
EXAMINATION RESULTS Our Natal Senior Certificate results were the best eveirn the history of the School.Following Denis Brothers'success last year,I have pleasure in recording the outstanding achievement of three of our boys. M.Fienberg, with 7A's and 1 B and D. Barnard also with 7 A's and 1 B were placed 1st and 2nd in Natal respectively, while T. W.F. Smith gained 5 A's,2 B's and a C. All three boys achieved'A'aggregates and together 19 distinctions.In all there were 25 Matric passes with Merit.I am very pleased to announce the award of Natal University Scholarships of R200 p.a. to Michael Fienberg and Tom Smith and also the Mobil Scholarship of R600 to Tom Smith. D. Barnard was awarded the Jan Hofmeyr Bursary of R600 p.a. at the University of the Witwatersrand. In the Natal Junior Certificate there were 18 Merit Passes of whom Allen, P. R. L.; Paul, R. L,; Reece,D. F. and Kluge,R. L. were awarded Provincial Bursaries. The Taalbond results were also most satisfying: Voorbereidende: Passed Hoer 1; Gewone 42. Laer: Passed Hoer 1;Gewone 34. Hoer; Passed Gewone 10. The Kearsney College Entrance Scholarship for 1965 (R200 p.a.) was awarded to M. B. Booth of Cordwalles. NUMBERS Our numbers total 455 including 35 day boys. The following figures may be of interest: Sons of Ministers 13 Sons of Kearsney Old Boys Boys with sisters at Epworth Boys domiciled in Natal Boys domiciled in the Transvaal Boys domiciled in other Provinces and territories 30 35 318 76 61 president's visit I^spite a very full programme, the President of Conference, the Rev. Seth Mokitimi, was able to pay us a brief but most welcome visit on Sunday, 20th June. We appreciate his making this special effort on behalf of our schools, realising especially the tremendous demands that are made on his time and energy. After an impressive Service the President was introduced to the Prefects and then met Staff and friends over a cup of tea at the Headmaster's house. RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS At the morning Service on Sunday, 5th September, 39 of our boys were received into full membership of our Church by the Rev. C. Edgar Wilkinson,, a past President of the Methodist Church and himself an Old Boy. We extend our congratulations to these New Members on this significant step in their lives and pray that God's blessings may rest on them and their families. SPORT 1 am pleased to inform the Board that our Natal representation for 1964 was as follows: Rugby 3 Cricket 2 Athletics 7 Cross-Country(Junior) 3 Cross-Country (Senior) 1 On Saturday, 6th February, a record in Kearsney sport was established when 13cricket teams were playing —seven away and six at home.All available fields were in commission, including the two new fields started in 1964. Mr. Prozesky is largely responsible for building up this tremendous enthusiasm for cricket. 58