
River at Southern Indian Lake into the Nelson. We've been doing some most interesting studies both in the offiee and in the field on the hydro-electric power potential of the diversion. I really did enjoy the outdoor work. The summer is so short unfortunately and my departure for the north(700 miles north of Winni peg)and from the north coincided with the last and first snowfalls 1 Northern Manitoba has more than its fair share ofwater.We were flownfrom camp to camp during our investigations, using float planes, while local travel is mostly by canoe. The countryside is the most isolated I have seen except per haps for parts of the Sudan. Did you know that Canada can claim to be the premier mosquito breeding country in the world? What specimens like humming birds I You wouldn't expectthem to live in so cold aclimate. And nasty little Black Flies that gnaw into your flesh and make you most uncomfortable. Even the local Indian trappers are not immune to these pests." L. Callow (48-51) has been off our books for some years, and now writes as follows: "In I960 I went over to Britain on a working holiday. I based on London doing odd jobsfor two years interspersed with trips to the Continent and around England by various means — motorbike, steamer, walking and hitch-hiking. 1962 saw me over to Canada for a year working in Hamilton and then Ottawa, Ontario. In 1963 I drove across the U.S.A. to the West Coast where I took a ship across the Pacific to Australia. I was married in Melbourne to an Australian girl I had met in London and then worked for a year before we returned here in February this year. I am now working again for A.E.& C.I. at Umbogintwinias a Laboratory Technician and I have gone back to "school", studying at the Natal Tech. for the Chemical Technicians Diploma. One of my main interests, triggered off at Kearsney, has been choral singing and I am now in the Doonside Methodist Church Choir where the organist is Dr. Stafford Glass who I believe taught at Kearsney. In London I joined the London Orpheus Choir, in Ottawa the Ottawa Choral Society and in Melbourne the Methodist Youth Singers, so between the three have been able to sing in many different types of choral music from Vaughan Williams to Handel to Negro spirituals and all due to first learning to read at Kearsney. M.Harvey (53-59) wrote from Rhodesia, where he is a member of the B.S.A. Police: "Since writing to you last I have had several moves around Mashonaland, and had a long leave offive months overseas. In Harrogate I met up with Miles Young,who is now in the hotel business,and on my return to RhodesiaIraninto Tim Webb, who was then stationed with the R.A.F. in Aden. He seems to be enjoying himself and is married. Approximately eighteen months ago I was posted to the Police Depot where I am at present instructing African Police Recruits. I take them for various subjects, physical training, foot drill, self defence, basic law and police investi gation. It is likely that in a few months time I shall be on transfer once again, and, will no doubt,end up in the district again. During this year I managed to get through my promotion examinations and have now been made up to a Section Officer(equivalent to what was the old sergeant rank). 127