
vs. BeachwoOD Won 39-0 vs. Kloof'A' Won 9-0 J. W.S. SHOOTING With the arrival of the cadet rifles at the end of the first term, we were once again able to compete in the inter-school competitions after an abstinence of seven years. With only three weeks at our disposal, two teams were selected and given an intensive training course in preparation for the Bisley at the Athlone Range in Durban. COMPETITIONS Robert Hunter andPetiet Cup Competitions — 22nd May Out of the fourteen teams competing, the Kearsney 'A' team (Allen P.R.L., Keegan, Labuschagne and Scott) came tenth, and the'B'team(Ashby,C.,Crewe,Groom,J.,and Rake)came twelfth. Glenwood won both cups for the second year running. Allen shot the fourth highest score of the day with 99 out of a possible 100. D.L.I. Sergeants' Memorial Shield Brick Competition — 22nd May This was an elimination contest and competition was very close. Kearsney came very close indeed to qualifying for the semi-finals when firing against Glenwood, the eventual winners. Bisley — 5th June The standard of shooting was very high and the scores most competitive. Glenwood made a clean sweep and won five shields and a cup for an excellent display of marksmanship. Kearsney per formed well and narrowly missed winning the Hardaker Shield by 1 point out of300. Allen scored a possible 50. It is hoped that shooting facilities will now be extended to most ofthe cadet detachment,and that teams will compete against other schools on a friendly basis. Competition practice is probably one of the most important factors in producing marksmen. P.J. R. 38