
D.A.C. MEETING The Annual Meeting between D.A.C. and the College took place on Satur day 27th March. Competition was keen and interesting as the meeting served as a trial for the team to be selected to participate in the Triangular. The dual between M.Martin and P.Kirkwood in the mile was a foretaste ofsome thrilling encounters to follow, but without any doubt the most meritorious performance of the day was by T.R. Groom in the under fourteen half mile. He lowered the existing record of 2 mins. 23.4 sees, set up by A. Gage in 1953 to an excellent 2 mins. 10.7 sees. Howard Roberts the National quarter-mile champion im pressed both boys and spectators alike with his unusual prancing style in running a very good half-mile. TRIANGULAR Kearsney was the venue for the Annual Hilton - Michaelhouse - Kearsney Athletic Triangular which was held on Monday 29th March.A new programme was prepared for this year's competition where the three schools competed against each other in the respective events but as usual no overall scores were officially kept. The flat and hurdles events were run as relays, or team events where the position ofeach competitor helped to determine the result. The throws and jumps were decided on the aggregate of the two competitors from each school. Only two records fell during the meeting. In the mile open Peter Kirkwood ran a very well-judged race to win in 4 mins. 40.4 sees, and J. Pigott of Hilton won the under sixteen mile in 4 mins.55.2 sees.In the latter P.N.Smillie(4 mins. 55.7 sees.)and I. Gilbertson(4 mins. 55.9 sees.) were also within the old record. Kearsney were well to the fore, excelling in the four by one hundred and ten yard relays, winning all the age groups from the under fourteen to the open divisions. The "hill-work' mentioned earlier paid handsome dividends here. The results which follow show first the aggregate distance or height gained by the winning school and then the best individual performance. Long Jump(Open): l.M; 2. K; 3. H.Distance 38 ft. 2i ins. Lumley(M)19 ft. ins. Putting the Shot(Under IS): 1. K; 2. M; 3. H. Distance 78 ft. 7 ins. C.J. Mundell(K)39 ft. 6 ins. Hgh Jump(Under 16): l.M; 2. K; 3. H. Height 10 ft. 2ins. Brand(M)and D.Roberts(K)5 ft. 1 in. 2X 75 yards Hurdles Relay(Under 14): 1. M; 2. K; 3. H. Time 23.8 sees. LongJump(Under IS): 1. K; 2. M; 3 H. Distance 32 ft.9ins. P.W.Rolt(K) 16 ft. 10 ins. Putting the Shot(Open): 1. H; 2. K; 3. M. Distance 80 ft. 10 ins. N.Cards (H)42ft.6 ins. 4X 440yards Relay(two open and two under 16): 1.H; 2. M;3.K.Time 3 mins. 39 sees. High Jump(Under 14): 1. M; 2. K; 3. H. Height 9 ft. 1 in. M.Hutty(M) 4 ft. 8 ins. Throwing the Discus(Under 16): l.M; 2. H; 3. K. Distance 280 ft. 0^ in. M.Dickson(M)146 ft. 6J ins. 2X 111 yards Hurdles Relay(Under 16): l.M; 2.K; 3. H. Time 31.9 sees. 2X 111 yards Hurdles Relay(Open): 1. H; 2. K; 3. M. Time 29.7 sees. 27