
J. W.Muir(58-61)and D.J. AdendorflF(58-61) have taken their Third year Medicine at Cape Town. H.A.Tedder(58-62) sat for sixteen 3-hour papers in this third year B.Sc. (Chem.Eng.)at Durban. F.A.Courle(59-63) has taken his first year Medicine at Cape Town. Degree results will be published in July if graduates will send the Editor their results. OLD BOYS' LETTERS Rev.F. G. Hittler(33-34) wrote from Klerksdorp: "For the first time since leaving Kearsney(1934),this year I had the privilege of being at Kearsney for Founder's Day and of sharing as a worshipper in the Confirmation Service. My visit to the school was not only a very happy experi ence but it did have this added effect for which I am so grateful — it reminded me again ofthe great debt we owe not only to our Founder but to all those who throughout the years have made their contribution in different ways to Kearsney so that it has become what we now know it to be. If there is one regret that I have it is that I, like many others, have not always appreciated my privileges. That week-end in September brought with it a challenge to try in some small way to put back into Kearsney something of what I have received from the School. (Enclosed was a contribution to the Foundation Fund.—Ed.) L,E. Gjestland (48-50) wrote from Redwood City, California: "I am still in the eomputer field, working for Computer Usage Corpn. We have programmed work on the Gemini flights, for the Government,IBM,Con trol Data, and the most celebrated companies in the industry. Consequently the staff is highly degreed, with 10% Ph.D.'s and 30% with Masters Degrees. My niche is in a field called Market Research, or more readily understood as survey work, tabulating public opinions etc. I am at present finding out what people think of the new 1966 Chev, what kind of dog food people like to buy, what kind of gasoline people use; have also done studies on gambling, survey of Goldwater vs. Johnson, and a study for the Vice-President. I find it very interesting,especially studies on education — why do students leave high school, why do lower I.Q.'s prefer male teachers, and so on. Did a little business while in London recently, and may be going over there to open an office. The salary will have to be pretty lucrative to drag me away from Lotus Land. Dr. M. O. Hall (48-53), who is lecturing in Biochemistry at the University of Los Angeles, wrote: "With a growing family, we have moved down into Los Angeles, nearer to civilisation. The past year has seen America shaken by racial violence and the harsh reality ofwar.The worst riot ofcourse was right in L.A.,luckily somewhat removed from our neighbourhood. The most frightening aspect of this affair was the intensity of hate towards Whites which the negroes hold. I don't think many people realised what a schism there was between the two groups. There is a negro movement here, called the "Black Muslims", who preach Apartheid, and they have many supporters." M.T.Eastwood (46-49) wrote from Winnipeg: "I am just leaving Winnipeg en route to London and then on to another assignment in Jordan. For the last nine months I've been in Canada, working on the Churchill River Diversion Scheme,which involves diverting the Churchill 126