
SWIMMING Our policy has alwaybseen to devote the 4th Term to Water Polo and Lifesaving. The Water Polo Team has been more active and enjoyed some excellent sport. At a tournament at Maritzburg College we beat Estcourt7-1 and drew with both Hilton and Michaelhouse 2-2 and lost to College 2-4. Two weeks after this tournament, playing at home in the rain, we drew with College 3-3 and beat Empangeni 3-1. This proves that the standard has improved greatly and I am pleased with the interest Mr. Mossom has shown in the game. On Sunday,6th November, we had the examiners of the South African Lifesaving Society up here for the day to test our boys tor the different awards. Althogether 59 awards were taken which were made up as follows: Silver Cross: 4 Silver Medallion: 3 Instructor's Certificate: 6 Scholar's Instructor: 1 Bronze Cross 7 Bronze Medallion 23 Intermediate Star 15 J.W.S. ^ ^ ATHLETICS Cross-Country Once more the school competed with distinction in the Natal Senior CrossCountry I^eague. This year we fielded teams in both the'A'and'B'sections and n"h have fared even better had we not been badly hit by the'flu, wiiicn disrupted so much of our sporting activities during the second term. The following shows the final league positions: A. Collegian Harriers 20 points B. Collegian Harriers 16 points Kearsney College 12 points Savages 12 points Natal University 12 points Kearsney College 8 points Uurban Athletic Club 12 points Durban Athletic Club 4 points I j^ ^ points Natal University 0 points Umbilo and Congella 0 points In both these Leagues our opponents were men,not schoolboys. 'A'I" relay held over the University course on August 7th our team hnished third behind Durban Athletic Club and Collegian Harriers. 1 nelatter made the winning postonly 26seconds before our team.An outstanding run by Michael Martin over the last leg almost brought us into second place and resulted in his time being the second fastest ofthe day.The'B'team finished lourth out ofeight teams competing in their section. , , Natal,as well as the South African,Cross-Country Championships were neid over the school course, which is situated on the edge of the Valley of a ft, <• r After the races many of the competitors stated emphatically hihs 'hough they had run up and down at least a thousand and one 94