
S. M.Jackson (41-43) is in the Secretary's department, Consolidated Dia mond Mines,Oranjemund. G.M.Jones(56-60)is completing his fifth year printing apprenticeship with the Natal Witness. He now lives at Kearsney with his mother, Mrs. V.Sambrook, who used to be the Finningley Matron. Dr.J. B.King(29-36) is full-time lecturer and assistant physician at the Faculty of Medicine, Cape Town University. R. S. Kamstra (57-60) believes that variety is the spice of life. He tried medicine at Wits(1961)and gave it up;entered the motor trade(1962)and trans ferred to the Mines(1963) where he passed first year Engineering; did part of second-year Engineering (1964) and retired in favour of the National Cash Register Co., with a view to studying computer work. Retired again. Then joined a Johannesburg tyre retreading firm and is now (1965) in Cape Town opening up a new market in retreads. He expects to return to the Reef. Wecan't wait for the next instalment! R. J. Lee (41-44) is technical manager for Paper Sacks, Durban. He con tinues to serve the Methodist Church as a local preacher. C.C. Larsen (59-62) is managing the Newton Park branch of the C.N.A., Port Elizabeth. For relaxation he is actively engaged in go-karting. I. H.D.Lund(45-49)who is brother-in-law of the cricket Springboks, Peter van der Merwe and John Waite, came up early in the year on business for his Cape Town firm, and spent a day at the school. Like so many others, he was amazed at the transformations here since his last visit six years ago. S.B. A.Longhurst(51-55) has been silent for a long time. We learn that he took his B.A.(Law)at Rhodes, and was admitted as Attorney in Bulawayo in 1963. Ffe has since moved to Gwelo, where his senior partner is Minister of Justice in Rhodesia.He has kept his cricket and rugger going, playing for Matabeleland at both. A. Lowenstein (58-62) is in his second year Engineering at Wits. D.G.T. Leather(44-48)continues to show good batting form in Salisbury, and captained Alexandra C.C. to the top of their I.eague. He was selected to play for Rhodesia against the touring Worcestershire XI. C. H. Lee (48-52) has been transferred by the Continental Oil Company from Houston, U.S.A., to Berkeley Square, London. T.M.McKenzie(42-46)is now doing general farming at Baynesfleld, Natal. P.E. Metcalf(44-47)spent the first term of this year on the staff of Kingswood School, Bath, where his father was once a pupil. He noted many points of similarity with ourselves, and was impressed by the lovely countryside and 'the atmosphere of permanence which is so noticeable in these old buildings with their historic associations'. He has, since Easter, been back on our own staff. D.S.Murdoch (51-54)has continued to score runs fluently and was selected for a Natal XI. M.A. Moon (54-58) is Assistant Manager to Stern's, Jewellers, Durban. His wife has the misfortune of being blind. B.G.P. Murray(53-56), Chartered Accountant,is Administrative Manager for Greaves&Thomas,furniture makers,Durban. He has recently been helping to open another factory in Johannesburg. P. Myburgh (57-60) is working for O.K. Bazaars, Johannesburg, as trainee executive. A.L.Mundell(43-48)runs a prosperous store in Mount Frere, East Griqualand. He and his wife, who is a music and ballet teacher, take a leading part in amateur theatrical work, and help to produce at least two plays a year. 48