
Salome Pauline Masch Priests Martin Griffiths and David Payne Soldiers Trevor Naylor,Paul Bissett,Ian Marrian Gavin Rice,Roy Williams, David Levin Trumpets: Robin Taylor and David Reece Drums: Jonathan Silbermann Prompters: Joseph Stamp and Rohan Wade. Producer: Mr.D.Lewis-Williams. Set Construction and Painting: Messrs. P. Reece and J. de Beer. Lighting: Mr. R. Whiteford, assisted by G. Milne, P. Allen, D. Reece and D. Harrison. Make-up: Mr.and Mrs. R. Rutherford-Smith. Stage Manager: Mr.P. Reece. Stage Director: Mr.P. Metcalf. VIOLIN RECITAL An enjoyable Violin and Piano recital was given in the Henderson Memorial Hall on 7th April by Mr. P. J. Carter and Miss Sally Ann Mays. Mr. Carter, the son of a former principal cellist of the Durban Municipal Orchestra, is a member of a well-known group in Eng land who specialise in Chamber Music and as such he is an artist of considerable repute. His visit to us was part of a recital tour during a'holiday'in his home country. The programme consisted of sonatas by Handel, Mozart, Beet hoven and Debussy, and these were followed by pieces by nearcontemporary composers. Mr. Carter's crisp and eloquent playing won the sinceraettention of his audience and the applause after each item was certainly more than a merely polite expression of appreciation and enjoyment. The audience reaction indicated that there is definitely a 'market' in the School for 'good', nay, even classical music when it is superbly played by a first-rate artist. The piano accompaniments of Miss Sally Mays added much to the enjoyment ofthe Recital, pervaded as they were by imaginative feeling for the music under discussion and made distinctive by beautifully controlled expression in volume and tone-colour. The solo pieces which she contributed to the programme showed her to possess a virtuoso's technique as well as an artist's insight, and they showed also that the old Hall Grand under the right pair of hands is still a very expressive musical instrument. The Recital was given under the auspices ofthe Natal Performing Arts Council. G.M.O. 11