
KEARSNEY COLLEGE OLD BOYS' CLUB CLUB OFFICIALS President: L. F. Forsyth, Granton Place, Howick Road, Pietermaritzburg. Vice-President: C.D. Nathan,42 Park Lodge Gardens,Durban. Treasurer: W.L. S. Robinson,Tudor Road, Gillitts. Secretary: G. M.Gram, Botha's Hill. Committee: J. W. H. Howarth, H. N. Groom, P. E. Metcalf, H.E. Hopkins,T. A. Polkinghorne, and (ex ofRcio) J. H.Hop kins,J. F.Reece,D.Clark,J. S. Bertram,and Branch Chairmen. DURBAN BRANCH Chairman: C. Rindel,3 Kew Avenue, Westville(85660). Vice-Chairman: M.J. Rodda,3 Tweed Road, Westville(85323). Secretary: A. G. Ramsay, Kilburn Hotel, Kilburn Road,Durban (45746). Treasurer: J. F. Woods,P.O. Box 381,Durban(46431). Committee: D. Beatty, D.Hemson,R. Bickerton, S. W.Stott, and (co-opted) Group Capt. H.E. Hopkins, J. F. Reece. Auditor: A.H.Unstead, 10 Jeremy Road,Kloof(779156). The Durban Branch has had a quiet year,apartfrom a successful dinner, but there are interesting projects in view for 1966. ANNUAL DINNER Noticefor this had been short,as the Secretary was away on military service, so that fewer were present than had been hoped for. Nevertheless ^horoughly pleasant evening was held. Special greetings were extended to E. O Bjorseth, Reg Driman and Albert Theunissen. The toast to the School was well proposed by Harold Groom who, after a few preliminary skirmishes, expounded his views on the type of education which should be stressed at Private Schools, with emphasis upon the humanities, as an antidote to the stresses of a scienceridden world. Jack Crawford replied, and being a relative newcomer to the Kearsney Staff, was able to give an objective picture ofthe quality ofthe School Staff and the type of work done at the School. One wise-crack: In olden days one thought of Headmasters with the Big Stick; today they are Headmasters with the Short Staff." But Kearsney,he said, is fortunate m quality and quantity. We hope that the next Dinner will see a record turn-out.These are memorable occasions, full of good fellowship and nostalgia. On November 5th Mr. "Bertie" Nel gave a very interesting talk on his experiences in America, where he studied in 1964. He especially emphasised the hospitality and friendliness ofthe American people in their own home towns, as against the Impression onetends to get of them abroad. He spoke of the edunational system and the opportunities given to those who really wanted to get on. Everything in America is "big",even the caravan(50 ft long)that was provided for him and his family. Ill