
C.E. A.von Keyserlingk (57-59),son of the above, has had his parachuting activities brought to a sudden conclusion by his unfortunately becoming en tangled in telephone wires and breaking his leg. He is Personnel Officer for Messrs. Hind Bros., Durban, being well qualified by reason of a recent B.A. (Hons.) Psychology Degree. J.C.van den Berg (59-63) is training in the Production Department of his father's firm,Cortina Sportswear(Ltd.),Durban. J. A. Voysey (47-50), who has for some time been constructing bouses in Mauritius, has left for London to take a nine-month course in public health engineering at the Imperial College of Science and Technology. B.G.Williams(58-62) was the Pietermaritzburg delegate to the University Science Students' Association of South Africa at East London in July, and again represented the University in Johannesburg in December. B.G.Williams(54-58)(no relation to the previous one)wrote earlier frorn a hospital bed, recovering from appendicitis and getting engaged. While teaching at King David's School, Johannesburg, he is studying for a Teaching Diploma. Rev. C. E. Wilkinson (25-27) ex-President of Conference, conducted the service at Kearsney on September 5th for the reception of 39 membersinto the Church,a record number. J.F.Woods(49-52) has had two years in Ladysmith, where he was resident Inspector for the Royal Exchange Assurance. This is incorporated by Royal Charter with the Head Office, London. While up there he took an enthusiastic interest in the work ofthe Presbyterian Church.He has now returned to Durban where he is selling Insurance for the Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co. G.P.Whitelaw (32-34)is with the S.A. Mutual Life Insurance, Durban. Dr.J.O.Wilkinson(35-38)has returned to this country after some years of study overseas. G.P. Williams(57-60) took a month off from Oxford to visit Russia, and sent home a 3-hour tape-recording of his impressions. LATE UNIVERSITY NEWS At Natal University C. Hemson (59-64) has taken first year Greek, Latin, English and Philosophy; J. Hemson (59-64) Maths, English, Afrikaans and Economics; and D.Hemson(57-62) Economics, English and German. D.M.J.Poole(58-63)has passed his second-year Medicine at Cape Town. E. Rogaly (58-63) has taken his first year Medicine at Cape Town, with Firsts in Physics, Chemistry and Botany. G.P. Williams (57-60), Rhodes Scholar, is taking a post-graduate B.Phil, at Oxford,in Politics and Economics. B.G. Williams(58-62), brother of the above, has sat for his B.Sc. Finals at Pietermaritzburg in Physics and Chemistry, and hopes to read Physics for a B.Sc.(Hons.)Degree this coming year. L.M.Johnston(57-61)has taken his B.Sc.(Chem.Eng.)at Durban and has been offered a good post with Lever Bros. L.Fienberg(58-62) has taken his second year B.Sc.(Chem.Eng.)at Durban. M.H.Fienberg(60-64) has taken a first-year course at Pietermaritzburg in Maths, Economics, Latin and English, of which "the litter two were the most enjoyable." With an eye to an Actuarial Career, he expects to Major in Maths, Maths Statistics and Economics. 125