
Beit Scholarship has been extended fortwo further years.In the 19th International Youth Salon of Photography, colour slides section, he was awarded three of the only six Highly Commended Awardsfrom the total entriesfrom ten countries. He won 8 of Rhodes University's 17 points and helped them win the S.A. Uni versities Competition. I. S.Bell(60-62)is with the S.A.Navy,S.A.S. Wingfield, Goodwood,Cape Town. Dr.J.S.Bertram(26-32)has been elected as member ofthe School's Board of Governors.He continues as Chairman ofthe Kearsney-Epworth Foundation. J. A.Bester (59-63)spent nearly a year in the Army Gymnasium,and has since taken up a career in Auditing. This involves part-time University study after each day's work. He writes:"I am deeply indebted to Kearsney for the grounding I received there. It has stood me in good stead." G.F. Balcomb (30-40) finds relaxation from cane-farming by fishing in a big way, and fishes for Natal. We noted that one of his five daughters took a leading part in Epworth's production of"Quality Street". F. R.Baudert (26-27) has been on the Staff of Maritzburg College for 23 years. Accompanying a team to Kearsney, he spoke nostalgically about his old yith Form rnates — Denzil Clark, Duggie Weir, Gerald Griffin, Edgar Wilkinson, Jim Nightingale, and was interested to learn of their whereabouts. P.Burger(45-48)is,according to the overseas Press,one ofEngland'sleading radio and T.V. Public Relations Officers. R.D.Bickerton(60-64)has been playing for the Natal Under 20 Rugby XV. J.G.Brown(55-60) passed his Theory of Accountaney at Natal University in 1964 and has more recently passed his C.A. Finals. Having escaped military call-up, he hopes to go overseas during the coming year. J.S.Botte(48-52) had a narrow escape when his yacht Bonanza sank near Lourenco Marques. He and two companions managed to swim to land and establish contact with the town. D.R.Beckett(33-34)has left Zambia and is working at Mount Edgecombe Sugar Estates. His wife recently had the most distressing experience of being attacked by two Africans with carving knife and fork, demanding money. After a fierce fight,in which her life was threatened,she managed to escape and seek safety with a neighbour. J.M,Bams(54-58)has returned to Durban after three years in London and is working in the insolvency department of Syfret's Trust.Part ofa letter of his appears elsewhere. T. W. Beckett (57-62) came down with the Standerton Athletic Club in November to compete in Pietermaritzburg and, although not particularly in training, he won the half-mile in 1 min.57 sees. Those who remember the late Crewe Browne (42-44), who was killed in a riding accident while still at school, will be sorry to hear that both his parents were recently killed in a motor accident. Browne's hymn and prayer books have been sent to Kearsney by his orphaned sister. H.D.Clark(52-57)attended courses at the Durban Tech. and Mount Edgecombe Experimental Station, and gained a Diploma in Agriculture in eight branches ofthe subject.In these days ofcut-throat competition,those with the best knowledge go furthest. P. C. Coleman (53-58) is Production Manager for S.A. Nylon Spinners, Cape Town,a newly formed company. His Job is to co-ordinate demand with production,and prospects of quick promotion appear to be good. 116