
2,242 boys have had their names registered at the school, including 64 Old Boys'sons. Concern is being expressed at the number ofcricketers who leave school and then become 'lost'. The leavers in the Durban area are asked to contact J. H. Coombe, 26 St. Andrews Drive, Durban North (Phone 835109), who is only too eager to rope in any he can find. Will you please diarise the following: Saturday, Sept. 4th. Old Boys' Reunion and matches.(On this day the South African Cross-country Championships will be run on the Kearsney course.) Monday, Sept. 6th (Settlers' Day). Band Competition in Durban. Friday, October 1st. Speech Day and Prize-giving. (It is hoped to have Dr. Birley, ex-Headmaster of Eton College, as Guest Speaker.) Sunday,November 14th. Remembrance Sunday. Old Boys are welcome at these and other functions. J. F.R. DOMESTIC NEWS Engagements R. G. Brown, G. A. Leitch, J. Shave. Married J. Atkinson, M.Ellis, J. Lacey,P.A.Lee,I. Mcllwraith,K.Morgan, B. Sommerville, N. Stott, W.A. Whitward,C. C. Hopkins, Dr. E. Caney. Births D. Benporath (daughter), J. Carter (daughter), D. Dukes (son), S. T. Fish (son), A. C. Gage(son), U. Groom (daughter), B. Hagemann(son),A.Hunt(son), N.Kitchin(son),H.Lund(son),T. Metcalf(son), M.Moon(daughter), C.Rindel(daughter),A.R.Schruer (son), B.Stokoe(daughter), A. J. Tedder(daughter), J. P. S.Turner (daughter), A. Wareing (son). Deaths Philip Henry Hind We were stunned by the sudden and tragic death of Philip Hind (25-30) in an air-crash on the morning of Monday, March 8th. Only two days before he had sat through the swimming Gala, cheering on his sons, and radiating the friendliness which had always been one of his greatest characteristics. As a boy at school he had shown gaiety of spirit, and his high-pitched laugh used to echo ceaselessly round the Old School premises. The high regard in which he was even then held led to his being awarded the Good Comradeship Medal. 40