
R.G.Coleman(56-61)is in the Estates Dept.ofWm Palmer&Son,Durban He is an enthusiastic long distance runner and ran in the Natal Championsnips at Botha's Hill. A.C. Cantrell (55-60) is taking his M.Sc.(Agric.) at Natal University. He headed the poll in the elections for the S.R.C., being the third Kearsney boy in four years to head the list. The others were M.Osier and J. Daniel. C G Carelse(48-53) left the Kariba Dam work two years ago and is now at Cowie's Hill. Having had extensive practical experience in the construction of the above dam and ancillary mining operations, he i^s now employed in a Technical and Sales capacity with a Durban engineering firm. He is particularly concerned with Northern Natal Coal Collieries. Dr.H.H. J.M.Cromme(49-50) has spent many busy years in study since leaving school In 1957 he obtained his M.B.Ch.(Cape Town); from J959-62 was at Edendale Hospital, near Pietermaritzburg;from 1962-64 at King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban, doing post-graduate studies in he gained his F FA(S.A.)and then went across to the Royal College of Surgeons, Enlland, and obtained his F.F.A., R.C.S.(Eng.). At the beginning of this year he was appointed Senior Anaesthetist at Edendale, and since September has been in private practice as Anaesthetist in Pietermaritzburg. Anybody want a tooth extracted painlessly? M Cunningham (59-61) has made his first trip to Zululand for the Bible Society and received some good orders, most ofthem from Bantu trading stores and Missions."This is a work," he says,"which calls for the best one can offer in zeal,energy,and initiative." I A Cunningham (52-55) had six years with the B.S.A. Police, Rhodesia, but has now returned to his family business,"Tinsol Products", manufacturers of soldering fluid, grinding paste, etc. The Rhodesian job involved a great deal of outdoor trekking and boundary-watching,and he is now glad to be out of it. Senator W.M. Crook (28-33), attorney and Chairman of the Newcastle Branch of the United Party, has been elected a Senator for Natal. Oim warmest congratulations. He, J. H. Hopkins and R. J. Crawford took their First Class Matrics together in 1933. F. A. Courie (59-63) writes;"My first year at Cape Town University certainlv stresses the need for higher education at school.The Matric is quite inade quate. My nine months in the Army were not wasted: one learns discipline and self-control, badly needed in these chaotic times. R M Drimau(31-34), head prefect and rugger captain in 1934,has returned to his home province of Natal,after a quarter ofa century in the Transvaal,and attended the Durban dinner. He is manag9efr National Floor Services,speciali sing in parquet, plastic tiles, and so on. It is good to have him back with us. I. S. Driman (31-35) is, we hear, very happily settled with his family in Tel-Aviv, where he combines stock-broking with running a curio shop. A j'C.Daniel(58-61)is Chairman of the Students' Representative Council at Natal University, and Vice-President Elect of the National Union of South African Students. He is now taking his Teacher's Diploma and hopes to be released by the Education Dept.for one year to do N.U.S.A.S. work. R H.Dale(40-45)is General Managerfor Diamond H.Switches(S.A.)(Pty.) Ltd Durban, a subsidiary of an American Company. He has a staff of 150, including 50 Europeans, and produces 5,000 items a day. All stove switches in South Africa are made by his firm. His work entails a good deal of flying to America and to U.K. A H Doidae (40-41), after considerable experience overseas at Coventry, is novv Marketing Manager for Volkswagen, Port Elizabeth, working for S.A M.A.D., of which A.B. Theunissen (29-31) is General Manager. 117