
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The activities of the Archaeological Society have included a number ofinteresting meetings and excursions. Mr. D. N. Lee, a well-known authority on Bushman paintings, addressed the society on that subject, illustrating his talk with out standing colour slides. This meeting opened up new fields ofinterest to many members. Earlier in the year Mr. Lee's son spoke to the society on some of the expeditions on which he had accompanied his father. His talk featured excellent slides of some most unusual paintings. Mr. J. F. Reece spoke on Stonehenge, giving the members an idea of the immense age of this ancient temple. He also outlined the fascinating problems involved in the construction of so large a monument by such primitive people. Other meetings included a talk by J. H. Woodhouse on the meticulouesxcavation of an important cave at Plettenberg Bay, and slides of the society's activities. The most ambitious expedition was undertaken during the Easter vacation when a party of four boys and two masters visited the Giant's Castle Reserve in search of Bushman paintings. The party saw not only the excellent paintings which are quite near the camp, but also ventured further afield to some more remote shelters where the paintings were ample compensation for the exertion. Other parties have visited the Umgeni Valley. On one of these expeditions we were accompanied by Mr. R. Maine who guided us to some interesting sites which he had discovered. A cave down stream from Shongweni Dam was explored and evidence of Stone Age occupation was found. The Society has unfortunately had to vacate the room in 'Siberia' which members were turning into an excellent museum and centre of activities. At present, thanks to the kindness of Mr. Metcalf, the collection is housed temporarily in the post-matric room, but a permanent home is desirable. D.L. W. LIBRARY New books have regularly been added, to promote the usefulness of the Library. We are especially indebted to Mrs. Brett, of Kloof, and Dr. and Mrs. Blake, of Durban North, for generous gifts of large numbers of books. 12