
D.W.Francis(51-55)is in the production department at Hulett's Refinery, Rossburgh. L. Fienberg (58-62) writes: "I found the gap between school and first-year University tremendous,especially in the scientific subjects. One has to be original and selective, instead of merely learning facts presented by the teachers." P.N.Garbutt(38-45), who is at Manzini,Swaziland, played cricket for N.E. Transvaal Country Districts. D. G. Gardner (39-48), Secretary of the Johannesburg Branch, has been to great pains to prepare an accurate list of Transvaal Old Boys, with addresses, phone numbers,and sporting interests. Wecongratulate him on a splendid effort. G.V. Green(50-55)is Accident Superintendent for the Guardian Insurance Johannesburg, and trying to live down the image of"Insurance Shark". His home is in Kensington, wherehe lives with wife and baby daughter, and puts to good use the weeding practice forced upon him at school. T. R.Green(54-59) is resident Inspector for the Norwich Union Insurance Welkom. G.J. Gillitt(47-48)dairy-farms outside Maritzburg — Frieslands and Guern seys— and supplies milk to the city. The cows are milked three times daily, at 6 p.m., 1 a.m. and noon. Difficult hours for a farmer to keep. H.N.Groom (44-47) has been appointed Manager ofthe S.A.MutualLife Insurance,Durban Branch. J. L.Good (31-35) is now Branch Manager, Durban, for the S.A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance.This is mainly Administration,but does also itivolve the training of Sales Staff, especially in the art ofPublic Speaking,to which he has prepared a course of lectures. He attended a Manager's Conference in Johannesburg in November, with John Worth(Bloemfontein)and Fric Peppier (Port Elizabeth). R. N.Grafton(54-47)has returned to South Africa after obtaining an M.A. in Wild Life Management at the University of Missouri.In a press interview he said: "South Africa's ideas on wild life management and techniques are about 50 years behind those in the U.S. The hunting season especially is better con trolled, so that there are more deer there today than when the white man first landed." His degree thesis was "Age Determination Methods for the Impala Antelope of the Transvaal." U.G.Groom(50-55)was elected Captain ofthe Zululand Cricket XI taking part in the Country Districts Competition. As Vice-captain ofthe Natal Country Districts combined side he made top score both innings against a Natal XL At the time of writing we are hoping that he will make at least the Natal'B'side. B.H.Hulett (46-49) writes from Fshowe: "The Native Trust bought my farm and I got a fair price.I have bought a 250acrefarm in the Fshowe District, for which I've managed to get a cane quota. The farm is all virgin land, with the result that I can plan it as I wish." P. B.G.Hulett (51-56) tells of continued success with coffee growing — a profitable crop. He has 400 acres under crop now, producing three-quarters ofa ton per acre. W. C. Hopkins (22-26) has been elected Vice-President of the School's Board of Governors. Congratulations. C.C.Hopkins(54-55), son of the above, is now with the Sales department ofThos. Barlow &Sons,New Germany,Natal. F.D.Hugo(60-61)is with the British Commonwealth Merchant Navy,now sitting for his Second Mate's ticket. His work has taken him to all parts of the world. He has been recently released for six months for a course in social and technical studies. He came top in his Cadet course and was made A.D.C.(one of three)to the Director of the College, Southampton. 119