
3rd XV vs. Hilton it vs. MichALEHOUSE VJ. Glenwood vj. Campbell High 18-u 4th XV vj. Hilton ® ^ vi. Michalehouse ^ vs. Glenwood 'n V5. Thomas Moore 1st .is - u G.N. UNDER 15a The team was well balanced but lacked fire on occasions. There were no brilliant individuals although Rolt was selected as a reserve for Durban and District. The team gave of its best and all enjoyed their matches. vs. Hilton . . vs. Michaelhouse vs. Glenwood . vi. Campbell . 8-3 8 - 5 6-21 6-8 M.P. UNDER 14a vj. Hilton . . w. Highbury . vs. Michaelhouse pj. Glenwood . vs. Campbell 0-26 3-20 0-17 0-26 14-5 UNDER 13 At the beginning of the 1965 rugby season it seemed that the Under 13 division would have a very poor record this year. Very tew ot tlie boys who had come to the school had previously played rugby,or even knew the various positions in a team. As a resiilt of keenness and a reliance on combined effort rather than individual ability, the players ended the season with a record far above expectations, the A team won five ofthe ten matches played. Jordan played very hard throughout every match and b^ame a competent captain of the A team. Schachat is a player with muc undeveloped ability who, with continued application and determi nation, could become an outstandingly good scrtim-hali. storm, as captain of the B team,showed determination,and the willingness to do a lot of hard work in broken play. 91