
and always forgot it. After the Play he celebrated a little unwisely, and fell, all arms and legs, into a white-ant hole, and had to be extricated by the Staff. In the School Play on the last night at the old Kearsney,1939, Mr.Hopkins' moustache falling off,"so that one end hung firm while the other end flapped back and forth over his mouth as he spoke. One lady had hysterics. Sister Attlee, acting in a Staff Play, making a crinoline for herself from the hoops of a mosquito net. Every time she sat down,the front of the hoop, with clothes attached, sprang up and hit her on the nose. The masters putting Epsom salts into a sandwich cake to find out which boy was stealing their evening left-overs. The culprit: the Head prefect, now a pillar of the Church. Edgar Wilkinson, as full-back, bravely tackling a tearaway Paddy Hopkins, getting his teeth entangled in his bootlaces, and having his two front teeth torn out. The nick-name Ngovola (cane-rat) did not suit so well after that. Myself, driving the cricket XI to Durban in the school bus,only to find, to my surprise,one of tlie back wheels flying up a side road at Verulam. Myself also, a complete rooinek, being given a plateful of some indigenous fruit(I think some form of cherry) by one of the boys, who watched me enjoy half of them, and then said: "I should warn you, sir, that some of them have worms in." I opened the other half, and found a worm in each. A teacher hurling a cricket ball through the glass of the Staffroom window, being rashly dared so to do. The masters lifting the minister's Austin 10through the school entrance and depositing it at the foot of the main staircase. The regularity with which lessons were interrupted by the unmistakable twitter of birds, indicating that a snake was present, generally a green mamba. Lessons were suspended,shot gun produced, and offender despatched. The tame duiker. Beauty, which adopted us and lived with us for five years, entering the classrooms, dormitories, dining hall and chapel. Ultimately killed by dogs while we were at a bioscope show. December 16th, 1932, when the temperature rose to 116 in the shade. On the following day Huberta the Hippo made her surprise appearance near Stanger and began her five-year wanderings down to her death at King Williams Town. Senior boy caught in the pantry one night, and putting on a sleep-walking act which took him innocently all the way back to his bed. The late Bill Payne, in one of the earliest Old Crocks matches, picking up scrum-half, ball and all, and running with him under his arms for 25 yards down the touchline. 16