
Kearsney College Chronicle Vol.6 No.2 December, 1965 EDITORIAL Writing in a personal capacity, and not as Editor, I would say that one of the most stimulating experiences we ofthe older regime enjoy is the association with Kearsney Old Boys. Be it at reunions and functions at the School, or in the course of travels about the coimtry, we meet them, little changed in spite of advancing years, always interesting, always loyal in their attachment to the School and to one another,always extending the hand offriendship. Many have reached high office in the Church, the Professions, Industry, Commerce; others ply their business at a humbler level; yet all enjoy a common fellowship when they get together. We would hesitate to say that there is a recognisable"something" about a Kearsney Old Boy, although no doubt most schools would claim to have made their special imprint upon their own pupilsWhat we do emphasise is the undeniable pleasure gained from meet ing them,learning oftheir successes,oftheir families,oftheir aspira tions, and above all rejoicing in the affection they so patently show for the school and for those who once ruled over them. There would indeed be something amiss with a school if its ex-pupils fought shy ofit, or ofone another. We are happy to recall thatfrom its earliest days Kearsney has attracted its Old Boys back, and the amount of news retailed in the Old Boys' Section of our Magazines is indicative ofthe closeness ofthe contact they maintain with those who like to hear from them. Floreant omnes. ■55