
We are deeply concerned at the small use that is being made of the Library. While it is far from being as well stocked as we should like it, there are nevertheless a great many interesting and in many cases expensive books, offering reference in all branches oflearning. Most of these appear to be hardly ever touched. We are hoping that there may be some re-arrangement of the control and management of the Library, and that provision can be made, as is customary at schools, for an official grant, which will enable the Librarian to keep the place stocked with up-to-date reading material. This should be the focal point of the school's study life, but at the moment is falling far short ofthat ideal. It is hoped too, that Staff will guide their classes into more personal research, and so help the Library to fulfil its proper function. J. F. R. KEARSNEY MOTOR CLUB Pressure of numerous and conflicting activities during the past two terms has prevented any major projects being undertaken — instead there has been a period of consolidation. The restoration of the elderly Wolseley has been completed and it is now in a condition approaching the original. With the exception of the shock-absorbers and the re-upholstering of the front seats, all the work was carried out by the Club. The car now possesses, in no small degree, a certain old fashioned charm and in this age of mass production and'planned obsolescence' has been a useful lesson in evoking in the boys some ofthe pride and satisfaction which can be engendered by meticulous workmanship and attention to detail. A trip to the Roy Hesketh circuit was arranged early on in the year, the workshop has been renovated and shelving is being in stalled, the Ford Motor Co. has kindly sent us automotive equip ment for educational purposes and the Club was the guest of the General Motors Corporation at their 'Autorama' exhibit. Under Mr. Mossom's guidance the old school tractor has been restored to full usefulness and a film show was held, the proceeds of which are earmarked for acquiring further equipment and auto motive literature. R.W. WINNING ESSAY (The following essay by A. R. Crewe gained First Prize — R60— in the Competition run by the Milk Board for schools of Natal.) 13