
years a Captain in the Army Paymaster's Department where his work was highly thought of. Ross was at Kearsney from 1924 to 1932, so another link with the early years of the School has been lost to us. They were nine happy years for him because of the fellowship that he both found and gave among the other boys.He made no great name for himself either in studies or in games but he was a 'good companion' at all times and was ever ready to be helpful to his fellows and to volunteer a service for adults when he saw the opportunity to assist. In later years he displayed a similar unselfishness and readiness to serve the community in which he lived so there are many who will miss his cheerful personality and comradely outlook. We offer our sympathy to his Mother and to his sister, Dorothy, and to his elder brother, Desmond, who was President of the Old Boys' Club in 1961 and 1962. OLD BOYS' NEWS At THE Graduation Ceremony, Natal University, the following Old Boys received degrees: B.A.: A.J. C. Daniel, G.D. Dyer,A.R.Ewing. B.Sc.: G. J. Koopal,P. J. Reece. B.Econ.: J. M.V. Bradshaw. B.Comm.: K.J. S. Wooller. B.Sc.(Eng.): C. M.Downie,R. Moffitt. B.Sc.(Agric.): A. C. Cantrell, J. F. Shire, M. D. Silburn, G. D. Wiseman. B.A.(Hons.): F. R. Hagemann (Speech and Drama), C. E. A. von Keyserlingk(Psychology). B.Sc.(Hons.): R.C. Rhodes(Geology). M.Sc.(Eng.): A.N. Chalmers(Electrical Engineering). D.Ph.: L. D.S. Glass(past Staff)for a Thesis on:'Sir Henry Loch and the Matabele War'. A.O.R. Askew (34-36) has sold his farm at Umhlali and now devotes his time entirely to professional photography. J.E.M.Anderson(60-63)spent 1964 in the army. At the end ofthe year he obtained a Chamber of Mines Bursary and gained acceptance into all the Medical Schools for which he applied. Wits was his final choice. He pays high tribute to his Kearsney grounding. W.H. C. Aitcheson (31-32) is with the Pietermaritzburg Branch ofthe Adfa/ Mercury,and specialises in the write-up ofPlays and Music.He paid the School a long deferred visit for the night of the Miracle Plays. 43