
BAND The band, under the leadership of Student Officer Sommerville has increased its strength to forty this year. There has been a notice able increase in enthusiasm and hard practising, and the N.C.O.'s are to be commended for their guidance ofthe twenty new members. Messrs. Inglis and Edwards have given valuable assistance at prac tices. The result of the band competition in September is eagerly awaited. M.S. ATHLETICS Captain: W.D.Sommerville. Committee: D. F. Clark and D. J. H. Muir (Finningley); J. F. Viljoen and J. H. Woodhouse (Gillingham); W. D. Sommerville and M.J. Knott(Pembroke). The first term was a busy time on the Athletic Track once the School Gala was over. Despite the limited time the boys gave themselves conscientiously to their training and on many an after noon one could witness a long stream of athletes, from sprinters to middle distance men, toiling up what has since been termed 'Heartbreak Hill'. The hill situated about one and a half miles from the school was the site chosen for conditioning training and although it broke the spirit of the lazy it built up both the power and the determination of those who persevered. The results gained are a tribute to hard work for as Fmil Zatopek the great Czechoslovakian athlete rightly commented "Athletics is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration'. STANDARDS COMPETITION Most of the boys in the school attempted the standards set for the events in their respective age divisions. An innovation this year was to set twostandards for each event. The lower mark was worth one point and the more diffieult two. From thecommencementthere was great rivalry between Pembroke and Finning ley.It was only the former's superiority in the open group thatswung thehonours in their direction. The final points position was: Pembroke 988 Finningley 936 Gillingham 754 26