
p.Lacon-Allin(55-58)has taken over his father's chicken farm at Hill Crest. His 20,000 hens not only supply eggs, but a lucrative side-line in chieken-mariure (3 tons a day), some of which is railed to sugarcane farmers, and some fed to their cattle, which apparently regard it is a delicacy. Every man to his own taste. It is understood that he will be turning his attention less to hens, and more to ducks and cattle. I.H.Lund(45-49)is hoping to arrange an occasional"get together"in Cape Town. Old Boys in that area interested should contact him at P.O. Box 140, Paarden Eiland. W.B.Letcher(44-49)staked a claim in the Rhodesian "bush" near Kariba Dam four years ago, and in this brief time has developed a tobacco farm so successfully that last year he sold a R60,000 crop. J.H.(Jeremy)Lowe (54-56) served his apprenticeship as fitter and turner at Nestle's, Pietermaritzburg. He is now with a private firm in Klerksdorp, where,as a specialist welder, he is engaged in interesting experiments in welding aluminium, plastics, and nylons. F. A.Lissauer (57-61)took his B.Comm. at Leeds, and then proceeded to Cornell University, Ithaca, New York for a degree in Business Administration. He found, however, that this course was unsuitable, and returned to England, where he is now taking a post-graduate course in Management Sciences at Manchester University. P.M.Lovell-Shippey(33) has been "lost" to us for a very long time, but a recent letter puts him in the picture again. After a varied career in the army, then as Secretary of the J.B.S. at Aliwal North, Accountant and Secretary of the Roberts Construction Co.,Durban — he was appointed Company Secretary of Mhlume "Swaziland" Sugar Company. In January 1964 he was transferred to Hulett's Head Office as Group Administrative Officer, and later became Company Secretary of Hulett's S.A. Sugar Mills & Estates Ltd. In May of this year he was appointed General Manager of the new Amatikulu Mill,the largest sugar mill in theSouthern Hemisphere,pd ofthe proposed new mill at Nkwaleni. A record of continuous and well-merited advancement. To J. E.C. Larrington (29-35) and his two daughters we extend sincere sympathies on the death of his wife, after a long illness. D. J. Livingstone (47-49) has been awarded the first prize for his poem "A Bamboo Day" at this year's Cheltenham Festival of English Literature in Britain. This is an annual poetry event,the biggest of its kind in the world,open to all English-writing poets. Congratulations! His earlier book of poems, "Sjambok", was well received here and overseas. Dr. M.J. McA.Leask (47-50) is now resident at Uplands, Church Lane, Upper Wolvercote, Oxford, and welcomes any Old Boys who come his way. He has had a most distinguished academic career and has recently been elected to a Fellowship of the University. He is a senior Research Scholar in Physics, attached to the Clarendon Laboratory, and has lectured and done research at John Hopkins University, Baltimore, besides lecturing in Canada, Jordan, Holland and Denmark. We hear that his Research Team recently achieved one millionth of a degree above Absolute Zero, this putting all previous low tem perature records right out of sight! P. M.Myburgh (57-60) is Manager of a branch of the French Hairdressing Salon,Johannesburg. F. C.Massam (56-58) has, we understand, been overseas for 3 years, pre sumably engaged in Commercial Art. I.S.Mackay(56-60)is doing his third-year Medicine at London University, after a period of study at Antwerp. T.M.Mackenzie(42-46)isfarming in cattle, poultry and pigs,at Baynesfield, Natal,and at the same time writing a thesis for his M.Sc.(Agric.). 121