
Playing now with only fourteen men, Kearsney showed for the first time this season the necessary determination. Shortly before half-time, however, Glenwood took the lead with an unconverted try. ' Glenwood kicked off at the start of the second half and were immediately on the attack. After only eight minutes of dour defending by Kearsney, Glen wood scored after the wing had been quickly fed from a scrum near the Kearsney line. The conversion failed, making the score 12- 8. This was the final score. 28th August vi. Campbell Away Won 9-6 Played in the morning under wet conditions, this match never rose to great heights. Kearsney kicked off and were immediately on the attack. After missing an early penalty, Delport, running with determination down the wing, scored an unconverted try. Kearsney maintained the pressure and should have scored on several occasions. Final passes often went astray. However Rolt broke well for Viljoen to score an unconverted try, making the score 6-0. For the remainder of the half, Kearsney kept up constant pressure with play gradually degenerating. At times it appeared that Kearsney must score, but careless errors prevented them. After half-time, with Kearsney playing into driving rain, play became very scrappy. Against the run of play Campbell goaled a forty yard penalty to make the score 6-3. Kearsney persisted in kicking against the wind when it was obvious they should have been running with the ball. When, at last, the ball was swung out to the wing,a good unconverted try was scored. Campbell retali ated with a penalty shortly before the final whistle, making the final score 9-6. 5th September v^. Old Boys Home Won 11-5 This,the last game ofthe season, promised to be a good one, with the Old Boys fielding a strong side. Kicking off, they were soon on the attack but Kearsney pushed them back close to their line. One of the best movements of the match followed,when the Old Boysran with the ballfrom well within their halfto within yards of the Kearsney line. Nichols playing in his first match, was settling down after a shaky start, but although he fed his line, they could not penetrate the Old Boys backline. Shortly before half-time Kearsney took the lead with a penalty. After the break Clarke scored a try from a loose scrum. Sawyer added a fine conversion to bring the score to 8 - 0.From the kick-offKearsney were once again on the attack, scoring after charging down a relieving kick.It looked as if we were gaining the upper hand, but unfortunately the backs persisted in using the punt rather than 'going' for the line. Old Boys returned to the attack and Daykin scored a try which was converted. This brought the final score of the match, which was somewhat marred by kicking on both sides,to 11-5. 2nd XV V5. Westville 3-21 vs. Northlands 13-17 vs. Pinetown 1st XV 14-18 vi. Port Natal 0-12 vi. Michaelhouse 3-14 vj. Hilton 3-24 rj. Glenwood 6-15 vi. Campbell High 44-0 vj. Old Boys 9-8 A.R.T. 90