
Tea on the lawns; quite a feature this. And with it, a lot ofleavetaking, for the last time; the parting of boys and boys, boys and Staff, parents and staff. Suddenly those who have waited impatiently for this day realise that this is, after all, a rather poignant moment. Mr. Hopkins gave a brief report on activities since Speech Day. The mam items, other than those already mentioned in the Maga zine, were: Staff fr^ G. Currin will be returning Bold and L Zaayman^ ^ ^ welcoming Messrs. K. Balcomb (Old Water abouYM^v^nf TV T Pinetown Regional Water Supply by about May of 1966. This will remove anxieties caused by droughts. Water disposal A large brick reservoir is being built, and it is hoped that a pumping plant can be installed. This will enable the school to use about 10000 gallons a day of waste water for irrigating the fields. ® ^ Language Laboratory D information has been requested from the Cultural Attache of the British Embassy,Pretoria,for transmission to London.We have also been asked Development new staff houses are being built. Further plots have been bought on Kearsney College Road. Building sites, further playing-field space, and a new ^proach road have been bull-dozed. The School is grateful to Old Bov Basil !?fh™K"na' Earthworks, who was responsible for our getting the use ^the bull^zer at the cost of fuel and labour only. We thank him and his Managing Director, Mr. Bowles, for this concession. Electricity .11 porssi"?ot'f.!rnd™g'ioS Appreciation Headmaster expressed his appreciation to all,from the Chairman ofthe .. f handed out the Prizes. In his closing remarks he referred to the Headmaster's assurance that there would be no thft demands", but at the same time pointed out a a good Headmaster would alw ys b w nting ore, and tha "WhatIT" Tf sympathy. He posed the question IS Kearsney? .It is notju t the classrooms,the ground the h?n.'r'Tb' hut an amalgum of these com- bi ed with an atmosphere which comes to be created by staff and boys, by the impressions and comments of visitors. A visitor df ^^fi, hke the friendliness. Everybody greets me though they don t know me. There is a respect for other people' and an obvious interestin the welfare and good name ofthe Sdiool." 65