
his present habit, and Martin came first of the boys: a double Kearsney triumph! The event was won by the schoolboys, who packed better and won all the middle places. The present League position in both divisions is as follows: A. Collegian Harriers 8 points Natal University 8 points Kearsney College 6 points Savages 2 points Durban Athletic Club 2 points Umbilo and Congella 0points B. Collegian Harriers 10 points Savages 6 points Kearsney College"B" 6 points Durban Athletic Club 6 points Natal University 0points RUGBY Captain: A. Paterson Committee: D. Clark (Vice-capt.)and S. Campbell With none of last year's team returning, the 1st XV is a com pletely new one. With no nucleus around which to build, it has been particularly difficult to find satisfactory three-quarters. Poor tackling and lack of experience, has led to many points being scored against us. Injuries and illness have played their part. In fact, fixtures against D.H.S. and College were cancelled due to 'flu. The forwards, ably led by Paterson, have gained a fair share of the ball, but the three-quarters were unable to make full use of the possession. Generally it was poor tackling, poor kicking, silly mis takes and lack of penetration which led to defeats. The team has been well led by Paterson, ably assisted by Clark and Campbell. 8th May MATCHES V5. Westville Lost0-9 Away Typical of the first game of the season, many errors were made, and play at times was very scrappy. Kearsney kicked off and were immediately on the attack. When a Kearsney forward went off-side Westville opened the score with a good kick at goal. Directly from the kick-off, Kearsney came to within yards of the Westville line through a good run by Viljoen down the right wing. Unfortunately he was injured when tackled and spent the rest of the game limping along with the forwards. Kearsney were repeatedly driven back when the ball was lost througli poor handling. The secorid half started with Kearsney moving and passing well. Ironically it was Westville who scored when from a loose scrum, the ball rolled loose, allowing them to kick the ball on,and go over for an unconverted try. The rest of this half saw Westville attacking and Kearsney starting to feel the pace.Shortly before the final whistle,a mis-kick found the Westville full-back on the Kearsney ten-yard line. Gathering the ball he kicked an excellent dropped goal, making the final score 9-0. 35