). 2Lengths Backstroke(Under 14): 1.D.Brett(F); 2.T.Groom(F); 3.D.Prince (P). Time 54.5 sees. 2Lengths Backstroke(Under 15): 1. P. Bassett(G); 2. H.Howieson(P); 3. M. McAlister(P);. Time 48.0 sees. 100 yds Backstroke(Under 16): 1. G. Bester (P); 2. R. Hemphill(G); 3. B. Kingwill(F). Time 72.3 sees. 100 yds.Backstroke(Open): 1. J. Nightingale(P); 2.D.Hind(P); 3.J.Hughes (F). Time 69.8 sees. 1 Length Butterfly(Under 14): 1. M.Bartlett(G); 2. C.Reeves(F); J.C.Law rence(F). Time 23.8 sees. 1 Length Butterfly(Under 15): 1. M. MacLean(G); 2. W.Rosenberg(G); 3. Zoutendijk (P). Time 19.7 sees. 2Lengths Butterfly(Under 16): 1. R. Hemphill(G); 2. G. Jollands(F); 3. I. Marrion(G). Time 44.5 sees. 2Lengths Butterfly(Open): 1. C.Lee(G); 2. J. Nightingale(P); 3.D.Hind(P). Time 38.5 sees. (Record). House Relay Race(Under 14): 1. G; 2. F; 3. P. Time 83.2 sees. (Record). House Relay Race(Under 14): l.F; 2.P; 3. G. Time 79.8 sees. House Relay Race(Under IS): 1. G; 2.P; 3. F. Time 69.3 sees.(Record). 19

House Relay Race(Under 16): l.G; 2.F; 3. P. Time 68.0 sees.(Record). House Relay Race(Open): l.F; l.G; 3. P. Time 67.0 sees. Events previously decided: Plunge(Open): 1. R. Taylor(G); 2. C. Clegg(G); 3. P. Freer (F). Distance 50 ft. 3 ins. Plunge(Under 16): I.E. Bath(P); 2.P. Earl(G); 3. E. Frank(G). Distance 55 ft. 8 ins. (Record). 200 yds. Freestyle(Open): 1. C. Lee(G); 2. R. Lindegger(G); 3. J. Nightin gale(P). Time 2 mins. 8.2 sees. Trophies Inter-House: L.F.Forsyth Rose Bowl — Gillingham Best Performance: Ian Tirrell Shield — C.Lee Runners-up: Spargo Cup — M.McLean Open Relay Team: Bryan Cup — Finningley 100 yds. Freestyle Open: Sandy Marr Cup — C.Lee Best S>Yimmer in each Age Group Open: Robertson Cup—C.Lee Under 14:van Gorkom Cup—T.Groom Under 16: Spradbrow Cup— Under 13: Fearnhead Cup—M.Bartlett R.Hemphill Diving: Arthur Levitt Cup—N. Reeves Under 15: Matterson Cup— M.McLean. NATAL SCHOOLS GALA Six boys from Kearsney were selected to represent Durban and Dirtrict Schools in the Natal Schools Inter-district Competitions. In the diving events, which were held at Sutton Park on Friday, 12th March, both Reeves, under 19, and Forbes, under 14, dived very well and were placed second to Maritzburg divers. Four boys, Lee, Nightingale, Lindegger and Hemphill, swam for Durban and District in Empangeni on Saturday, 13th March. Lee swam very well to win the 110 yds. Butterfly and he came second in the 110 yds. Freestyle to a Natal swimmer. Lindegger was placed third, but only a touch behind the winner,in the 220 yds. Breaststroke. Nightingale came fourth in the 110 yds. Backstroke. S.A. INTER-PROVINCIAL SCHOOLS GALA After his good showing at Empangeni, Lee was selected to represent Natal Schools in the S.A.I.P.S. Tournament held at Kimberley on Saturday,20th March, 1965. In the 110 yds. Butterfly Under 19, Lee came 5th and he also swam in two relay teams; the Medley Team was thirdand the Freestyle Team second. LIFESAVING After a lapse of two years in which time we waited for the new South African Life Saving Association to get organised and to get a new handbook out, the Natal Schools Life Saving Competitions were held again this year. 20

Our Senior 'A' Team was narrowly beaten by D.H.S. where Old Boy R.Bouman has taken over the training. Lee and Lindegger shared honours with Maynard of D.H.S. for top score. Our 'B' Team came 4th. In the Junior Section our 'A' Team romped home, bringing back the Milner Smyth Shield once again. In this competition Prince was the highest individual scorer. The Junior'B'Team came 3rd,i point behind Glenwood 'A'. A large number of boys trained to take S.A.L.S.S. awards, but were let down by the Life Saving Society who could not send judges at the last minute. Water polo is normally played only in the 4th term but when Potchefstroom Boys' High sent a team to Natal we played them at very short notice and were just beaten. Colours: Congratulations to the following on being awarded team colours for 1965: Lee, Lindegger, Reeves, Jollands, Nightingale, Bester and Hemphill. J. W.S. CRICKET 1st XI A SOUND start has been made to the year. Hipkin and Morgan are to be congratulated on their record-breaking stand of 159 for the first wicket against Alexandra. The 4th XI have done well, and the Under 15'A'must be commended on their fine win against the powerful Hilton Colts team. 6.2.65 v5. Maritzburg College Home Maritzburg won the toss and elected to bat on a good wicket. The Kearsney bowling was tight and the scoring slow. At 3 p.m. they declared the innings closed at 174 for 6. Morgan bowled very steadily to take 5 for 35 in 16 overs. Kearsney then batted,and after a good opening stand of46 by Morgan(40)and Campbell (16), the inexperience of our side was evident. Albers ended with the excellent figures of 5 wickets for 2 runs in 11 overs. Result: Kearsney lost by 93 runs. 13.2.65 v5. Alexandra High School Home Surprisingly Kearsney won the toss for the only time this season, and Morgan and Hipkin revelled in the hard wicket. Our first wicket fell at 159,a school record, with Morgan out for 70. Hipkin (103 not out) and Campbell (21 not out) hurried the score along to 205 for 1 wicket when we declared. Alexandra started confidently, but with the total at 62 for 3 Morgan (3 for 22) and Sommerville (5 for 22) took command. Our opponents were all out for 97. Result: Kearsney won by 108 runs. 21