
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol.6 No. 1 Juij^ 1965 EDITORIAL We are a very young school, even by South African standards. Bycomparison with the schools ofEngland,we are onlyjust hatched. But, quite humbly, we wonder whether any other Public or Private boarding school has grown and matured quite as quickly as we have. In a mere 44 years we have grown from 11, housed in a private mansion, to 460, with (as all will agree) buildings and grounds hardly surpassed in the country. In the 25 years at Botha's Hill we have increased by 350, and the original bleak and bare setting can now scarcely be visualised. There is no boasting in this. We are quite convinced that this school was needed, and that throughout its development the hand of Providence has been at work. The early private venture was not allowed to disintegrate, although at one stage faith and sacrifice was needed to save the school from dying. But it was willed that we should survive, and that our faith should be justified. So we see our young life now divided into three parts. There was the period of foundation, under the right Headmaster; a humble unambitious period m which stress was unostentatiously laid on those things which matter: tome, character, humility, tremendous loyalty from those who loved their school. When these foundations were well and truly laid,there followed the second stage,again under the right Headmaster:one of bricks and mortar,a physical develop ment, one which saw us grow and grow, in numbers and influence, until we could regard ourselves as a school which was making a real impact upon the wider community. That second stage is now over, expansion has ceased and, once more under the right Headmaster, we enter upon the third phase, one of consolidation and settling down:a phase stretching out into the unforeseeable future,in which we seek to implant the earlier characteristics into the later frame work. In this we are manifestly succeeding. Throughout all this advancement we pay tribute to the courage ofthe Board, and the quality and loyalty ofthe Staff. The exciting days are behind us, but the future is one of great interest and promise, as we seek to fulfil the ultimate plan which we feel sure has been ordained for us of God.